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Generally favorable reviews- based on 54 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 45 out of 54
  2. Negative: 5 out of 54

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  1. Aug 6, 2011
    Like Cold Roses, some of Ryan Adam's best songs are mixed with a few sub par. Doesn't take away too badly, but it's noticeable. The country western angle fits him perfectly though. "Dear John" will be a country staple for decades to come.
  2. DustyG
    Sep 28, 2006
    Perfect example of mult-genre talent. Perfect voice that puts the album over the top. It does what all good art should do, makes your self reflect. Through the good and the bad. The perfect stepping stone after cold roses. It makes sense.
  3. reidf
    Aug 10, 2006
    my favorite ryan adams CD to date. Beautiful song after beautiful song.... but it does take time for it to mature in your head. Just apply a little patience.
  4. JasonH
    Jan 18, 2006
    Toby Keith blows.
  5. RealC
    Dec 27, 2005
    A difficult album to listen to without lyrics before you, but after the first shaky performance, one comes to appreciate just how beautiful songs like "September" and "Dear John" can be. The upbeat songs, like "The Hardest Part", to my mind, only keep you listening through the difficult moments of this record. All in all, this record's form, style and cohesion are better than A difficult album to listen to without lyrics before you, but after the first shaky performance, one comes to appreciate just how beautiful songs like "September" and "Dear John" can be. The upbeat songs, like "The Hardest Part", to my mind, only keep you listening through the difficult moments of this record. All in all, this record's form, style and cohesion are better than anything since Heartbreaker- although I happened to love Cold Roses. Expand
  6. DanS
    Dec 19, 2005
    There are many beautiful tracks on this record. I don't understand why so many people are hung up on the fact that not all the songs are brilliant. I'll take all the Ryan Adams tracks I can get my hands on. Even his weakest stuff is far and above a lot of the garbage out there today. Mainstream musicians have become spoiled with their one album every couple of years. Back in the There are many beautiful tracks on this record. I don't understand why so many people are hung up on the fact that not all the songs are brilliant. I'll take all the Ryan Adams tracks I can get my hands on. Even his weakest stuff is far and above a lot of the garbage out there today. Mainstream musicians have become spoiled with their one album every couple of years. Back in the 50' s and 60's it was standard to put out a couple albums a year. It's good to see a musician with Adams work ethic for a change. Expand
  7. JamesH
    Dec 2, 2005
    His best work since Heartbreaker, hands down.
  8. DickA
    Nov 16, 2005
    "The End" is pure genious, and probably Adam's strongest tune to date. I would strongly encourage listening to a live performance of this song as well. Also, when you mix this album with its Bonus Tracks (Always On My Mind, Jeane, I Still Miss Someone, September/Alternate, What Sin) it really does rank as his best accomplishment yet.
  9. HolidayIdol
    Nov 16, 2005
    Toby Keith, huh ?!? Hardest Part "ordinary", do what ?!
  10. ClayS
    Nov 15, 2005
    This is a true masterpiece. It is what music is about - the mixing of sounds, influences, and talent to create something that speaks to a particular element of the creative senses. Like his previous work, the whole is, at times, held together by the most tenuous of threads, but that is the brilliance - it takes a feel for the spirit to truly appreciate what is going on here.
  11. jaynem
    Nov 15, 2005
    Toby Keith is awful. He sucks!
  12. AmeliaM
    Nov 11, 2005
    Ryan Adams really returns to his roots with this album, producing quality country rock tracks. The biggest downfal is on the ballad "Dear John" with Nora Jones where their voices never quite mesh, but somehow it works.
  13. JoshB
    Nov 4, 2005
    Ironically, the same reviewers that harp on him for performing unoriginal material all sound alike themselves. Do yourself a favor, and listen to this disc (or any, for that matter) without trying to play "name the influence" and prove how smart you are. When you do that with this disc, do you like what you hear? I do, and if you do too, good for you. If you don't, just go listen to Ironically, the same reviewers that harp on him for performing unoriginal material all sound alike themselves. Do yourself a favor, and listen to this disc (or any, for that matter) without trying to play "name the influence" and prove how smart you are. When you do that with this disc, do you like what you hear? I do, and if you do too, good for you. If you don't, just go listen to something else. Expand
  14. DavidB
    Oct 19, 2005
    I was tempted just to give it a 10 to balance out the other reviews... I can't help but shake my head at Mojo mag -- I think they're critical of anything that doesn't sound like the last Manic Street Preachers last record. Dear John is a great recording, as there are many on this little LP. Unlike Cold Roses, there's really little to fill, unless you consider the track I was tempted just to give it a 10 to balance out the other reviews... I can't help but shake my head at Mojo mag -- I think they're critical of anything that doesn't sound like the last Manic Street Preachers last record. Dear John is a great recording, as there are many on this little LP. Unlike Cold Roses, there's really little to fill, unless you consider the track "Pa" (sorry Mojo) something worthy of an Adams record. Ryan has always had a bit of the melodramatic gene, but it's hard to knock a man and his craft. This is Adams' best record yet -- they get better with age, ya know. Expand
  15. DanielC
    Oct 18, 2005
    After a few weeks of listening I have really come to love this record. It has a great blend of up- tempo numbers and country balads. I don't really understand how people can still think that Ryan Adams is trying to "convince" anyone. He has changed styles for every record he puts out. Some better than others, but he has proven to me that he doesn't care what critics think After a few weeks of listening I have really come to love this record. It has a great blend of up- tempo numbers and country balads. I don't really understand how people can still think that Ryan Adams is trying to "convince" anyone. He has changed styles for every record he puts out. Some better than others, but he has proven to me that he doesn't care what critics think anymore. If the music is good then the music is good. There are some truly beautiful songs here, and it is some of his best work. I couldn't believe that moron down below could ever compare Ryan Adams to Toby Keith. To me that is music ignorance. Good point though telling everyone to listen to bands that nobody has heard of, that makes you look like a real hipster. Anyway, this record is fantastic, his best work since Heartbreaker, and I can't wait to hear the next one. Expand
  16. BrentF
    Oct 17, 2005
    A fine country album that'll rattle your nerves.....obviously.
