
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Mojo
    May 21, 2020
    The boogie imperative on Knuckleball Express is less deconstructed than usual. [Jul 2020, p.84]
  2. The Wire
    Apr 28, 2020
    What makes Knuckleball Express slightly different from previous Hex albums is that the songs seem slightly straighter, though it’s a matter of moments before the apple cart is upset and a whole packet of noodles is scattered over the mix. [May 2020, p.52]
  3. Apr 21, 2020
    Knuckleball Express is the best Howling Hex album since Nightclub Version of the Eternal.
  4. Uncut
    Apr 20, 2020
    Prime cuts like "Words" and "City In The Country" bristle with renewed vigour and clarity of purpose. [Jun 2020, p.30]
  5. Apr 20, 2020
    Knuckleball Express may well be the most accessible entry in the musician’s vast catalogue. It’s not a compromise or sell-out, but rather a welcome implementation of his talents to the foundational rock that’s always undergirded his sound and sensibility.
  6. Apr 20, 2020
    Occasionally, Knuckleball Express' loose ends threaten to unravel, but for the most part, the album is held together by the feeling that Hagerty is having more fun making music than he has in some time.
  7. Apr 20, 2020
    Full of charm, panache, and eccentric raw power, Knuckleball Express makes good on his promise to make something real.

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