• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Oct 28, 2016
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Universal acclaim- based on 375 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 24 out of 375
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  1. Oct 28, 2016
    На самом деле лучший альбом 2016 года,разнообразный,качественный,интересный , очень горжусь Туве, развивается в плане качества,что не может не радовать.
  2. Oct 28, 2016
    I'm really shocked! It feels like a modern instant classic, actually every single track is outstanding. Album overall is very consistent both musically and lyrically, much better than her debut which was already great.
  3. Oct 28, 2016
    She's a queen, this album is pure fire...#FULLONLADYWOOD

    The lyrics, the meaning of each songs, the production...minimal but at the same time so aggressive, she challenged herself a lot in the use of the voice.

    Great work Tove Lo.
  4. Oct 28, 2016
    O álbum tá maravilhoso! Tove Lo veio pra salvar o pop em 2016. Lady Wood saiu agr e já é o melhor álbum pop de 2016. Estou mto orgulhoso da minha garota. Amém Tove Lo!
  5. Oct 28, 2016
    Que iconeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  6. Oct 28, 2016
  7. Oct 28, 2016
    Pure Eargasm. Best: Imaginary Friend & Flashes. You don't do drugs? but well, there is the same but soundly. One of the most waiting album of my life, and i'm not disappointed, 100% recomendable
  8. Oct 28, 2016
    álbum do milênio, Tove Lo consegue misturar música eletrônica com um conceito de alta qualidade, sem dúvidas ela se superou, minhas expectativas foram recompensadas.
  9. Oct 28, 2016
    Slight, lyrical and spontaneous. Lady Wood is a different work of his Debut "Queen of the clouds", with catchy and well-produced songs. Strengths: "Influence," "Do not talk about It" and "Imaginary Friend".
  10. Oct 28, 2016
    Muy buen álbum, muy buenos sonidos y buenas letras. Creo que este album es uno de los mejores de 2016!
    A great album, very good sounds and good lyrics! I think this album is one of the best of 2016!
  11. Nov 2, 2016
    AMAZING ALBUM! Just when you thought pop music was failing us this year, Lady Wood came and saved it! Every song is amazing! It actually works great as a record rather then "single" reliant , where you should play it through from Fairy Dust, all the way to WTF Is Love, then loop it!
  12. Nov 26, 2016
    Este álbum es todo lo que ha querido hacer la música actual pero no lo ha logrado hacer, solo la única "Tove Lo" lo ha logrado hacer. El punto mas fuerte del álbum son los sonidos compartido con las letras.
    Un álbum que fluye en historia narrada en 2 partes, Fairy Dust & Fire Fade, canción tras canción (sin hacerte cansar cada vez que lo escuchas de principio a fin), así haciendo a "Tove
    Este álbum es todo lo que ha querido hacer la música actual pero no lo ha logrado hacer, solo la única "Tove Lo" lo ha logrado hacer. El punto mas fuerte del álbum son los sonidos compartido con las letras.
    Un álbum que fluye en historia narrada en 2 partes, Fairy Dust & Fire Fade, canción tras canción (sin hacerte cansar cada vez que lo escuchas de principio a fin), así haciendo a "Tove Lo" una artista consagrada en esta década. Un álbum que evoluciono la etapa de ella y de la era.
  13. Oct 28, 2016
    que álbum maravilhoso, amore. ainda não superei a ponte de flashes e nem o hino que vibes é. um pisão no queen of the clouds - que também é ótimo. obrigado tove lo por salvar o pop de 2016.
  14. Nov 6, 2016
    Second best album of 2016! Only good songs with a good ''film'', Fairy Dust, I keep waiting the Fire Fade too, and the Lady Wood continued drop on 2017.... SHE SLAY!
  15. Oct 28, 2016
    Lady Wood can only be described as blunt and beautiful. With tracks like the album titled "Lady Wood", and the Chapter 2 opener, "Don't Talk About It", Tove Lo gives her listeners, whether male or female a glimpse of honest, raw passion and lust. That's what makes this album stand out amongst the rest of the pop albums released this year. It's sprinkled with "Fairy Dust" synths and bopsLady Wood can only be described as blunt and beautiful. With tracks like the album titled "Lady Wood", and the Chapter 2 opener, "Don't Talk About It", Tove Lo gives her listeners, whether male or female a glimpse of honest, raw passion and lust. That's what makes this album stand out amongst the rest of the pop albums released this year. It's sprinkled with "Fairy Dust" synths and bops for the casual listener, but the smoke quickly clears, showing us that not all of Pop music has to be squeaky clean, some can be dark and tantalizing and that's surprisingly refreshing. Expand
  16. Oct 28, 2016
    esse álbum esta maravilhoso, mal posso esperar para comprar o CD físico... Tove Lo cada vez melhor, sempre surpreendendo, adora ela, agora amo!! #LADYWOOD
  17. Oct 29, 2016
    Lady Wood is a beautiful,gorgeous,perfect masterpiece.
    It is much better than QOTC ,though I like QOTC very much as well.
    I hope this time,Lady Wood can be a big hit.
  18. Nov 1, 2016
    Pure pop. This album could be included in the pop royalty masterpieces. Lo is showing her voice in all of its forms, experimenting with sounds and, as her first LP, she's telling an history to us.
    One of the best albums released in 2016, in my opinion, which deserves AT LEAST the success she had with Queen of the Clouds.

