• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Dec 5, 2000
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 27 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 27
  2. Negative: 2 out of 27

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  1. JP
    Aug 6, 2002
    Better or as good as Floyd in most places... Amused/Miracle/Comf Numb all brilliant
  2. BSingh
    Apr 19, 2005
    This is the best LIVE DVD I have ever seen! The sound is incredible!
  3. IsraelK.
    Jun 7, 2002
    i live 22 years (in israel) and i never seen any performence that look sound and feel the roger water -live- show
  4. harooni
    Sep 19, 2003
    Well,I ve always been a fan of Gilmour And I preferred him over Waters after their conflicts but I really admit that THIS ALBUM HAS GOT THE TRUE MAGICAL FLAVOUR OF PF. Specially the greatest solo of Phrygian dominant I ever heard is the new " set the controls of the heart of the sun " huh truly exotic. And the "comfortably numb" played just as Gilmour did in the past.
  5. BeverlyS
    Mar 16, 2004
    I think to appreciate this CD as a Roger Waters solo project, separate from PF, you definitely have to have the DVD version. It's absolutely my favorite of all my DVD's. He took me back to 17 again. He took me down memory lane.
  6. JakeM
    Jan 9, 2005
    OH MAN where do i start. I picked this album off from my parents and ive always been a Pink Floyd fan (they are my fav band) but oh my god Roger Waters and his band just take the cake on some of these songs. Im a drummer but Waters is def. my fav bass player. My fav songs on here are Set the controls for the heart of the sun, welcome to the machine, its a miracle, The Bravery of being out OH MAN where do i start. I picked this album off from my parents and ive always been a Pink Floyd fan (they are my fav band) but oh my god Roger Waters and his band just take the cake on some of these songs. Im a drummer but Waters is def. my fav bass player. My fav songs on here are Set the controls for the heart of the sun, welcome to the machine, its a miracle, The Bravery of being out of range, dogs and of course in the flesh! but to be less spacific i LOVE the entire album!!! Expand
  7. denise
    Apr 16, 2005
    This album rocks!!
  8. RobM
    May 24, 2005
    Un freaking believable DVD! I watched it on my Sony projection TV in digital Dolby surround. It is with out a doubt not only the best music DVD i ever bought but also the best period. It has all the greats hits. I saw roger Waters live in concert in Montreal, and let em tell you it was like being there all over again pumped up in 5.1 surround... i paid $26.95 Cnd for it ... i have watched Un freaking believable DVD! I watched it on my Sony projection TV in digital Dolby surround. It is with out a doubt not only the best music DVD i ever bought but also the best period. It has all the greats hits. I saw roger Waters live in concert in Montreal, and let em tell you it was like being there all over again pumped up in 5.1 surround... i paid $26.95 Cnd for it ... i have watched it 4 times so far, all 170 mins of it... it is a must for any classic rock or Pink Floyd fan! Tip: have aa few drinks before you watch it and turn off the lights and turnup the volume! ENJOY! Rob.. Expand
  9. JeffR
    Jan 18, 2007
    An awesome DVD from the consumate showman Roger Waters. The musicians are top shelf and the whole band is awesome together. Waters shows his passion is still 100% there.
  10. RogerE.
    Aug 13, 2007
    Pink Floyd personified. Musical theater. Waters doing what Waters does best....setting the stage for a group of professionals to do their best with some of the best pop material ever written under Water's direction. Simply amazing arrangements. Yes, I have 'Pulse'. This is better.
  11. Leslie
    Sep 19, 2002
    Come on people, the man is a lyrical genius. If it werent't for him there wouldn't have been a Pink Floyd and im saying that in past tense because Dave's version of Pink Floyd sucks
  12. jsawyer
    Jun 15, 2005
    I own 4000 DVDs, almost half are concert videos. If i could keep only one of the lot, this MF would be the one! A M A Z I N G
  13. lairdj
    Jan 25, 2006
    Brilliant. Old Floyd, new Waters, everything is just spot on - better than Pulse, without a doubt.
  14. TimK.
    Jul 7, 2008
    lacking the backup vocals of gilmour this album wasn't quite as good as the original tracks, but I enjoyed it greatly, but when I can I still listen to the original Pink Floyd.
  15. MarkSomething
    Feb 2, 2005
    I was amazed when I bought this album. I'm not much of a Waters fan, but he sounds as though he's in his prime-- his voice has improved in power and range since his Pink Floyd days. I had read a number of reviews complaining that he was washed up, but I bought the album recently anyway. I'm glad that I did! He picked an appropriate selection from the earlier range of his I was amazed when I bought this album. I'm not much of a Waters fan, but he sounds as though he's in his prime-- his voice has improved in power and range since his Pink Floyd days. I had read a number of reviews complaining that he was washed up, but I bought the album recently anyway. I'm glad that I did! He picked an appropriate selection from the earlier range of his career, although mostly middle-Pink Floyd based. If I had to criticise, I find the backup vocal accompiniment erratic-- sometimes it's very moving, but at other times it goes over the top. Highlights of the album are a powerful rendition of "Dogs" (from the Animals album) and the mysterious "Into the Heart of the Sun" (from the Syd Barrett days of Pink Floyd). I recommend the CD: I haven't seen the DVD yet. Expand
  16. CarlM
    Aug 24, 2006
    Excellent set and excellent performances. Waters holds the essential ingredient for Pink Floyd. Much much better than Pulse, which is so deadpan its only value for me was to demonstrate that Waters is the only Floyd member who could not be replaced.
  17. zother
    Jan 23, 2005
    This album gets better every time I listen to it. Although I think it misses Gilmore, more than pulse misses Waters. However both these albums highlight that Floyd was better than its component parts. Waters solo work is the best part of this album and sounds great live. I am glad I purchased this album and look forward to Waters next album.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. As the man who wrote Pink Floyd's lyrics, he is far more concerned with their meaning than his old bandmates, and you can hear that in his singing, which is emphasized without robbing the music of its magisterial power. In fact, with a band boasting several guitarists - primarily Doyle Bramhall II, Andy Fairweather Low, and Snowy White - to make up for the lack of Pink Floyd's David Gilmour, Waters effectively recreates the sound of his Pink Floyd work.
  2. There's admirable sonic purity to these live recordings, but that only underscores the astonishing lack of verve in the performances.
  3. A couple of hours negotiating the treacherous whirlpools of Waters's fears, paranoia and loathing can still prove a slog, mind, no matter how stately the settings.