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Generally favorable reviews- based on 30 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 30
  2. Negative: 3 out of 30
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  1. Dec 8, 2021
    Almost perfect, a few songs that are not good are in the 2nd half of the album.
  2. Jan 1, 2021
    for me it was the best album of the year, it was worth the wait, indispensable for those who love a synthpop. .
  3. Jan 1, 2021
    for me it was the best album of the year, it was worth the wait, indispensable for those who love a synthpop. .
  4. Apr 5, 2020
    I’m a huge Ladytron fan. Especially since Witching Hour where they started introducing live drums to their musical style and adopted a more personal take to their lyrics which strays them album over album further and further away from their pop origins.

    This album is nothing short of a masterpiece. They had many highlights over the course of their discography to date but they have finally
    I’m a huge Ladytron fan. Especially since Witching Hour where they started introducing live drums to their musical style and adopted a more personal take to their lyrics which strays them album over album further and further away from their pop origins.

    This album is nothing short of a masterpiece. They had many highlights over the course of their discography to date but they have finally succeeded in an album where each and every song is excellent and flows smoothly through an array of styles from one track to the next.

    They I think missed some album highlights to promote as singles because there’s a lot here to love and share with others.

    Again lyrics are deep and personal, this time reflecting both internally and comparing those views to the external world. Musically it’s an evolution into their best mix to date. While other albums may feel at times uneven in their mix and tone this one has a nice consistency and allows the catchier beats to highlight the impact of the lyrics better as a result.

    Simply put this is an album to be played on repeat and time may show how this could be one of their greatest achievements.
  5. Feb 24, 2019
    synthpop/electronic perfection, ladytron is magnificent and incredible, truly and unique titans of electronic music.
  6. Feb 16, 2019
    Ladytron is a magnificent return and in my view, surpisingly, their most consistently engrossing album. The three pre-released singles are all in the first half of the album. They are intricate and layered. Although the lyrical content and tone are dark, there is a euphoric, trance-like element to the instrumentation. Until the Fire and Tower of Glass develop the wall-of-synth shoegazingLadytron is a magnificent return and in my view, surpisingly, their most consistently engrossing album. The three pre-released singles are all in the first half of the album. They are intricate and layered. Although the lyrical content and tone are dark, there is a euphoric, trance-like element to the instrumentation. Until the Fire and Tower of Glass develop the wall-of-synth shoegazing sound to create a fresh, new direction for Ladytron. The production is menacing and urgent, and the vocal transcendence of songs like International Dateline has been replaced by more encompassing instrumentation; I love this style, but others may yearn for the crisper sound. Simple, innocent, childlike melodies fight impending doom in the excellent Paper Highways and Horrorscope, Run signals the halfway point before experimental behemoths like Deadzone and You've Changed merge with ethereal powerhouses Figurine and The Mountain to create one of the strongest back halves of an album in recent years. Closer Tomorrow is Another Day is beautiful. I adore this album. Welcome back Ladytron - and thank you for taking risks and expanding your sound. Expand
  7. Feb 15, 2019
    This album is really interesting. The production is a perfect mix of synth-pop, pop-rock, alternative and electronic. I love this style and this kind of making music.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Feb 22, 2019
    A carefully integrated mood piece, and the mood is bleak.
  2. Feb 19, 2019
    For all the promise here, the definitive Ladytron album remains the 2011 compilation Best of 00-10.
  3. Feb 15, 2019
    All in all, an accomplished return, and a welcome and relatable one for these dismal times.