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Generally favorable reviews- based on 134 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 96 out of 134
  2. Negative: 24 out of 134

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  1. AlbertB
    May 24, 2007
    I have have honest to God been waiting for 10 years for this album. With Songs About Jane, It was the first time in my life, music sounded perfect. This wasn't a mood CD, or a genre CD, it was legitimately the music i felt for the first time, defined me as a what I knew my ears searched for but I never thought actually existed. I remember after feeling cool for a few years when I have have honest to God been waiting for 10 years for this album. With Songs About Jane, It was the first time in my life, music sounded perfect. This wasn't a mood CD, or a genre CD, it was legitimately the music i felt for the first time, defined me as a what I knew my ears searched for but I never thought actually existed. I remember after feeling cool for a few years when answering that generic yet oh so important question, " what is your favorite kind of music"? I could introduce MY band, the band no one ever heard of, the music when asked to describe, enjoyed that slight pause and smirk, then answering, " you really have to just listen to them". I felt I had some inept yet significant impact on there yet conceivable record sales.Then "This Love" aired on MTV. All of a sudden the question I loved to answer became almost uncomfortable to explain why a 22 year old heterosexual male loved the perceived next wave of music teenage girls decided to so horridly rip apart and make there own like TRL was the inside scoop of todays busting there asses for each hard earned album sale band. Ok, yes I had a secret love for N'SYNC too, but, c'mon, I was 16 and confused. Dont' judge. But with this album, hopefully I wont play the part of Lucy and have some splainin to do. ( That was a VERY cheap joke, I'm well aware, and for the few still reading I apologize). The pre-explained darkness of this sophomore successes does show itself in areas of this album, but I almost feel Its a bit lighter melodically in it's mid-section then the prior outing. It's defenitlly more polished and produced then the prior, and descends from the original sound in a slight and impressive way. Every song is instantly singable, even before you know the words, and stays in your head until you go back and listen to the CD and interchange it for the next one. For longtime fans this album will be a bit scary to listen to at first, given incredible amount of pressure your putting on the band to have another flawless outing, which I'm sure they are well aware of, and in this semi-decade release will be sure to have you once again look forward to explaining that simple break the ice question into why no matter who blown up, Maroon 5 still listens like there YOUR band. Expand
  2. PeterM
    Jun 6, 2007
    Love Maroon 5, and I must say that this album is great. I think the critics are very wrong in their conclusions, but again I adore this kind of music. Especially Won't Go Home Without You is lovely. What I do not like about the album: It is just too short, only about 40 min.. But great album. It gets better the more times you listen to it!
  3. sourjyod
    Jun 7, 2007
    it might be poppy ... but its brilliant nonetheless
  4. JeffN.
    May 23, 2007
    After five years, the world wanted a blockbuster from the quintet. "IWBSBL" manages to supply this and more, amongst demands of fans with loves as varied as Justin Timberlake to Fall Out Boy to Usher (often all in one crazy kid, too). To be fair, Levine does seem thirsty to capitalize on the desire for blue-eyed soul, following in the trend of the Police and Hall & Oates. But what After five years, the world wanted a blockbuster from the quintet. "IWBSBL" manages to supply this and more, amongst demands of fans with loves as varied as Justin Timberlake to Fall Out Boy to Usher (often all in one crazy kid, too). To be fair, Levine does seem thirsty to capitalize on the desire for blue-eyed soul, following in the trend of the Police and Hall & Oates. But what supercedes this is M5's everpresent aim to craft big, stylish sounds that modernize and pay tender homage to their roots--that's what true, that's what's here, and that's what shines. Expand
  5. HeatherW
    Jun 4, 2007
    SOOO Catchy!!!! God it's such a great summer CD
  6. EdgarL
    Jun 8, 2007
    New sound, just as good as the first. abit mroe edgy too
  7. KarlE.
    Sep 14, 2007
    This is by far the best album I have heard in my entire life.
  8. HaseebM
    May 22, 2007
    The band took a huge risk changing their sound. They were successful with creating a beautifully crafted album. Every track flows together. Simply incredible!
  9. Adam'sgirl
    May 22, 2007
    i brought the CD like as soon has i got up this morning from wal-mart, cause i'm such a huge maroon 5 fan, and this album is awesome! I love just about all the songs, i'm listening to it right now!
  10. DesB
    May 25, 2007
    Outstanding! With much anticipation Maroon 5 has successufully released another masterpiece. Lyrical genius' can paint a picture like no other band! Love it! This CD is a must have!
  11. ChristineS
    Jun 24, 2007
    Great songs, beats and lyrics!
  12. Maroon5fan
    Jun 24, 2007
    This album is the best I have ever heard along side the songs about Jane album. I have never heard such a unique singing voice like Adam's! I love how when he sings live it's sounds soo much like the cd. I was waiting forever for them to make this second album and I hope that in the near future there will be a third! I have been listening to this cd for a month straight without This album is the best I have ever heard along side the songs about Jane album. I have never heard such a unique singing voice like Adam's! I love how when he sings live it's sounds soo much like the cd. I was waiting forever for them to make this second album and I hope that in the near future there will be a third! I have been listening to this cd for a month straight without putting it away and being bored of it. It is worth the money to buy this album! Expand
  13. LeonA
    Jul 29, 2007
    This is one of the best albums of 2007, i agree completely with the poster below me that the only mistep is kiwi, and can't stop as well i think lol. If i never see your face again, makes me wonder and wake up call are pure party songs. Won't go home without you, Nothing lasts forever, Not Falling apart, Better that we break, back at your door are all beautifully written love This is one of the best albums of 2007, i agree completely with the poster below me that the only mistep is kiwi, and can't stop as well i think lol. If i never see your face again, makes me wonder and wake up call are pure party songs. Won't go home without you, Nothing lasts forever, Not Falling apart, Better that we break, back at your door are all beautifully written love songs that WILL stand the test of time, and you wil find yourself falling in love with them instantly. and goodnight goodnight is going to be their number 1 hit, and will also be the single that propels their album to multiplatinum status (if it isn't already) if they ever decide to release it! Don't even get me started on the "BONUS TRACK" infatuation which is in fact better than 90% of rock music out right now. This is an album that ANY maroon 5 or ANY fan of popular music will enjoy. the lyrics are so well composed and "sing alongable" it wouldn't be a stretch to call it the karaoke album of 2007 as well. In summation, don't believe the haters saying this album sucks, it is well worth the 15 bucks it costs after listening to this, i can understand why it took them so long to release a sophmore album. With quality like this who can blame them! Expand
  14. mikeg
    May 23, 2007
    What can I say these guys know what makes a tune classic and arent afraid to use what has gone before to create what will last for years to come. ultimately hummable singable and buyable
  15. TYlerV
    Jun 11, 2007
    Excelent, complete, and emotional. Outstanding album
  16. MikeM
    Jul 24, 2007
    I don't know what you people are talking about.this album is a 10 out of ten.It's a pure dance mood album.It's way more mature than Songs about Jane and shows absolute voacl prowess.The one mistep is Kiwi,but the rest of the songs (Goodnight Goodnight with the slight Kryptonite guitar at the start),like Wakeup Call,are instant classics for radio.
  17. Jun 13, 2016
    This album is awesome!!!!!