    Most recommended track and personal favorite: Imaginary Friend
  19. Nov 2, 2016
    The first thing to come to mind when listening to this record is The Weeknd for sure, especially the use of sexuality to translate emotion and desire. Very pleased with this album and Tove Lo in general, she snatched us all!
  20. Nov 4, 2016
    Tove Lo did a great job working on her sophomore album. It's classier and catchier but still raw and vulnerable. I love the story behind this record and really excited about the second part coming next year.
  21. Jun 20, 2017
    Su mejor álbum,canciones que despiertan sentimientos magicos al escuchar las letra de grandes de canciones como True Disaster,es muy conceptual y vale la pena escucharlo.
  22. Oct 28, 2016
    tove lo salvou o pop em 2016
    lady wood hinário, cool girl muito hino, influence vai hitar morar no #1, ícone mundial, rainha sueca

    comprem after the afterparty no itunes

    era só isso beijos
  23. Oct 28, 2016
    hinario, senhora pau não decepcionou, amém tove lo, maquina de fazer hits. Mistura de batidas que envolvem quem escuta a musica, otima pra todos os ouvintes, amém keep it simple
  24. Oct 28, 2016
    Безусловно, лучший альбом 2016 года. Туве развивается в музыкальном плане, и это очень радует, очень надеюсь, что она будет держать планку, и её следующие релизы будут такими же прекрасными
  25. Oct 28, 2016
    This album is truly a masterpiece, the best pop album of the year, and of the best albums overall. Tove Lo's best album to date. I am so proud of her!
  26. Oct 31, 2016
    It's been 3 days since this record came out. Friday evening, I told myself I'd review it with a 9/10, because it was really great, but some tracks felt short the first time I heard them. However, I spent the last 3 days doing two things: studying and listening to Lady Wood, and after a weekend of unstoppable and ecstatic listens, I can now make sure that I dont want to, but I HAVE to giveIt's been 3 days since this record came out. Friday evening, I told myself I'd review it with a 9/10, because it was really great, but some tracks felt short the first time I heard them. However, I spent the last 3 days doing two things: studying and listening to Lady Wood, and after a weekend of unstoppable and ecstatic listens, I can now make sure that I dont want to, but I HAVE to give this album a 10. The follow-up to Queen of the Clouds is just as strong, and hits just as hard in all the right places. Nilsson described it as "darker and moodier" than her last effort, and that' something I agree on. The themes of the songs are very edgy, and the synths and beats hit so hard, all while preserving Lo's lyrics as deep and as personal as we've come to know them. Highlights are all over the album: 'True Disaster' is a killer track, that should easily climb the charts; 'Don't Talk About It' is a very deep song that sounds like an advice coming from a fellow superstar about how Tove should handle her fame; 'Imaginary Friend' is a song for when you feel desperate and alone; 'Lady Wood' is, for me, about embracing your differences. Nevertheless, the song that shines the most and is the diamond of the disc is 'Flashes', whose lyrics deal with the effect of fame on a former love. You can hear her pain when she soars with the amazing chorus: "When I **** things up / What about you?". The closer "WTF Love Is" felt like a filler after the first listen, but it turned out to be a grower.
    Finally, Tove Lo really stepped up her game with her sophomore studio album, and proved once again her high rank in the list of pop masterminds. Awesome record. Proudly: 10/10.
  27. Nov 7, 2016
    Tove salvou o pop!! meu pop ta vivo!!
    ninguém aguenta mais álbum conceitual, que não da para ralar a raba no chão!
    Tove é conceito, é pop, é shockkk de monstro queridãn!!!
  28. Nov 2, 2016
    I've had this album on repeat since it came out less than a week ago. I didn't know if Tove would be able to top Queen of the Clouds, but I have to say, Lady Wood is just... awesome. It's the same Tove Lo we know and love, but there's something a little smarter about this album that makes it feel fresh. For starters, there are only 10 full songs, which kind of goes against the latest trendI've had this album on repeat since it came out less than a week ago. I didn't know if Tove would be able to top Queen of the Clouds, but I have to say, Lady Wood is just... awesome. It's the same Tove Lo we know and love, but there's something a little smarter about this album that makes it feel fresh. For starters, there are only 10 full songs, which kind of goes against the latest trend of pop albums having tons of songs, and deluxe editions, etc. The great thing though is that there isn't one weak song on the album, so it's just Tove giving us the best of what she's got. It flows together very nicely, and there are plenty of hooks and catchy melodies that make this album sublime pop goodness. Which brings me to my next point. Tove's music isn't groundbreaking or exotic or anything like that. It's mainstream synth pop, but she executes it so well and seems to have so much fun with it that she stands well above the pack in this genre. I think this woman is seriously smart, and I can't wait to hear what she does next (although for now I'm happy with Lady Wood).

    Standout tracks: Flashes, Lady Wood, WTF Love Is
  29. Nov 23, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Tove Lo is an singer of Hyper-Quality category. Lady Wood shiped the best side of Tove. The new era of artist still have a short film. The Fairy Dust apply an history based in lyrics of Lady Wood musics. Worth Remember who the album is an first part. Lady Wood (the second album of era) will be released in the next year. Expand
  30. Nov 10, 2016
    This is Tove Lo doing her best. Lyrics on point. Melodies on point. Talent on point. This might be one of the best pop records of this decade. Pop has a good name to save it.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Jan 3, 2017
    While there aren't as many standout singles this time around, the Swedish singer impressively maintains a consistent tone throughout, and its two-part structure adds to its listenability as an album experience.
  2. Dec 2, 2016
    For all the explosive choruses and repeated synth trills, Lady Wood, a still-wonderful pop album, falls just shy of being truly great, from saying something truly memorable.
  3. Q Magazine
    Nov 15, 2016
    This is intelligent pop freighted with emotional complexity. [Jan 2017, p.108]