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Universal acclaim- based on 113 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 3 out of 113
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  1. Jun 5, 2021
    2021 is finally starting to sound good with records like this, undoubtedly a 10 out of 10.
  2. Oct 22, 2021
    This album is the best of the 2021 so far.

    My top songs are Posing in bondage, savage good boy and be sweet.
  3. Jul 13, 2021
    This album feels like the first sunlight after the rain and slowly leading to dusk. Paprika's an outstanding album opener as it gives you the feeling of something grand and magical. Gorgeous instrumentation that complements beautifully with Zauner's voice. Might be early but it's my 2021 Album Of The Year
  4. Aug 30, 2021
    An album that exploits the best of an artist, Japanese Breakfast has managed to detonate their creativity, leaving their comfort zone being a delight to pass between song and song even knowing that it lasts an hour, at the end you feel that something is missing or that time is cruel, simply with this album she is making it clear the artist she wants to be and raises the bar.
  5. Jun 4, 2021
    jubilee is japanese breakfast best album. it’s her most cohesive and entertaining yet. i like it a lot
  6. Jun 4, 2021
    Paprika is a stunning open to this outstanding album. Listening to it is like going to a parade. You've been to parades before, but you don't remember the floats being this big and colorful or the smiles being this wide and joyful. It's the first bite of a juicy and sweet fruit: tastier and more refreshing than you remembered it being.
    This feeling holds throughout the 10 gorgeous tracks.
    Paprika is a stunning open to this outstanding album. Listening to it is like going to a parade. You've been to parades before, but you don't remember the floats being this big and colorful or the smiles being this wide and joyful. It's the first bite of a juicy and sweet fruit: tastier and more refreshing than you remembered it being.
    This feeling holds throughout the 10 gorgeous tracks. Tracks such as Sit and In Hell sound like something that would fit into Zauner's previous two albums, but they're fuller, more confident, and stronger than before.
    The album closes with the evocative Posing for Cars. Zauner's vocals have never been this emotive and the bittersweet yearning bubbling beneath the surface of the album through songs such as Kokomo, In and Posing In Bondage reaches its catharsis with an illustrious and glittering instrumental. This evokes the feeling of finally finishing your last bite of fruit. You've realized that with the embracing of its sweetness came a bitterness and toughness. Perhaps you wish you could share it with someone else, but they might not appreciate it like you do. But you don't regret eating it and you desire more.

    I've never considered an album to be a 10/10. Even my favorite albums have aspects that I might think could've been executed in a way that would've worked better. But Jubilee is truly a different beast. I've been devouring it for the past few days (got the vinyl release early) and cannot think of a single thing I would change about it.
    If you haven't yet listened to it, do yourself the favor. And when you do, make sure you truly savor it. Close your eyes. Feel each instrument and word fill your body. And you will find yourself enjoying a truly delicious meal.
  7. Jun 4, 2021
    This album is amazing, it exceeded my expectations. Japanese breakfast is one of the best artists of the moment
  8. Jun 15, 2021
    album of the year. i made an account just to say that. honestly have never used this website before.
  9. Aug 25, 2022
    So beautiful and pretty and ended floppy lovato. She’s over and ended.
  10. Oct 9, 2022
    Jubilee is the album that put Japanese Breakfast on the map, and it is an incredible alt-rock album.
  11. Jun 29, 2021
    Paprika for me is a 20/10. The whole album is just great, there are excellent songs like Kokomo, In and Tacticts and some other that are'nt a 10 but are for sure a 9. Just keep being you Michelle, you're amazing! You don't need a full album of 20/10. Paprika is just the best song of 2020 for me, and the year is only half way.
  12. Aug 19, 2021
    Japanese Breakfast has created an album that is nearly perfect in all ways: singing, melody, instrumentals, lyrics, and atmosphere created. This album deserves to be celebrated and will likely be in my top ten list at the end of 2021. This album helps push us to happier places even if it talks about loneliness, longing, needs, death, and more. Joy and happiness are multifaceted. The outroJapanese Breakfast has created an album that is nearly perfect in all ways: singing, melody, instrumentals, lyrics, and atmosphere created. This album deserves to be celebrated and will likely be in my top ten list at the end of 2021. This album helps push us to happier places even if it talks about loneliness, longing, needs, death, and more. Joy and happiness are multifaceted. The outro of POSING FOR CARS is epic and is the perfect way to end the album as PAPRIKA was the best way to start this work of art. PAPRIKA, to me, reminds us that there can be an immense relief and jubilee to open the floodgates without finding water or a current of any kind. SLIDE TACKLE is about the desire to be better and to transcend to joy the darkness and hate and asking to be treated well during this time. IN HELL hits you where it hurts and can open up the waterworks. TACTICS is about how freedom and joy might only be sometimes possible if you move away and let the other person say what they want and distort the truth while embracing fiction. Paprika - 10
    Be Sweet - 9
    Kokomo, IN - 9
    Slide Tackle - 9
    Posing in Bondage - 10
    Sit - 9
    Savage Good Boy - 9
    In Hell - 10
    Tactics - 10
    Posing For Cars - 10

