
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Apr 13, 2015
    With Infinite House, Ava Luna don't narrow their ambitious scope of sound, but manage to rein in the rapid-fire impulses that made earlier albums harder to swallow.
  2. Apr 13, 2015
    Like last year’s Electric Balloon, Infinite House bristles with different impulses, though many of them feel braver and larger than before.
  3. Apr 15, 2015
    The spontaneity they carve sounds scattershot at times, sometimes veering into ludicrous artiness for no reason whatsoever, the dragged-out seven minute instrumental Victoria a fitting example, though they always consolidate their full efforts in a way that’s fun and endlessly listenable.
  4. Apr 15, 2015
    Keeping up with it requires careful attention, though unpacking it hardly feels laborious. Just don’t expect Ava Luna to do any hand-holding for you throughout the process.
  5. Apr 27, 2015
    Though neat and compact at under 40 minutes, Infinite House is as multilayered and pleasantly bewildering as the house where it was recorded.
  6. 85
    Some might consider it messy, and the old adage is, life is messy; well, the latter is true, which lends it its exhilarating beauty.
  7. Apr 20, 2015
    It’s welcoming, but it’s weird, this band. It’s got the sound of practice, especially in the rhythm section.
  8. Uncut
    Apr 13, 2015
    Infinite House sounds like a less precious Dirty Projectors swagger toward that rare place where unashamed intellect meets accessible pop. [May 2015, p.69]

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