by RM
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  1. Apr 17, 2023
    This Album is Neither RM's Nor Rap Monster's ; it's purely and roughly a diary of the person called Kim Namjoon. It really shows in his lyrics. A No skip discography and has various genres of Music and the way he didn't collaborated with big Artists but he did with those who he really admired and inspired by their Music. Everyone he chosen is really a great artists who r not got theThis Album is Neither RM's Nor Rap Monster's ; it's purely and roughly a diary of the person called Kim Namjoon. It really shows in his lyrics. A No skip discography and has various genres of Music and the way he didn't collaborated with big Artists but he did with those who he really admired and inspired by their Music. Everyone he chosen is really a great artists who r not got the recognition for their talent Expand
  2. Apr 17, 2023
    Kim Namjoon’s album saved me when I thought I had not much else to live for. I was drowning in life and Indigo threw me a much needed life jacket. Every syllable, every note, every moment of silence on this album is so intentional and carries so much meaning behind it. Namjoon is already an incredibly accomplished songwriter, and with Indigo he cements his reputation and takes it to wholeKim Namjoon’s album saved me when I thought I had not much else to live for. I was drowning in life and Indigo threw me a much needed life jacket. Every syllable, every note, every moment of silence on this album is so intentional and carries so much meaning behind it. Namjoon is already an incredibly accomplished songwriter, and with Indigo he cements his reputation and takes it to whole new heights. What he has done here cannot be replicated, and I wonder whether anyone would even have the balls to try. He made people feel SEEN. The eldest daughter. The middle child. The one who just graduated from their dream degree. The one who just dropped out of school. The one who’s at the height of their career. The one who, try as they may, cannot seem to progress in their workplace. Every single one of them would find this piece of art relatable. It’s not just a piece of art either, he has lent us a piece of his heart, and it is equal parts heartbreaking and exhilarating. If you haven’t already, I hope you give Indigo a listen. I hope you stream it on Spotify and Apple Music, I hope you stream the music videos on YouTube. It’s time we give Indigo her due flowers. The fact that this album is not absolutely drowning in accolades is yet another failure of our society and one that must be rectified, hopefully by the time RM’s next album hits. PS. Kim Namjoon, if you ever read this, you are so loved. Do not ever despair, because you are so loved by so many, and this love of ours can get you over any obstacle life throws at you. THANK YOU! Expand
  3. Apr 17, 2023
    Indigo is a masterpiece! I hope I can stress this enough. RM did a great job as usual with his wonderful lyricism. All his verses in each song all came from his most vulnerable thoughts, his various experiences, and his struggles as a person. It is an archive of his 20s and I think a lot of people can really resonate with that.
  4. Apr 17, 2023
    Best album of the year for me, his music have showered so much positivity. Love collaboration with the other great artist!
  5. Apr 17, 2023
    I love this album very much! I'm listening to it everyday!! My favorites are No. 2 and Hectic!!!
  6. Apr 17, 2023
    Me encantan todas sus canciones. Se me haría imposible intentar elegir cual es mi favorita entre tantas obras de arte
  7. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. best album of my life! I felt very happy when I listened to it. Namjoon I love you! Expand
  8. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Indigo es un álbum muy bonito con canciones muy significativas, con una buena melodía y una buena letra. Yo me siento muy identificada con este álbum. La canción que más me gustó fue Closer Expand
  9. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Very impressive album. Well prepared, very aesthetic for a genius like namjoon Expand
  10. Apr 17, 2023
    One of my favourite album. All songs are beautiful and unique. If you set aside the hate, you will actually realise how beautiful it is. Listen to it without hating, then maybe you will be able to truly listen it.
  11. Apr 17, 2023
    This song is very amazing. Everytime im go to listening this songs. Thanks RM you make this album very perfect
  12. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Oh! Realmente RM sabe como expresar sus sentimientos en la música, y si Indigo es el claro ejemplo de eso. Expand
  13. Apr 17, 2023
    best album ever! the songs are so good and the lyrics are so comforting!! please listen to the album alot
  14. Apr 17, 2023
    Great album with a variety of genres beautiful lyrics outstanding rap and vocals
  15. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Indigo is the album that will stay with you forever. Honest stories RM has told through beautiful lyrics will make you emotional, but happy in a way. Every song has each own color but they all create amazing painting - Indigo. Expand
  16. Apr 17, 2023
    This is one of the best album ever. The way Namjoon conveyed the message he wanted to convey is really impressive. All the meaning of all the songs are so deep and incredible. Indeed he is the best song writer. Please give it a lot of love
  17. Apr 17, 2023
    This album is so wholesome and beautiful every single song in it is just a vibe. It's best listened to in order because for sure there are no skips
  18. Apr 17, 2023
    特别棒的一张专辑 种类丰富 歌词艺术性很高 编曲也很厉害 每首歌都超级好听 每次听都很感动 伟大的
  19. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. this album is very good. and the songs are very beautiful and have a positive meaning. Expand
  20. Apr 18, 2023
    Eargasm!!...a genre of its own. Namjoon is truly an artist and it shows in his album. All the songs differ from each other.