    It starts you off in a good mood with the first 4 tracks and with some awesome pop rock music and Adam sounds great there too !!!!

    The Music is catchy and fun!! A really great album
  18. Oct 15, 2020
    Incredible album, not as good as Hands All Over and Songs About Jane, but it still deserves a 10. I really wish they will come back to this kind of music, I'm not a fan of their current stuff. My favourites are Won't go home without you, Wake up call and Back at your door (If I never see your face again with Rihanna is incredible too though).
  19. Jun 21, 2021
    This album is a masterpiece, definition of masterpiece actually.
    My favourite Maroon 5 album, there isn't a single song that I don't like, even on the deluxe version.
    This album introduced me to Maroon 5, it was the first album I listened to as whole, and I wasn't dissapointed. Thank you guys for such a masterpiece
  20. Nov 24, 2021
    This album is just as great as their debut and there is a lot of great songs here
  21. Nov 25, 2021
    My favorite album by Maroon 5, behind only by their debut, this is an amazing record by them
  22. Nov 25, 2021
    Such an amazing record!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. KellyM
    Jun 4, 2007
    Songs are all likable. It still possesses the Songs About Jane story, but with a new beat.
  24. JessL
    Jun 4, 2007
    This album is great! I was thoroughly impressed. THe first time I heard it, it put me in such a good mood!
  25. OzkrC
    May 22, 2007
    It has alitle bit the same sund from the other cd, but i like thise one a lot to
  26. Jesse
    May 25, 2007
    A really great pop-album! What it lacks in "Songs about Jane"style sould it makes up for in catchy-ness. I do agree with one of the critics who said that lyrically the record is not up to par...It makes Adam Levine sound like a veeeery shallow guy... None the less, the tunes really flow beautifully
  27. AlexR
    May 29, 2007
    This is a really solid CD. That review by Playlouder is the most immaturely written piece of journalism I have ever read. This CD definately isnt for eberyone, but it is infectuous and is solidly performed by a grammy winning artist.
  28. RalphS
    May 22, 2007
    Great album. Funky, catchy pop - doesn't get any better.
  29. Erika
    Jun 14, 2007
    It's not as good as the first one but it's still up there. I like their new sound and all of the songs are awesome. The cd was worth my money.
  30. Jun 20, 2014
    I'll admit that I was a little disappointed in It Won't Be Soon Before Long when I first purchased it a few months back but it eventually grew on me and now I really like it. While it doesn't compare to Songs About Jane, it still provides you with the same kinda of catchy, tightly produced, lyrically clever songs that display the emotions captured with it. My best advice to you is to notI'll admit that I was a little disappointed in It Won't Be Soon Before Long when I first purchased it a few months back but it eventually grew on me and now I really like it. While it doesn't compare to Songs About Jane, it still provides you with the same kinda of catchy, tightly produced, lyrically clever songs that display the emotions captured with it. My best advice to you is to not compare IWBSBL to SAB because its a completely different direction almost so it stands on its own. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 2 out of 14
  1. If some of the ballads aren't as distinguished as the livelier tracks, they nevertheless are as sharply crafted as the rest, and the end result is that It Won't Be Soon Before Long is that rare self-stylized blockbuster album that sounds as big and satisfying as was intended.
  2. Blender
    The cocky songs mask a lot of misery. [Jun 2007, p.107]
  3. There's not a lot to fall deeply in love with here, but Levine and crew understand the importance of packing as much thrill as possible into each tryst, leaving you with mostly good feelings and no lasting emotional scars.