    95/100 A
  13. Jul 13, 2021
    This cohesive body of work pleasantly surprised me. I had never heard a single JB song before, and to start off with Jubilee was one of the best decisions I’ve made. Some of the standouts to me were Be Sweet, Sit and Posing In Bondage.
  14. Jun 19, 2021
    Eu achei um álbum tão reconfortante, as letras são muito honestas sobre superação e inseguranças, sobre ser feliz e querer ser feliz. É um álbum q saber manter o ritmo e eu me perco nas melodias e na produção com aquelas guitarras, trompetes e saxofones

    Melhores Faixas:
    -Slide Tackle
    -Be Sweet
    -Posing In Bondage
    -In Hell
  15. Jul 21, 2021
    A solid album ,with majoritarily great tracks (Paprika ,Savage Good Boy , Kokomo,IN and Be Sweet in special , in my point of vision ,or POV) ,it is very well orchestrated and feels like a harmonical ,Indie-Pop inspired work of art that manages to be a very calm and pleasant experience from beginning to end . Where the production quality is ,overall , the MAIN Pro of this whole projectA solid album ,with majoritarily great tracks (Paprika ,Savage Good Boy , Kokomo,IN and Be Sweet in special , in my point of vision ,or POV) ,it is very well orchestrated and feels like a harmonical ,Indie-Pop inspired work of art that manages to be a very calm and pleasant experience from beginning to end . Where the production quality is ,overall , the MAIN Pro of this whole project ,where NO TRACK has a very lackluster instrumentalism , and it all feels together .
    But at the CONS i feel that it had lack of lyrical power on some parts (specially on Posing In Bondage) and ,even if the Production is overall satisfying and great ,at times it did not steped-it-up at creating a amazing progression ,becoming a little underwhelming .
    And also ,not much of a HUGE bad thing at all ,but more of a analytical point : The enuntiation of lyrics is not so understandable sometimes . This might be more of a aesthetical choice of Michelle Zauner ,and i do not want to be ignorant towards such style . But a tip would be making it more comprehensible at times at the lyrical enuntiation .
    Overall , SOLID and i would say that ,overall by Users x Critical Acceptance ,it could be a GREAT AOTY contestant .
  16. Apr 8, 2022
    Este álbum puede llegar a gustar a los fans de Liz Phair como a los de Dua Lipa por su increíble producción y sus mensajes profundos
  17. Nov 2, 2021
    This album is bright, outgoing, and sweet. The instrumentals feel like a summer sunrise and Michelle's vocals are stunning. This album starts off strong and it holds its ground for most of the way through. As I got to the end, the tracks 'Savage Good Boy' and 'In Hell' sort of flew over my head, compared to the other tracks in the album like 'Be Sweet' and 'Sit' that really sucked me inThis album is bright, outgoing, and sweet. The instrumentals feel like a summer sunrise and Michelle's vocals are stunning. This album starts off strong and it holds its ground for most of the way through. As I got to the end, the tracks 'Savage Good Boy' and 'In Hell' sort of flew over my head, compared to the other tracks in the album like 'Be Sweet' and 'Sit' that really sucked me in and made me want to hear more and more. Expand
  18. Oct 29, 2021
    a magnificent exhibition of loss, growth, and finding moments of glory in between it all.
  19. Jun 8, 2021
    In a shimmering delight, Japanese Breakfast captures the essence of joy and exuberance with pulsing synth and driving guitar on Jubilee. It is an album framed with references from so many genres: it’s a triumph they play off one another so naturally. The album even tackles more complex themes, like dependence and distance, in a way that juxtaposes the difficult with a certain charmingIn a shimmering delight, Japanese Breakfast captures the essence of joy and exuberance with pulsing synth and driving guitar on Jubilee. It is an album framed with references from so many genres: it’s a triumph they play off one another so naturally. The album even tackles more complex themes, like dependence and distance, in a way that juxtaposes the difficult with a certain charming glow. Standouts include the thrilling lifts of “Be Sweet,” frank desire of “Posing in Bondage,” and inspired closing track “Posing for Cars.” Expand
  20. Dec 15, 2021