  17. BarryC
    Oct 11, 2005
    With time people will realize this is a masterpiece. There may be a few misses ( I agree with Zach L) but on the whole a great seasonal record. Initially I didn't think I liked the record very much but after multiple listens it continues to grow on me with every listen. I love the critics who listen to an album once and think they have a handle on it. The best records are the ones With time people will realize this is a masterpiece. There may be a few misses ( I agree with Zach L) but on the whole a great seasonal record. Initially I didn't think I liked the record very much but after multiple listens it continues to grow on me with every listen. I love the critics who listen to an album once and think they have a handle on it. The best records are the ones that get better with each addtional listen. The Dear John track with Norah Jones is haunting! Expand
  18. mikel
    Oct 11, 2005
    how does he do it? one more to go...
  19. ZachL
    Oct 6, 2005
    Why do the critics seem to hate anything this guy does? It's another great record, with maybe one or two misses. I guess some of them just have their heads in their asses. (I'm looking at you, Mojo)
  20. JimC
    Oct 5, 2005
    Solid RA - he is OLD SCHOOL
  21. TimmyD
    Oct 5, 2005
    Another stellar release from the prolific and gifted Adams. People keep complaining about his quantity but like Dylan in the 60s this is unhampered by studio gimmickery - just unadulterated, pure, good gawd honky skronk. Many will never get past Ryan the image, but hey! That's there problem. For me, this is another essential release.
  22. [Anonymous]
    Sep 30, 2005
    This album will kick your ass straight into the cold cold ground!
  23. JosephM
    Sep 30, 2005
    Amazing. Rivaling for my favorite of his. It's a wreckless, romantic, beautiful record that no one else could pull off except for Ryan.
  24. AaronH
    Sep 29, 2005
    This is a very good, almost great album. Ive listened to it several times now and after every listen I find another song to love and that I just cant get out of my head. I think its interesting that many critics proclaimed Adams was a young genius when he first emerged on the alt-country scene with Whiskeytown. They lauded him as the next Bob Dylan, Neil Young, the saviour of American This is a very good, almost great album. Ive listened to it several times now and after every listen I find another song to love and that I just cant get out of my head. I think its interesting that many critics proclaimed Adams was a young genius when he first emerged on the alt-country scene with Whiskeytown. They lauded him as the next Bob Dylan, Neil Young, the saviour of American music. Soon after Gold hit the scene many critics began criticizing him ror to closely resembling Bob Dylan, Neil Young, the savior of American music. Sure Adams may have acted like an overblown child at times and perhaps some of his albums are a little long, but you cant deny the fact that Adams has written some great songs throughout his young career and you can find several great songs on Jacksonville City Nights and other songs that are quite good. Its also interesting that so many critics cant review this man's records without taking a personal jab at him. One of the reasons why so many critics are always comparing each and every song Adams sings to (Morrison, Young, Dylan, Orbinson, on and on) is because they dont get it and the only way they can register what he is doing is by comparing him to the past. If you like great tunes with great lyrics done in a country/honky tonk/ punk/ good friggin music style pick this record up and tell the critics to hop back on the runaway train they helped to create. All while Adams was just tryig to write a good tune and live a dream. Expand
  25. JamesO
    Sep 29, 2005
    First country album since Whiskeytown's "Faithless Street." The Cardinals have made Adam's a more consistent artist over the last two albums. Can't wait for the third release of the year!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Jacksonville City Nights still ranks as one of Adams' stronger albums, not just because he's returning to his rootsy roots -- after all, this isn't alt-country, this is pure country -- but because it maintains a consistent mood, is tightly edited and well sequenced, and thanks to the Cardinals, has the easy assurance of Cold Roses
  2. His most straightforward country music to date.
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    Somebody tell this man to take a vacation. [30 Sep 2005, p.94]