  21. Apr 17, 2023
    just wow ! The album is really a breath of fresh air i loved it and i listen to it on repeat!
  22. Apr 17, 2023
    This album speaks healing, all the songs are masterpiece. Namjoon is really a genius lyricist
  23. Apr 17, 2023
    One of the best Albums ever, he is truly an artist!! I really recommend it to everyone who enjoys poetic lyrics, beautiful melodies, amazing vocals and outstanding rap!
  24. Apr 17, 2023
    as someone who is familiar with RM's work over the years, his growth and maturity are very visible. He has a way with words that is so uniquely him, and so genius, that listeners should really focus on his lyrics and drink them in bit by bit. and just like his mixtapes, Namjoon's mixtapes accompany you through life, from an angry teenager, to a lost and scared young adult, to, and i hopeas someone who is familiar with RM's work over the years, his growth and maturity are very visible. He has a way with words that is so uniquely him, and so genius, that listeners should really focus on his lyrics and drink them in bit by bit. and just like his mixtapes, Namjoon's mixtapes accompany you through life, from an angry teenager, to a lost and scared young adult, to, and i hope one day i can reach that age, an adult who is learning to heal and telling a raw story of his life. Expand
  25. aul
    Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. YUMMMMM ITS SOOO GEWD YOU DID A GREAT JOB KIM NAMJOON. INDIGO IS A MASTERPIECE❤️‍ Expand
  26. Apr 17, 2023
    10 different genres, 10 different songs, interesting & well placed collaborations exploring possibilities & sound dynamics outside the more mainstream-aligned sound of the group.
    Everytime I'm struck how Wild Flower is truly a lyrical epic masterpiece
  27. Apr 17, 2023
    This album is filled with songs with different emotions and moods. The lyrics of each track have so much meaning, not many people are able to create art. But Namjoon is great at it.
  28. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It is such a great album. One the best music player c by RM. He is the poet of this generation. Closer is such a bop Expand
  29. Apr 17, 2023
    This album is filled with very sensual songs in Namjoon's style. The extraordinary depth of the lyrics makes the heart beat faster and the soul flutter. After listening to all the songs, you will never be disappointed in it, so I recommend it to everyone!
  30. Apr 17, 2023
    This album deserves the highest rating NO DOUBT. It is crafted with a whole lot of story behind it that one would be surprised if they just pay attention (leaving the misery up to you lot) it’s also famous for all the big names namjoon has pulled in order to collab with him — that does not just happen to anyone. this deserves every listen it gets.
  31. Apr 17, 2023
    this album is a masterpiece!! the lyrics, the music, everything is top notch! THANK YOU SO MUCH RM FOR SUCH AN AMAZING ALBUM! LOVE YOU!
  32. Apr 17, 2023
    Love the songs WILD FLOWER and LONELY. I really enjoyed the Album Indigo by Namjoon
  33. Apr 17, 2023
    The best álbum! I love
    RM é incrível, casa letra melhor que a outra. Com certeza índigo foi um estouro. Mais pessoas deveriam conhecer e amar
  34. Apr 17, 2023
    Amazing album! Cada música é única e muito bem pensada e trabalhada. Orgulhosa do RM um artista de sucesso!!
  35. Apr 17, 2023
    The album is amazing! Every song has so much meaning. Namjoon is amazing at writing lyrics. Thanks for your thoughts and music. Indigo is a masterpiece!
  36. Apr 17, 2023
    Love RM's Indigo Album. Listening to it without skip since its release via iTunes & Spotify.
  37. Apr 17, 2023
    Woow. this is just the most beautifully put album I've heard in a long time 100%!! I have listened to the group BTS but this is the best one in BTS so far. Hands down!!
  38. Apr 17, 2023
    Its one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.

    ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnns Its one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever
    Its one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.

    ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnns Its one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnnsIts one of the best álbum i ever heard in my life, no kidding.ajajajsjsjjsjsnsnmsiqjwnnwj1k2kwmmwmwnsnsnjsjsjsnns
  39. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. RM will always be my favorite musician of all time. I love how his words truly resonate with me and all listeners. All his works are legendary and I can say the same for this very album Indigo. Rm showcases and proves a lot in this album. I'm already aware of his fantastic lyrics, but this album goes beyond amazing. His vocals are everything I don't understand why he doesn't showcase them as much but his voice in this album is more than perfect. I think he really did a great job working with his picked collaborators, he decide which is the most fitted person in each and every song and all of them really delivered. What I also like about this album is it is very easy to listen to, you can jam with it all you want on the first listen I'm a little sad because it's quite short but now I really appreciate it and I think the duration of the album is just right not too short and not too long. If want to hear more from him you can also listen to his previous releases and more so look forward to what is to come. I recommend listening to it when you're studying it helps to be more working and especially when you are sad it helps. I love all the songs in this album so my favorites always change hahaha. Recently I love Forg_tful, Closer, No.2, Lonely, and Wildflower hahaha I just love all of them that I'm about to write all songs. Recommended 100%

    Calling him by his stage name RM is hard lol. I'm used to calling him Namjoon, Joon, and Namu.
    Anyways, stream guys no pressure, NO PRESSURE. Spread love ^-^
  40. Apr 17, 2023
    INDIGO by RM es una joya atemporal, es de estos álbumes que vas a amar durante años, las colaboraciones y las letras de RM traspasan el alma. Le doy un 10 porque no está el 100
  41. Eyl
    Apr 17, 2023
    An album of excellent tracks from start to finish. I love the emotions it evokes in me. He is an artist with a brilliant lyricism I support him
  42. Apr 17, 2023
    Execelente album, es increíble la cantidad de colores con las que cuenta este
  43. Apr 17, 2023
    Absurdamente INCRÍVEL.
    Rm entregou um trabalho maravilhoso
    Muito fenomenal!
  44. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. 'Indigo' es un álbum que contiene canciones que fueron hechas por el cantautor líder de BTS, una banda asiática con una inmensa popularidad y ese es RM, un rapero. Que en este álbum demostró su excelsa vocal a la hora de cantar, la presición con la que puede controlar su vocal es digna de un profesional.

    En fin, este álbum muestra la sensibilidad de RM, aquella cara que ARMY [nombre de los fanáticos] nunca habían conocido, demuestra los pensamientos agobiantes que te llevan a enredarte en un mar infinito de “querer ser el mejor” dando como final una sabía reflexión.

    Si sw fijan bien, los nombres de las canciones, forman una oración.

    Eso. Índigo obtiene mi 10 por ser un álbum precioso.
  45. Apr 17, 2023
    RM's first official solo album is amazing. Every song is a gem, but my favorites may be "Closer," "Hectic," and "No. 2."
  46. Apr 17, 2023
    Namjoon created an album which guides you through several diffrent feelings the human goes through in his twentys. It's a story that gives you reassurance and hope, even though there is sadness and anger in your life. The grand finale is Wildflower which brings you peace and tells you "it's going to be ok, no matter which path you are on now"
  47. Apr 17, 2023
    Its a very beautiful album from RM, hes truly loves his music so much
  48. Apr 17, 2023
    The album is a top tier, the lyricism, instrumental and the versatility made me a fan of him.
  49. Apr 17, 2023
    This album contains songs of almost all famous genre
    Closer has to be my favourite song
    I loved the lyrics
  50. Apr 17, 2023
    Hand down best album I've ever heard! It's exactly how RM says " an archive of my twenties". You can find an entire range of emotions. Hectic, lonely, still life and of course the title wildflower are a treasure. Special mention to closer and no.2
    The featuring artists make it such a wonderful experience
  51. Apr 17, 2023
    My all time fav...
    The lyrics!!!
    The collaboration!!
    Wild flower is one of my fav track in this album..the vocal ..the lyrics..the videography in on top
  52. Apr 17, 2023
    This is absolutely my favorite album of 2022, RMs voices is so soothing, the lyrics are so beautiful.
  53. Apr 17, 2023
    Songs you could listen to in your daily live while doing simple things. Inspiring on one hand and simple on the other. I love it even more after watching RM’s Indigo Album Magazine Film. Definitely in my playlist for a long time
  54. Apr 17, 2023
    I loved Mono, and Indigo is even better, so soothing and peaceful Namjoon was able to put so much emotions in this album. It’s my go to album when I need some healing.