    Everything about this album makes me happy. The energetic grooves, passionate vocals, and a track list that is consistent. Her writing has grown as well, and I believe this is the first time I've had a connection to Japanese Breakfast's music. I'm enjoying the attention it's receiving, and it's still growing on me. A contender for AOTY.
  21. Apr 11, 2022
    This album was very refreshing, and it reminds me of the color yellow--specifically the shade on the cover. "Paprika" is a shining opener, and singles such as "Be Sweet" and "Posing In Bondage" carry out that sparkle. "Slide Tackle" and "Tactics" are my personal favorites, and the bold, slow-tempo outro, "Posing For Cars", is as notable as it is impressive, both vocally and instrumentally.This album was very refreshing, and it reminds me of the color yellow--specifically the shade on the cover. "Paprika" is a shining opener, and singles such as "Be Sweet" and "Posing In Bondage" carry out that sparkle. "Slide Tackle" and "Tactics" are my personal favorites, and the bold, slow-tempo outro, "Posing For Cars", is as notable as it is impressive, both vocally and instrumentally. Overall, "Jubilee" is a great album. Expand
  22. Jan 24, 2022
    If you like your pop a little bit alternative but still very much laced in brightness and melody, Japanese Breakfast might be what you've been looking for. The opening track "Paprika" starts the album off on a really strong note. It's borderline ecstatic in its brightness and was the standout track by a distance for me. The other 9 tracks range gradually go from really good pop songs downIf you like your pop a little bit alternative but still very much laced in brightness and melody, Japanese Breakfast might be what you've been looking for. The opening track "Paprika" starts the album off on a really strong note. It's borderline ecstatic in its brightness and was the standout track by a distance for me. The other 9 tracks range gradually go from really good pop songs down to "above average" and then "average". I found it to be a front loaded album in that as it went on I found the songs less impressive. In short, there are some really great tracks but as an album it's simply "good". Expand
  23. Jun 26, 2021
    Japanese Breakfast-Jubilee:7.9/10
    Michelle Zauner,aka Japanese Breakfast, has the work ethic of a capitalist and the appearance of a commie ACABA millennial. These contrasts and more construct the bare essentials of the outfit&their discography. Bursting onto the the scene with the quite "psychopomp" and then solidifying their sound whilst simultaneously breaking through onto the indie
    Japanese Breakfast-Jubilee:7.9/10
    Michelle Zauner,aka Japanese Breakfast, has the work ethic of a capitalist and the appearance of a commie ACABA millennial. These contrasts and more construct the bare essentials of the outfit&their discography. Bursting onto the the scene with the quite "psychopomp" and then solidifying their sound whilst simultaneously breaking through onto the indie circuit, with the solem "sounds from another planet " we have received a vague lool into the breath of her talent. Unlike most whom during the pandemic weren't productive and became insular Michelle got to work releasing a new york times bestseller and one of the best records of the year so far. "Jubilee" a record aptly named from the ambitious sonic jerk she takes is unlike her others whilst being the most Japanese Breakfast record. Opening to a slow burn grandeur of "Paprika " which ponders existence with a playful irony by the second verse it's difficult to not have begun taking inventory of all the chance moments that bring you to where you are. The opening horns and sharp syths set the sonic scene for the next 9 songs. The stellar track 2,"be sweet" is a upbeat,dare i say optimistic, ode to fidelity and love as she asks a lover for commitment in return for hers. Beginning as a warning to loves of her fragility it becomes a desperate moment. Not a second of the 3min15s are wasted. The subtle" Kokomo,IN "contemplates feeling incomplete and knowing the reason why is because of some1 you shouldn't have. An album stacked with experimental highs like the folktronica shoegaze of "savge good boy" or the poignant 'side tackle"
    Favourites:side tackle,be sweet,paprika, posing for cars
  24. Jun 5, 2021
    The newest release from Michelle Zauner as Japanese Breakfast, is a magnificent exhibition of loss, growth, and finding moments of glory in between it all.

