• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jun 14, 2005
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 170 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 9 out of 170

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  1. TimL
    Jan 26, 2007
    Honestly, this is one of the worst albums I have ever bought/heard. It's Dave Grohl trying to imitate the rest of the industry, and honestly it's just a waste of time. The first album tries to rock it out, and can only pull it off in the best of you, the rest is just simply horrible, and you are saying to yourself "how could this possibly get any worst" well pop in the acoustic Honestly, this is one of the worst albums I have ever bought/heard. It's Dave Grohl trying to imitate the rest of the industry, and honestly it's just a waste of time. The first album tries to rock it out, and can only pull it off in the best of you, the rest is just simply horrible, and you are saying to yourself "how could this possibly get any worst" well pop in the acoustic cd and find out. I am a sucker for acoustic music, and I have never heard anything acoustic I hated... well until this cd. It's just absolutely boring, same rhythym through out the whole cd with very weak lyrics. I gave this cd a 3/10 simply because best of you is one of my favorite foo songs, but other then that single song, this album is to be completely avoided by self respecting music fans. Expand
  2. CosmoPrelog
    Jun 16, 2005
    Thanks Dave! For the good times. Thanks Dave! the laughs have been plenty. Thanks Dave! You are an tremendous influence. Thanks Dave! For setting the bar so friggen high that I can never attain my dream of becoming a rock God. Thanks Dave! For stealing my girlfriend the night before my wedding. Thanks Dave! For being indirectly responsible for the divorce of my parents. Thanks Dave for Thanks Dave! For the good times. Thanks Dave! the laughs have been plenty. Thanks Dave! You are an tremendous influence. Thanks Dave! For setting the bar so friggen high that I can never attain my dream of becoming a rock God. Thanks Dave! For stealing my girlfriend the night before my wedding. Thanks Dave! For being indirectly responsible for the divorce of my parents. Thanks Dave for running over my dog Sid. Thanks Dave! Getting fired from my job wasn't the worst thing that could have happened. Thanks Dave! For burning my toast and bacon this morning. Thanks Dave! For just fucking being there! Thanks Dave! Thanks for making a record just for me, In my Honor. Expand
  3. BrianM
    Jun 14, 2005
    OH, WILL SOMEONE PLEASE SHUT DAVE GHROL UP AND TELL HIM HE'S NOT KURT!!!!!!!!! This whole thing is irritating and devoid of any merit of existence. If I have to listen to this once more I will with no doubt blow MY brains out with a fucking shotgun.
  4. IlyaI
    Jul 20, 2005
    The worst album of FF, nothing
  5. BaxterB
    Oct 1, 2005
    both CDs fucking suck
  6. RandyB
    Jun 28, 2005
    The more you listen to Dave Ghrol's ever annoying vocals and flimmy lyrics, the more you're convinced he should just stick to playing drums.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. The New York Times
    The rock CD overpowers the acoustic one. Yet among the quieter songs, there are enough supple melodies and hypnotic guitar patterns to suggest fine prospects for a follow-through album that would dare to mix plugged-in and unplugged. [12 Jun 2005]
  2. Los Angeles Times
    Loud, anthemic, joyous and bitter, it's easily the best Foo Fighters album in a decade. [12 Jun 2005]
  3. It is clean, polished rock with a vaguely punk edge that stays within a clear set of boundaries but in doing so manages to appeal to indie-kids and metal-lovers alike.