  55. Apr 17, 2023
    As usual the brain of BTS
  56. Apr 17, 2023
    A timeless record to RM's twenties. Leaving a message about his experiences through entering his 2nd decade and ending it. Telling us not to look back with regrets. Everything is happening for a reason. We just need to adapt. Cheers for RM who is entering his 3rd decade.
  57. Apr 17, 2023
    Soulful album, much need in times of burnout. The introspection done is amazing. my personal favourite is no.2
  58. Apr 17, 2023
    this album is a master piece, it shows the beauty of art in the most beautiful way, I'm so amazed by "Yun" the lyrics are so meaningful and perfect, my favorite track is 'lonely' I can listen to this masterpiece forever
  59. Apr 17, 2023
    If you listen to the album in order you'll get how smart Namjoon is I'm really impressed actually , like how can he think this deeply and put those thoughts into a lyrics and make a great album like that !!
  60. Apr 17, 2023
    Everything in this album is great. Each song is unique. RM really did well in making this album. This is absolutely my go-to album.
  61. Apr 17, 2023
    One of the best album released in 2022, along with jack in the box. It deserves that grammy nominations. All the collaboration were on point
  62. Apr 17, 2023
    each and every song has its behind the story, lyrics are meaningful and melody is harmony. truly art!
  63. Apr 17, 2023
    Un álbum que trasmite muchas cosas que no puedo explicar y me reconforta o me ayuda en momentos difíciles, una joya de album
  64. Apr 17, 2023
    “Closer” is my fav songs in this album,, Paul’s vocal is out of the world. RM’s production has a large improvement compared to his previous mixtape.
  65. Apr 17, 2023
    Totally different vibe from his last two albums. The vibes in this album were lit and you could tell this was a way Namjoon has been wanting to express himself for a while now.
  66. Apr 17, 2023
    Indigo is the most perfect album from the first time I heard it. From RM's selection of artists he collaborated with for each song, to the order of the songs on this album, everything was perfect! It's very visible how RM knows what kind of album he wants to give to the fans.
  67. Apr 17, 2023
    I consider Indigo as a once in a lifetime masterpiece. It has become a part of my life. Each track from top to bottom is arranged skillfully. And the lyricism! Top tier! Another speciality of this artwork is that it is timeless. 10 songs known as 10 blues have the calming and enjoyable touch of comfort, love and a tint of melancholy. Thankyou Namjoon for creating such a masterpieceI consider Indigo as a once in a lifetime masterpiece. It has become a part of my life. Each track from top to bottom is arranged skillfully. And the lyricism! Top tier! Another speciality of this artwork is that it is timeless. 10 songs known as 10 blues have the calming and enjoyable touch of comfort, love and a tint of melancholy. Thankyou Namjoon for creating such a masterpiece without confining them to a single genre. Thanks a lot for giving us an album has the songs fitting to every type of mood Expand
  68. Apr 17, 2023
    It's a really great album. The songs on the album are all good.worth a listen​ I​ love​ it
  69. Apr 17, 2023
    This album is MAGNIFICENT. How can a man be so **** good with lyrics??? LOVEEE IT
  70. Apr 17, 2023
    Indigo is a very beautiful album. It's written and composed very delicately. It's relatable and enjoyable. It's one of the most well written albums released in 2022.
  71. Apr 17, 2023
    Love your album. Indigo is full of beautiful songs. I love this album so so so much and i listening in every single day
  72. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. All the songs in this album make me feel it.
    This album is great! Wildflowerss make the emotional
  73. Apr 17, 2023
    Came across this album now it has become my comfort album :) the diff genre, his way of seeing things can clearly be seen in his way of writing gives me so much comfort ♡
  74. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I can’t actually express how beautiful this whole album is. It is not less than a classic. NAMJOON is an actual genius. It’s a nonskip album with 10 track with some absolute banger features by artist like Erykah Badu, Anderson Paak, Tablo, Youjeen, Park Ji Yoon and few more. You can listen to the track while taking a walk. Wildflower, Hectic and Lonely are some of personal favourite.The messages delivered through the album will make you think many perspective of life. Thank You RM for making this masterpiece. I don’t have enough words to emphasise how great of a lyricst you are. I am waiting more music from you. Expand
  75. Apr 17, 2023
    Indigo is such a masterpiece!
    My day doesn't go without listening to the whole album atleast once serially in the morning.
    It heals a part of me every passing day.
    My favourite has to be No.2 To not look back and that I am the one who can take care of myself
    I relate to the song so much and it helps to thrive.
