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  1. Jan 26, 2022
    I love the first half of the album, but she loses me after “Million Reasons”. All the songs after that aren’t that great in my opinion. I will also say that I like this album better than Artpop (although it’s a completely different sound).
  2. Jun 24, 2022
    Albumde guzel olmayan parca neredeyse yok. Gaga'nin butun ic hesaplasmalarini kagida doktugu ve adeta kendisinin 2010'larin basindaki enerjik rockstar personasini yok edip olgun bir temayla izleyicilerin karsisina ciktigi album. Yeri ayridir. Angel Down'un worktapei sanirim bu albumde en cok dinledigim parca. Bu kadinin bagirmasi sarkilarina cok ayri bir hissiyat katiyor.
  3. May 14, 2023
    This album was slept on, wonderful album with some amazing ballads and bops

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. Q Magazine
    Nov 15, 2016
    Flawed though it is, this brave and canny album hits the reset button and buys her a future. [Jan 2017, p.105]
  2. Nov 11, 2016
    Unfortunately, therein lies the biggest problem with Joanne: for every time that Gaga seemingly breaks free of her shackles and embraces something more “real,” she quickly scuttles back into her comfort zone and hides behind glistening production. This probably isn’t quite the sound of the real Stefani Germanotta, but if you squint hard enough there’s a semblance of a real person in amongst the pop haze.
  3. Nov 9, 2016
    Joanne is certainly not the all-conquering opus it was intended to be and will prove divisive, but it remains a daring and exciting record, delivered from one of modern pop’s most unique and singular voices.