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Universal acclaim- based on 275 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 23 out of 275

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  1. Dec 4, 2011
    Slipknot's follow-up to their massively successful debut album does not disappoint. This is their darkest work, and it shows. Some say the very numerous expletives are unneeded and lose effect, but they just can't see that the words help convey the dark and disturbing sound that Slipknot aims to bring to their sophomore effort.
  2. TonyW
    Sep 10, 2009
    Slipknot is no stranger to either ends of the ratiing spectrum. A lot of people will rate them 0-2, because they either don't like metal or don't think their metal enough. A lot of other people, most of the former think are 14-15 year old kids like myself, will put them in the 8-10 rating, simply because it's Slipknot, and Slipknot is the most badass thing they've ever Slipknot is no stranger to either ends of the ratiing spectrum. A lot of people will rate them 0-2, because they either don't like metal or don't think their metal enough. A lot of other people, most of the former think are 14-15 year old kids like myself, will put them in the 8-10 rating, simply because it's Slipknot, and Slipknot is the most badass thing they've ever seen (sarcasm intended). Ultimately, it doesn't matter. All nine members of Slipknot don't give a shit whether or not you like their music or not, which I guess is fair enough, considering they've fluctuated between styles enough to have even thier most hardcore fans hate them. The other thing to remember is that music a subjective matter. One's favourite band might by one's hated band. Hell, even google has their own opinion on who the worst band in the world is. Those who think that Slipknot aren't heavy enough, or that Slipknot is too heavy are entitled to thier opinion, and this is something that even Maggots need to realise. Arguing isn't going to get anyone anywhere, and it certainly isn't going to make any kind of music any better. That being said, Iowa gets an 8 from me, simply because the lyrics intelligently cover themes from misanthropy to the music industry, thier sound is deep and layered, and is one of, if not the heaviest album they've released to date. Expand
  3. Aug 3, 2011
    best ,heaviest , craziest **** ive ever heard. i todaly dig this crazy, horror nu-metal genre. i like their first album too i got them all .
    but too sad they arent a nu-metal band anymore
    the two first albums by slipknot where aggressive and dark and more of a teenager anger you know as you get older you sort of get tired of that
  4. Nov 11, 2010
    Woah! Head banging magic here! If you're feeling a bit angry or need a good head bang this is the album for you. Disasterpiece is awesome along with **** and The Heretic Anthem :D Best songs on there!
  5. Jun 1, 2012
    I love this album. This album has the perfect tone of intelligently placed lyrics which includes words I've never even heard of, and every song in the album is really good, especially Heretic Anthem and I Am Hated. Overall, I give it a 10/10 for the sheer genius, the hard work, and the beautiful tone of the music.
  6. NikB
    Apr 17, 2007
    This album is the most brutal album to ever reach number 1!
  7. JeffA
    May 13, 2008
    This is one of the most brutal albums ever created in the nu-metal scene. If you look underneath all the brutality and the seemingly unorganized noise, you'll notice that songs like "Heretic Anthem" and "Metabolic" need the skill required by some of the best guitarists ever. I doubt even classics bands like Iron Maiden and Metallica could play this fast in their prime. Though some This is one of the most brutal albums ever created in the nu-metal scene. If you look underneath all the brutality and the seemingly unorganized noise, you'll notice that songs like "Heretic Anthem" and "Metabolic" need the skill required by some of the best guitarists ever. I doubt even classics bands like Iron Maiden and Metallica could play this fast in their prime. Though some parts of this album didn't really mix in, over all is a collection of heavy songs getting progressively a little less heavy but much more darker and meaningful. From the first actual song, People = Shit (which is basically a big fuck you to conformists and critcs alike and that your petty judging can get on anyone's nerves) is a perfect example are controlled chaos. Through the whole song it seems like it's going to go all to pieces but it all manages to work out and become a Slipknot classic. The next song to catch my attention was Everything Ends. This is a very emotional song and shows how the lyrical writer for this song (either Corey Taylor or Nathaniel "Joey" Jordison, since they both write the lyrics for the band) has had a hardship that made them feel like everything is a lie. In some cases, I myself can connect to this song. Next comes Heretic Anthem, which though not lyrically deep, is more focused on the skill to actually the song. Double bass drumming and James' guitar playing stick out in this song. I am Hated is one of my favorite on this album. This song goes back to their nu-metal roots, rapping and rocking equally, keeping a perfectly balanced harmony (harmony is a bit ironic but it works). Finally Iowa. This behemoth of a song (timed in at 15:05 minutes) drags on the first few listens but after getting used to it, it's haunting and it has become my personal favorite. What really intrigues me about this song though is that Corey Taylor showed up for the recording of this song naked, bleeding, and drunk which makes the success of the recording that much more appreciable. Expand
  8. SeanZ
    Dec 11, 2006
    whoever voted below a 6 on this shouldn't have even voted, they are just trying to downgrade an amazingly written album by the knots. 10/10 for me!! rock on and keep playing hard dudes! ''
  9. johnh
    Sep 13, 2006
    awsome thats all u just gotta listen
  10. AlexA
    Mar 14, 2009
    Great album. Second heaviest album by Slipknot, All Hope is Gone being the most heavy. Though this album is a masterpiece, though not single heavy like all the other albums. This is an album you have to listen straight through to fully enjoy it, except for People= Shit, Disasterpiece, and My plague can be listened to as singles. It's hard to explain. I'm not saying the other Great album. Second heaviest album by Slipknot, All Hope is Gone being the most heavy. Though this album is a masterpiece, though not single heavy like all the other albums. This is an album you have to listen straight through to fully enjoy it, except for People= Shit, Disasterpiece, and My plague can be listened to as singles. It's hard to explain. I'm not saying the other songs are bad, I giving it a perfect score, they are all good. This is more technical then the first album, and like all the others has the brilliant real and true vocals of the greatest vocalist of all time Corey Taylor. Expand
  11. Jul 16, 2014
    There's a rage to this album that you're not going to find anywhere else. It captures the essence of the out of place feeling teenager who's mad at the world. So obviously it's perfect for anyone who wants to scare their parents, but upon closer observation you'll realize it's something much more than that. It takes the sadness, anger, and hurt that we ALL feel inside and puts them intoThere's a rage to this album that you're not going to find anywhere else. It captures the essence of the out of place feeling teenager who's mad at the world. So obviously it's perfect for anyone who wants to scare their parents, but upon closer observation you'll realize it's something much more than that. It takes the sadness, anger, and hurt that we ALL feel inside and puts them into words infused with an aggressive sound. That's truly impressive. Expand
  12. Mar 5, 2012
    Slipknot's IOWA is by far the best metal record of all time because no matter what else I listen to the very second I hear "people=s***" my interests in other music is facemelted and headbanged away.