  76. Apr 17, 2023
    After two mixtapes RM and Mono, RM of BTS has found a shade of blue to depict paths his emotions went through
    from adherence to art, to human relationships, from loneliness to hectic life schedules, it touches many topics at once and yet has an artistic flow like he's telling you a story through the songs.. A through and through beauty, one can listen to it while riding a bicycle like him,
    After two mixtapes RM and Mono, RM of BTS has found a shade of blue to depict paths his emotions went through
    from adherence to art, to human relationships, from loneliness to hectic life schedules, it touches many topics at once and yet has an artistic flow like he's telling you a story through the songs.. A through and through beauty, one can listen to it while riding a bicycle like him, while reading, it even fits in your long drive playlists. A must check out album.
  77. Apr 17, 2023
    This album is a masterpiece I dont know how he even thought of this art of an album but I mean he is a brilliant poet and rapper .kudos to him that's for sure. I'm excited about his next project ..ugh indigo is perfect, just brilliant seriously. Please make sure you listen it from beginning to end it's too good
  78. Apr 17, 2023
    This album is the perfect sound for a cozy day in a café. It contains many different genres but they all sound coherent. I especially love the song 'Lonely'.
  79. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This peak into the mind of RM was all I needed and more! My favorite song was Closer because it just has that smooth flow and RnB tone that just sets the mood. I also really enjoyed Still Life, Yun with Erykah Badu the legend and Lonely. Expand
  80. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lyrically impressive! The songs are well-peoduced and written. RM himself is truly one of a kind artist. Expand
  81. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album combines songs of different genres that tie in nicely. Makes for good hiking, driving or relaxing companion Expand
  82. Apr 17, 2023
    Rm rm rm you did the best album and you totally deserve the best album of the year award all those songs really saves my life saves many armys life you are the best singer lyrics writer and everything you do is great
  83. Apr 17, 2023
    This is a beautiful piece of art. The lyrics are clever -- no surprise there for fans that know RM's history as a lyrical genius and poet. As suggested by RM himself, listen to each song in order. RM's vocals are masterfully executed and the whole album just sounds good. The collaborations are carefully chosen that add depth. I love how each song evokes such different emotions ranging fromThis is a beautiful piece of art. The lyrics are clever -- no surprise there for fans that know RM's history as a lyrical genius and poet. As suggested by RM himself, listen to each song in order. RM's vocals are masterfully executed and the whole album just sounds good. The collaborations are carefully chosen that add depth. I love how each song evokes such different emotions ranging from loneliness, longing, (tentative) acceptance, and growth. Indigo invites you along a unique musical journey. Expand
  84. Apr 17, 2023
    Can't describe in words..the album is soo fabulous.. each song is amazing.. totally recommended.. great to listen in a library/sunsets.
  85. Apr 17, 2023
    Es una joya, con ritmos diferentes , RM siempre innovando 10000/10
  86. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's a very good album. I can feel the attention he puts in every song on this album. Its meaning makes me the happiest and most relaxed. Expand
  87. Apr 17, 2023
    RM the poet of the group BTS has created such a masterpiece called Indigo. He never fails to make me amaze on how he writes and produce his own music. My top favorites is No.2, wildflower, and closer !
  88. Apr 17, 2023
    The album is so great. The songs are very good and the melody are relax. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
  89. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esse álbum é incrível, consigo me identificar bastante com casa música do Namjoon. Ainda tem toda estética e batida que combinam muito. Expand
  90. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Indigo is absolutely a masterpiece of RM without a doubt. The amount of healing power it has, I just can't express it in words. This album has a magic. Each and every song of this album has its own meaning. Thanks to RM for making this beauty. Indigo has my heart. INDIGO IS THE BEST. Expand
  91. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Album is great! I'm listening every day please love indigo and kim namjoon (RM) of bts I'm proud of you rm wait for the next album and see you 2025! Expand
  92. Apr 17, 2023
    "Indigo" такой потрясающий альбом. Новая ступень, которая отличается и от "RM", и от "Mono", но при этом не менее потрясающая. Каждую песню можно разбирать на цитаты. Все треки такие разные, освежающие, а каких прекрасных артистов Намджун собрал на альбоме, особенно порадовал Tablo, так как очень ждала их совместную работу. Прошло уже 5 месяцев, а к альбому все время хочется возвращаться,"Indigo" такой потрясающий альбом. Новая ступень, которая отличается и от "RM", и от "Mono", но при этом не менее потрясающая. Каждую песню можно разбирать на цитаты. Все треки такие разные, освежающие, а каких прекрасных артистов Намджун собрал на альбоме, особенно порадовал Tablo, так как очень ждала их совместную работу. Прошло уже 5 месяцев, а к альбому все время хочется возвращаться, ни один плейлист не обходится без треков "Indigo", ибо песни под любое настроение. Джун еще раз показал, какой он гений лирики и я с нетерпением жду его новых релизов. Спасибо за "Indigo", Намджун! Expand
  93. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best album for me. The song have a good meaning , good vibe , great energy Expand
  94. Apr 17, 2023
    I'm so in love with this album. All the lyrics was beautiful. Thanks to Namjoon for releases this INDIGO album. I hope people out there could experience his music.