    "Paprika" and "Be Sweet" are excellent songs to start the album. "Posing in Bondage" and "Savage Good Boy" are also favorites of mine. The album has some moments of feeling a bit bogged down by inadequate vocal mixing, but
    The newest release from Michelle Zauner as Japanese Breakfast, is a magnificent exhibition of loss, growth, and finding moments of glory in between it all.

    "Paprika" and "Be Sweet" are excellent songs to start the album. "Posing in Bondage" and "Savage Good Boy" are also favorites of mine.

    The album has some moments of feeling a bit bogged down by inadequate vocal mixing, but overall, it is Zauner's best album to date.
  25. Jun 22, 2021
    What a wonderful, charming and flirty sound! This was my introduction to Japanese Breakfast, and I'm glad it went this way. From what I understand, Michelle Zauner is the head of the group and the one who built the melancholy made lyrical, until the release of Jubilee (the name of the album says it all, the celebration of something). The mixture between chamber music and lo-fi leads to aWhat a wonderful, charming and flirty sound! This was my introduction to Japanese Breakfast, and I'm glad it went this way. From what I understand, Michelle Zauner is the head of the group and the one who built the melancholy made lyrical, until the release of Jubilee (the name of the album says it all, the celebration of something). The mixture between chamber music and lo-fi leads to a rare but tasty proposal.

    fav tracks: "In Hell", "Kokomo, ID", "Be Sweet", "Slide Tackle" & "Savage Good Boy"
    KEY-TRACK: "Posing In Bondage"

Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 19
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 19
  3. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Jul 6, 2021
    While much has been made of Jubilee being an album about joy—and in some ways, it is—the majority of the third Japanese Breakfast album captures a full breadth of emotions. ... It’s on the back half of this album where things don’t click as strongly.
  2. Jun 11, 2021
    Jubilee is an album that showcases Zauner's talents to their fullest and makes crushing on Japanese Breakfast hard to resist.
  3. Jun 11, 2021
    The album isn’t uplifting in a simplistic sense. Often, it’s blotted with shadows. In her lyrics, Zauner has a fondness for zig-zagging from ebullient to devastating, often when you least expect it (“With my luck you’ll be dead within the year / I’ve come to expect it,” she croons on ‘In Hell’). And yet at a molecular level, Jubilee is a rush.