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Universal acclaim- based on 53 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 48 out of 53
  2. Negative: 0 out of 53
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  1. Apr 22, 2015
    If you listen to this album, and don't have a smile on your face by the end, you probably need to be on medication. While almost childish in nature at points, the album shows a wide variety of complex rhythms and timing. The sounds selected are unique and fulfilling. I just saw his set at Coachella weekend 2 and it was a top 5 show of the weekend. You could tell he wanted to create aIf you listen to this album, and don't have a smile on your face by the end, you probably need to be on medication. While almost childish in nature at points, the album shows a wide variety of complex rhythms and timing. The sounds selected are unique and fulfilling. I just saw his set at Coachella weekend 2 and it was a top 5 show of the weekend. You could tell he wanted to create a real show for his fans, and he knocked it out of the park!! Expand
  2. Aug 26, 2014
    My Review of Todd Terje's 'It's Album Time'.

    I describe it as 'A Mind-Blowing Experiment in Music for Music's Sake'.
  3. Apr 16, 2014
    ''It's Album Time'' faz uma viagem no tempo e te leva aos anos de ouro da musica com facilidade. Um exemplo disso foi com a atmosfera dos anos 80 de Delorean Dynamite, quem escuta não acredita que é uma musica dos anos 2010. Todd Terje não só trouxe essa viagem no tempo, como também mostrou seu talento e criatividade em criar um dos melhores discos eletrônicos do ano até agora.
  4. Apr 13, 2014
    Is every track on here perfect? No. There are a few skippers, tracks don't exactly hit the mark at first. However, with all great albums, the tracks that you simply dismissed at first eventually become some of your favorites, or maybe more appreciated once you continue to listen to the album and become more accumulated with the artist or the album as a whole. For lack of a better term,Is every track on here perfect? No. There are a few skippers, tracks don't exactly hit the mark at first. However, with all great albums, the tracks that you simply dismissed at first eventually become some of your favorites, or maybe more appreciated once you continue to listen to the album and become more accumulated with the artist or the album as a whole. For lack of a better term, there are some absolute bangers on here. Songs that you can turn on when in a car with friends or just by yourself, crank up to 10, and just have a great time. Those tracks, for me are "Inspector Norse" "Strandbar" "Dolorean Dynamite" and "Preben goes to Acapulco". The tracks "Oh Joy" and "Alfonso Muskedunder" are also great electronic tracks. The thing with this album is if even if you're not into electronic music you can appreciate and even love some of the tracks on here. These tracks are just fun, simple as that. Great album by Mr. Terje. Expand
  5. Apr 12, 2014
    I listened to his track released last year (Strandbar - disko), and i really liked it. So i was pretty excited for his debut album, which includes a shorter version of his single.

    It's better than i expected it to be. This is one of the most exciting electronic albums in a very long time. I love how varied the styles are. The production is impeccable. I love every minute of it, and will
    I listened to his track released last year (Strandbar - disko), and i really liked it. So i was pretty excited for his debut album, which includes a shorter version of his single.

    It's better than i expected it to be. This is one of the most exciting electronic albums in a very long time. I love how varied the styles are. The production is impeccable. I love every minute of it, and will probably be listening to it for a long time.
  6. Apr 11, 2014
    Todd Terje has really done a magnificent job with this electronic/nu-disco record out of Olsen Records. All of the songs on the album were done very well, including "Alfonso Muskedunder", "Inspector Norse", "DeLorean Dynamite", and "Leisure Suit Preben". Featuring mixtures of synthjazz, jazz fusion, nu-disco, and bossa nova throughout the album, Todd has really re-defined the electronicTodd Terje has really done a magnificent job with this electronic/nu-disco record out of Olsen Records. All of the songs on the album were done very well, including "Alfonso Muskedunder", "Inspector Norse", "DeLorean Dynamite", and "Leisure Suit Preben". Featuring mixtures of synthjazz, jazz fusion, nu-disco, and bossa nova throughout the album, Todd has really re-defined the electronic music genre with this record. I think everyone should take a listen to this great album and see what real music really is. A true masterpiece and a solid 10/10, in my opinion. Well done, Mr. Terje. Expand
  7. Apr 11, 2014
    Since I heard Inspector Norse I was deeply in love with the music of Todd Terje!! Unique sound with twists, funny moments and a joyous universe! This music makes me feel so happy!! PREBEN!
  8. Apr 8, 2014
    Wow. This album just blew me away. Fantastic production and the beats are smart. It has some of the most memorable songs of the year. Well done, Todd!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 30
  2. Negative: 0 out of 30
  1. Jun 30, 2014
    It’s Album Time is mostly instrumental, and devoted to sustaining one long groove that touches down on disco, lounge, and chillwave.
  2. Q Magazine
    Jun 17, 2014
    Tongue-in-cheek though this often is, the self-indulgence is never at the expense of the music. [Jul 2014, p.114]
  3. Jun 17, 2014
    Not a bad album at all. In fact, at points it's really rather wonderful; it's just not quite the wall-to-wall fruity bangers one probably expected, but by no means as skip-heavy as the likes of Random Access Memories.