
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15
  1. Magnet
    Ghost's most ambitious achievement yet. [#74, p.98]
  2. A work of absolute beauty, chaos, seductive darkness and cosmic light.
  3. Spin
    An ecstatic, angry, gorgeously mournful manifesto. [Jan 2007, p.89]
  4. In Stormy Nights is by no means the first time Ghost have plugged in and upped the volume, but it is easily their most unhinged, aggressive record; they make a show of steamrolling their subtler instincts.
  5. Under The Radar
    On In Stormy Nights, Ghost does what they do best--compress decades of psychedelic and avant-garde music into a modern melange that will please fans from the folk end of the spectrum to the harshest of noiseniks. [#16, p.99]
  6. Uncut
    The intense grandeur... is still quite a shock. [Feb 2007, p.73]
  7. Difficult. All very difficult. But cheap dates get old quick, don't they?
  8. And though In Stormy Nights-- with its numerous false leads, over-the-top presentation and undisguised self-indulgence-- can hardly be said to be a perfect work, one has to admire and celebrate Ghost's determination never to step in the same river twice.
  9. [The] longer track... just completely derails what would otherwise be a fairly solid and concise album.
  10. Through its overarching range, it ably balances silence with noise, restraint with reckless abandon.
  11. While the album as a whole is far from being perfect, moments of it are some of the most gorgeous and interesting things I have heard.
  12. It's a more oblique successor to 1999's self-explanatory 'Tune In, Turn On, Free Tibet', and, paradoxically, their most focused effort yet.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 4 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. attaboy
    Jan 29, 2007
    it's good, but certainly challenging. they've progressed, which is an admirable thing for bands to do, especially when their canvas it's good, but certainly challenging. they've progressed, which is an admirable thing for bands to do, especially when their canvas is so far out. that said, i don't want to be that guy who longs for the more melodic stuff done previously, but i am that guy. just this once i wanted hypnotic underworld II. Full Review »
  2. KevinK
    Jan 28, 2007
    Not bad but a little too pretentious for me.