  95. Apr 17, 2023
    Another very good album, I can listen to it while working comfortably. Music, every composition is perfect.
  96. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It’s an album that fits me as the album of the year. It may sound exaggerated,but if you listen to it,it really is. Expand
  97. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is truly and articulate piece of art and has comforted and helped me through a lot. The 10 different genres make it so it’s never boring. Expand
  98. Apr 17, 2023
    A carefully arranged album that shows RM's sincere and thoughtful storytelling, Indigo provides listeners with a beautifully crafted and curated collection of songs depicting a person's thoughts, feelings, experiences as they move through their 20s. That being said, it is an album that can reach the hearts of people in different ages as it seeks to talk about being a human in its utmostA carefully arranged album that shows RM's sincere and thoughtful storytelling, Indigo provides listeners with a beautifully crafted and curated collection of songs depicting a person's thoughts, feelings, experiences as they move through their 20s. That being said, it is an album that can reach the hearts of people in different ages as it seeks to talk about being a human in its utmost sincerity. It draws inspirations from artists and artworks, such as the first song, Yun, being an ode that reflect the values of the late artist, Yun Hyeong Keun, an artist that RM is deeply inspired by. It speaks in the chorus, "I wanna be a human, 'fore I do some art". Another nod to art is the next song Still Life, which shows the juxtaposition of being still, but in truth, is a person who can't be defined by a locked perception. The songs have a frankness to them about being a human in a world of people, of perceptions, expectations, of social norms, among others. Since it is 'an archive of his 20s', it is an album that many young people in their 20s can relate to. It ends with a song sincerely looking back at his journey as an artist and being grounded, and the final song is a touching but soothing song that asks for you to 'no looking back, don't look back no more'. As an artist, RM has talked about genres having blurred lines in today's music, and as his album is a compact collection of stories and musings, it is also packed with different genres including RnB, city pop, hyperpop, neo soul, hip hop, rolk, and folk among others. The songs are carefully crafted and put together, creating a seamless and smooth listening experience that is wonderful for road trips, for the steady afternoon hours, the Sunday mornings, sunsets at the beach, and self-care evenings, to name a few ways to enjoy this album. It's a wonderful album that's great for any and many moods, but most of all, it's perfect to listen to as a human who seeks to rest in art. Expand
  99. Apr 17, 2023
    Indigo is one of my favorite album ever. RM is a unique artist and lyricist. He worked so hard for 4 years to make this album and it shows. Each song has it own genre, each track has a different theme but they're all linked to make RM's story. The last track 'No.2' is perfect to end the album in my opinion. Tip: you should definitely listen to the Indigo from top to bottom, in the rightIndigo is one of my favorite album ever. RM is a unique artist and lyricist. He worked so hard for 4 years to make this album and it shows. Each song has it own genre, each track has a different theme but they're all linked to make RM's story. The last track 'No.2' is perfect to end the album in my opinion. Tip: you should definitely listen to the Indigo from top to bottom, in the right order and read the translations too. RM did an incredible job and this album will become timeless I'm sure. Well done, RM. Expand
  100. Apr 17, 2023
    Songs that melt the thoughts of life honestly and sympathize with and communicate with everyone. Songs that comfort you.

Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Jan 9, 2023
    Indigo is an eye-opening taste of what RM is truly capable of outside the bounds of the K-pop powerhouse.
  2. 100
    It’s too early to tell if the record will help the BTS leader achieve his goal of creating something truly timeless but, in this moment, ‘Indigo’ feels like a masterpiece with the potential to be remembered as a classic.
  3. 60
    Some moments fall flat – Lonely is cloying, paint-by-numbers EDM-pop that doesn’t fully land. Still, Indigo is a polished collection that spans both pop and rap with confidence.