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Generally favorable reviews- based on 134 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 96 out of 134
  2. Negative: 24 out of 134

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  1. danr
    May 30, 2007
    I waited 5 years for this album and now I realize why it took so long. Adam Levine was too busy have sex with all of Hollywood that he forgot to write songs. Sould is cool but come on, these lyrics are horrible.
  2. JuliaA.
    Aug 19, 2007
    the music's lukewarm, that I can stand. but I can't stand the's official now that Adam Levine has gone as a lust-maniac.apparently he can't write songs if he hadn't broke up with girls or had laid them.
  3. JC
    Aug 2, 2007
    Quite simply, if you're the sort of person that cannot praise a record without constant spelling/grammatical mistakes (see below) then yeah, this record is probably for you. Those of us that can actually THINK are looking for a little more...
  4. ToddW
    May 24, 2007
    Another of those overhyped bands with little or nothing to say and no interesting way to color it. Seriously, if you were marooned on a deserted island, would you contemplate for a nanosecond a thought of listening to one of their two albums to pass the time? If you answered "Yes," may a rescue plane drop you the entire Oasis catalog...and then leave you to forever contemplate your Another of those overhyped bands with little or nothing to say and no interesting way to color it. Seriously, if you were marooned on a deserted island, would you contemplate for a nanosecond a thought of listening to one of their two albums to pass the time? If you answered "Yes," may a rescue plane drop you the entire Oasis catalog...and then leave you to forever contemplate your appallingly bad taste. Expand
  5. richardj
    May 26, 2007
    Doesn't this album sound so "done before-disco/pop/80's chours/boy band like" lead single a mash up of backstreet boys production and horrible cheesy pop 80's style chorus, what is he singin in the verse? you need subtitles! The rest of the album has no real lyrical meaing, it;s boring as well, and it has no soul, it's also fo disco-pop flat as holland,I am only giving Doesn't this album sound so "done before-disco/pop/80's chours/boy band like" lead single a mash up of backstreet boys production and horrible cheesy pop 80's style chorus, what is he singin in the verse? you need subtitles! The rest of the album has no real lyrical meaing, it;s boring as well, and it has no soul, it's also fo disco-pop flat as holland,I am only giving it 2 stars for the fact that the album before was better (so they can wirtee better stuff then this) and that it will sell, but personally i wouldn't recommend this to anyone! Most overhyped album of the year goes to this! Expand
  6. Raskalnikov
    May 26, 2007
    Stop me if you've heard this one before ...and believe me - you have.
  7. mikeL
    Jun 14, 2007
    @ nick c. Don't try to pawn your boring breeder popstars on us. unless and until any member of the band comes out, the presumption must be that this is breeder-pop bullshit. we're not claiming anything this inert as ours. that is all.
  8. nickc
    Jun 7, 2007
    Fag-pop bullshit. The Chipmunks have more soul than this.
  9. sass
    Jun 1, 2007
    Adam Levine and Bob Dylan are the worst singers in the whole world.
  10. ChrisJ
    Jun 5, 2007
    Nothing rises above mediocre. If the last album contained a few moments of lively and enjoyable music punctuated with riffs and catchy melody, and you were preparing for more of the same get ready to be very dissapointed by It Won't Be Soon Before Long.
  11. mitchb
    May 24, 2007
    I demand that the playlouder and observer ratings of this piece of crap are incorporated right now! They both give zero points to this truly terrible group.
  12. SimonS
    Aug 15, 2007
    This is terrible, horribly overproduced, someone at work had this playing the other day and it sent shivers down my spine.
  13. TerryH
    May 22, 2007

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 2 out of 14
  1. If some of the ballads aren't as distinguished as the livelier tracks, they nevertheless are as sharply crafted as the rest, and the end result is that It Won't Be Soon Before Long is that rare self-stylized blockbuster album that sounds as big and satisfying as was intended.
  2. Blender
    The cocky songs mask a lot of misery. [Jun 2007, p.107]
  3. There's not a lot to fall deeply in love with here, but Levine and crew understand the importance of packing as much thrill as possible into each tryst, leaving you with mostly good feelings and no lasting emotional scars.