  13. Feb 20, 2013
    This album is a masterpiece, DJ, Percussion, Sampling heavy downtuned guitars and a vocalist that shifts between Melodic singing to rapping to screaming to growling.
  14. Feb 18, 2014
    Arguably one of the most brutal heavy metal albums out there, mainly because the band did not just paint this as a ridiculous attempt to make as much noise as possible or simulating monster growls. The brutality is also contrasted by melodies and singing throughout the album. Not as creative as their self-title album or Vol.3, but definitely a good album to listen to.
  15. Jul 14, 2019
    This is the bands best album. The sheer aggressiveness of songs like 'People = **** and 'The Shape' make this the heaviest album the band has ever put together with the perfect amount of melodic, breather moments sprinkled throughout
  16. Apr 6, 2020
    Iowa is the heaviest album of Slipknot maybe this album made them on of the biggest, and legendary metalband in the history. 10/10 atmospheric, and heavy.
  17. Apr 16, 2012
    An amazing metal album, with all the brutality of Slipknot. Only the choirs of "My Plague" is a bitter sweet. But the sounds in "Iowa" is awesome!!! BEST METAL ALBUM EVER!
  18. Jay13
    Oct 2, 2003
    i think this album has just opened a door for all other Death-Thrash bands out there but they all must exept one thing, and that is, They will all be in SlipKnoT's shadow. 10/10 for me.
  19. ryanf
    Sep 12, 2003
    this is the coolest cd ever! it is so heavy i love james root and mick thomson
  20. NathanT.
    Oct 10, 2001
    Well I thought that Slipknot couldn't possibly get any harder bu they Have! This album is a physic assault on all senses and is a true masterpiece of thrash and nu-metal!! PEOPLE = SHIT!
  21. NathanT.
    Oct 10, 2001
    Well I thought that Slipknot couldn't possibly get any harder bu they Have! This album is a physic assault on all senses and is a true masterpiece of thrash and nu-metal!! PEOPLE = SHIT!
  22. mikebez
    Oct 30, 2001
    the rage in 8's voice is so fucking motivating.
  23. RafaelC.
    Oct 3, 2001
    I like this nuclear-powered band, excellent sound and great vocals.
  24. AnthonyC.
    Oct 8, 2001
    This album is better than the first, it's faster, louder, and harder than their first.
  25. AshleyL.
    Sep 23, 2001
    this album is awesome i dont own it yet but i listen to a friend of mines and it totally rocks i wate intill i get it.
  26. edm
    Jul 5, 2005
    starts off with all the best intentions (People=Sh*t, My Plague, Everything Ends, Heretic Anthem) but from there it is all the same and however great the title track may be when they start it singing, it sounds boring the rest of the time. good, but unsustainably
  27. LewisG
    Jan 24, 2007
    OMG how can you all just log to hear and give 0-4 bad votes...You may have never even have head the so 9.0 Live..Vol.3 sublimina verses and also have not lived till you have heard MFKR!!!..witch i also give a 10..all there Albums get a 10!..screw you disbeleivers and go to hell P.s. I love you all (non gay way) :D
  28. SamanthaN.
    Sep 5, 2007
    Iowa is the best album by slipknot! i love it
  29. TomP.
    Oct 20, 2001
    SLIPKNOT IOWA is the greatest hardest thrashing death metal band cd ever!! It's great! I know all the parents and people are concerned about their vocals, but that doesn't mean that we are gonna start worshipping satan or kill someone. If you think your kid can't handle the responsibilty of listening to a type of music then don't let them listen to it. But for those SLIPKNOT IOWA is the greatest hardest thrashing death metal band cd ever!! It's great! I know all the parents and people are concerned about their vocals, but that doesn't mean that we are gonna start worshipping satan or kill someone. If you think your kid can't handle the responsibilty of listening to a type of music then don't let them listen to it. But for those who can this cd is AWSOME!! Expand
  30. [Anonymous]
    Oct 7, 2001
    awesome awesome awesome

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 9
  2. Negative: 1 out of 9
  1. 70
    Iowa boldly follows up, notching maximum body blows in its unyielding production, while maintaining an odd grandeur in its professed pain and anguish, its struggle for individualism.
  2. After too many calls for the end of humanity and playing the Satan card a few times, all the yelling becomes little more than a humorless joke.
  3. 'Iowa' is a fantastic metal record, ferocious and inventive, but their rage is that of psychotic adolescents rather than reasoning adults. You'll love it!