
Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. Feb 20, 2014
    While Cynic's songwriting here is far from simple, their ability to create cohesion between the many elements at work in their music is a boon to the listener, providing the opportunity to enjoy the depth and complexity of the music without needing to spend an excessive amount of time trying to make heads or tails of it.
  2. Feb 20, 2014
    The dynamics are top notch, shifting masterfully from a melodic tone to a heavy, empowered voice.
  3. Mar 10, 2014
    Kindly Bent to Free Us works as a sort of retroactive insult: It resurrects many of the misgivings people have always had about Cynic--the overindulgent vocals, for instance, or the ponderous new-age musings--and runs wild with them.
  4. Feb 20, 2014
    Cynic’s shredders utilize their skills to construct great melodies and riffs, which often blossom into solid tunes that demand the listener’s attention.
  5. Feb 20, 2014
    While Kindly Bent To Free Us carries Cynic’s trademark sound, it simultaneously sounds like it could’ve been written by a number of groups.
  6. Feb 20, 2014
    This isn't a slight dip in quality, it's an avalanche.
User Score

Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 24 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 24
  2. Negative: 16 out of 24
  1. Jun 2, 2015
    Not a huge fan of giving albums 1's or 0's, but sometimes it just has to be done.Cynic have been extremely influential and experimental inNot a huge fan of giving albums 1's or 0's, but sometimes it just has to be done.Cynic have been extremely influential and experimental in their time of being musicians. Traced in Air and Focus are both among some of my favorite albums of all time, but this just falls flat. It sounds lousy and monotonous. I know this band can do better than this and it's a shame. I wouldn't ordinarily give it a 1, but knowing a band of this caliber, they shouldn't be releasing such dull and lifeless music. Just check out Focus or Traced in Air if you want real good music.. Might wanna skip out on this one Full Review »
  2. Nov 26, 2021
    I think that this is rather underrated or really poorly represented. I find that right from the beginning, yes you are getting a veryI think that this is rather underrated or really poorly represented. I find that right from the beginning, yes you are getting a very meditative, Zen style of lyrics. Right from the get go with 'True Hallucination Speak'. I think there is no like album to this.

    'Infinite Shapes' is a favorite, robust and intricate language. it seems like a quest for knowledge but it is something of healing, a search beyond life or perceived. .But the entire narration gets more a fabric of transcending itself. All throughout it creates this invisible harmony with in itself.

    The album goes through this, Cynic has been known to turn people off right from Focus. Which is why they 'retired' but their return met with like enthusiasm.

    'Traced In Air' could be better received but I don't think that people are engaging this album, perhaps retroactively will be beloved. seems distant from, perhaps the tracks don't materialize in what the listener asks. That perhaps coming at it conceded, because it is more a spiritual, advent, radical, awakening, trembling, fleeting, human. In it's zodiacal and zenith.

    Perfect in it's own light. What it does is create another map of neo religion, but it lacks in 'magic' they are creating, perhaps it is too minimalistic, but I believe it stands on it's own, despite on a review level, I would give it an 8 because it on a person level a 10 but reviewing it is an 8. I think the problem is the ideas are well formed but it feels drowned or not given enough to stand on it's own. Easily understand the dislike, or bad reviews. But I enjoyed it being a Cynic fan.
    Full Review »
  3. Jul 15, 2015
    What happened to this band? A once powerhouse of prog/jazz-fusion/metal has turned to pure boredom. There is nothing here to listen to. EveryWhat happened to this band? A once powerhouse of prog/jazz-fusion/metal has turned to pure boredom. There is nothing here to listen to. Every song monotonously drags to the next. Whatever happened to the creativity of Focus? Full Review »