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Mixed or average reviews- based on 78 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 78
  2. Negative: 21 out of 78
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  1. Feb 17, 2022
    so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil
  2. Jan 3, 2020
    I really like it. Beats are good. Their are bangers like bank accout, whole lot, famous, thug life. Amazing flow. It shows some lyrical talent form 21 with tracks like Nothin new, whole lot, famous. Only bad thing is that is can get boring.

    Best tracks: Nothin new, bank account, famous

    Worst track: money convo
  3. Dec 19, 2017
    It's just soo good, even tho the lyrics ain't the best, the beats and 21 vocals are just mindblowing, i didnt find it boring like some people may do, think it's pretty good and the only bad track is "Face time" which is trash
  4. Nov 9, 2017
    Issa-это начало пути одного из самых многообещающих исполнителей.Его музыка часто подвергалась критики со стороны обычного слушателя из-за монотонного флоу,но именно эта сторона и является самой сильной у 21 savage,именно это флоу больше всего подходит под его текста,а текста у него всегда получались искренними и настоящими.Issa-это начало пути одного из самых многообещающих исполнителей.Его музыка часто подвергалась критики со стороны обычного слушателя из-за монотонного флоу,но именно эта сторона и является самой сильной у 21 savage,именно это флоу больше всего подходит под его текста,а текста у него всегда получались искренними и настоящими.
  5. Aug 21, 2017
    Hey, guys! This is my review of "Issa Album" by 21 Savage! Enjoy, please!

    So yeah, I've really enjoyed this album. It's not the best hip hop album of the century, but yeah... "Issa Album", 21 Savage's debut studio album is something, that has shown, that Shayaa is not only a mumble rapper; he can rap well and even sings decently. It's 8/10 for this one (for me), period. Good job,
    Hey, guys! This is my review of "Issa Album" by 21 Savage! Enjoy, please!

    So yeah, I've really enjoyed this album. It's not the best hip hop album of the century, but yeah... "Issa Album", 21 Savage's debut studio album is something, that has shown, that Shayaa is not only a mumble rapper; he can rap well and even sings decently. It's 8/10 for this one (for me), period. Good job, Shayaa, keep it up, man!

    Also, today is August 21st... Huh, 21 Savage? Is next album on the way on August 21st, 2018? Well, we'll see, but for now, we have this good album. You need to listen it, as soon, as possible, people! It's worth it!

    ~Pacaveli xx

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Aug 21, 2017
    Overall, Issa is a competent statement that demonstrates promise from the young rapper.
  2. Aug 7, 2017
    All in all, 21 Savage manages to craft a fairly concise project with Issa Album about all the things that make him such a compelling rapper in today’s hip-hop landscape.
  3. Jul 25, 2017
    Despite expectations, it’s an utter joy to listen to--a simple display of what 21 Savage sounds like when he’s having fun rapping.