• Record Label: Arista
  • Release Date: Mar 8, 2005
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 110 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 98 out of 110
  2. Negative: 5 out of 110

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  1. SlobodanS
    Aug 6, 2005
    Simply excellent
  2. JoseAntonioC
    Jan 14, 2007
  3. kits
    Jun 7, 2005
    Amazing album even better seen live
  4. MichelleK
    Apr 13, 2007
    Awesome Album, awesome live band. what else can i say. Best Tracks: LSF, Cutt Off, ID, Club Foot, Processed Beats
  5. ChrisD
    Jan 28, 2005
    Horrifically overrated (mostly by Tom Meighan's motormouthed arrogance); hiding behind the 'cool' apathy of their image is a distinct lack of memorable tunes.
  6. shitestershits
    Sep 16, 2006
    The biggest bunch of cunts in rock music! all their albums are shite.shoot the runner is afucking joke, they are fom fucking leicester! not manchester! fucking leicester! hope they die in a horrific plane crash
  7. JimmyS
    Jul 4, 2005
    Excellent album, heard LSF on a free CD with a magazine and bought the album on the strength of that one song. Best decision I ever made. Keeps at a level of quality that no other album I've listened to in years has. Great music, great beats, gread band. Consistently brilliant!
  8. David
    Mar 3, 2006
    Having had the privalege to see this band live on more than a few occaisions, I can attest that they are the real deal. Over the years, Kasabian have moved from 1st billing to last billing at festivals, and when you see them, you can see why. (There are many bands around that just don't cut it live, so it;s satisfying to see this band get some success.) You can definately hear their Having had the privalege to see this band live on more than a few occaisions, I can attest that they are the real deal. Over the years, Kasabian have moved from 1st billing to last billing at festivals, and when you see them, you can see why. (There are many bands around that just don't cut it live, so it;s satisfying to see this band get some success.) You can definately hear their influences, which is no bad thing. Upfront and proud of their sound, I give this album 9 out of 10. The genuine article. Expand
  9. Kyle
    May 26, 2006
    I throughly enjoy this album. "Butcher Blues" Is by far my favourite track off this album. But, "LSF" comes in at a close second. Both tracks excute That Classic British cool that makes walking with this playing on headphones a very enjoyable experience. The really neat instrumental "Ovary Stripe" is much fun to drive too. I would really like to see this band live... soon.
  10. AndyD
    Jan 11, 2005
    What an excellent album! At last something original has emerged with something to it as opposed to the recent mediocre samey rock. Well done Kasabian and its nice to see that a band from the midlands has made such an impact on the music industry.
  11. JamieP
    Mar 10, 2005
    Definatly captures the sounds of the early 90's mixed with the tripped out beats from today. Not a bad listen.
  12. AlexA
    Mar 31, 2005
    Very solid album. Refreshing stream in the post punk waters. Club Foot and Reason is Treason are great tracks.
  13. GraemeH
    Mar 8, 2005
    An outstanding album. A mixture of Happy Mondays and Stone Roses at their best.
  14. rogert
    Mar 8, 2005
    anyone need more proof that Rolling Stone SUCKS? I find the music to be quite good, much better than typical "radio rock." This album has been out for a while but MTV2 finally featured them over the weekend.
  15. leeh
    Apr 1, 2005
    Musically not the most challenging, but it is simple and pure dance orientated rock that you cannot help but dance too. Simple brilliance
  16. RichR
    Apr 10, 2005
    This band is BAD, meaning GOOD, and kind of scary. They're not afraid to throw a little bit of menace into the mix, and how many modern bands can make that claim? BLOODY FEW! HIstorically, a few come to mind: Stones, Velvets, Led Zep, Sex Pistols, Joy Division... (I'm not saying Kasabian sound like these bands, dork). But nowadays, not bloody many.
  17. NorthFreedomFighter
    Apr 5, 2005
    It grips you, it thrusts you into its world, it makes you want more. Revolutionary it may not be, but damn is it gutsy and smooth, you know they feel what they play, even if few others do. Plus, you will not see a better live act this year. Pure quality entertainment that takes you away, what music should be.
  18. ChelseaD
    Jul 9, 2005
    Cokemachineglow sum up Kasabian perfectly, their debut album is nothing we haven't heard before. They sound like Primal Scream if Primal Scream sucked.
  19. CiaranG
    Aug 26, 2005
    Quite simply the best album I've every heard. There are not many out there where all the tracks would get a 9 or 10!!
  20. slobodan
    Sep 10, 2005
    Excellent album, the name is weird though.
  21. PJZ
    Mar 27, 2008
    10 to counter the ignorance of 0.
  22. JosephH
    Jun 18, 2010
    This vote is to counter the ignorance of the fools who voted 1's and 0's. I actually rate the album, like much of Kasabian's work a 6. Brilliant blockbuster songs, let down by weak filler material.
  23. maxp
    Dec 20, 2004
    fantastic album, sum gr8 tunes
  24. JohnJ
    Jan 16, 2005
    Solid Album. Enjoyable to listen to.
  25. AlxD
    Feb 10, 2005
    Solid as a rock. Exciting purely because it heralds a significant arrival - suggesting that the second album will be the masterpiece. But this record has more than enough top tunes to be getting on with for now.
  26. SamS
    Feb 8, 2005
    Better than average. Catchy, but does it have staying power?
  27. JoeS
    Mar 11, 2005
    at first i really liked this album, but it wears away, and the lyrics arent overly imaginative, still worth a lisen though
  28. JonR
    Apr 2, 2005
    an excellent album, they create a sound without making all the songs sound the same. the rock thing with a healthy splattering of break beats make it number one on my play list
  29. ClaireH
    May 9, 2005
    This has to be the best album I have ever listened to. I have been captivated from start to finish with Kasabian's atmospheric anthems. Each song is a musical masterpiece, including so many different sounds and types of music. Utterly inspiring
  30. ChaunceyJ
    Jul 11, 2005
    the future of music with actual soul. I love this album

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 21
  2. Negative: 1 out of 21
  1. Q Magazine
    Such are the highs, the weaker material suffers by comparison. [Sep 2004, p.111]
  2. Sure this album may well sound awesome if you’ve just snorted a metre of charlie or recently breakfasted from a menu of ‘shrooms and LSD, but for sober ears it’s enough to drive anyone to drugs.
  3. This is how the Stone Roses' Second Coming could have - should have - sounded.