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Generally favorable reviews- based on 45 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 45
  2. Negative: 1 out of 45
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  1. Jan 18, 2016
    Simultaneously reminiscent of 60s garage rock and the likes of The Strokes and Pavement, Hinds deliver the goods. The album is tremendously fun and exciting and it's the perfect remedy to the winter blahs.
  2. Apr 5, 2016
    Hinds are a party. Well aware that their voices aren't all that but it matters not, this is rock n' roll. The album, along with their live performances may not be the most technically sound, but their mood is totally infectious, and its a damn happy one. What they lack vocally they more than make up for with jangling guitars and just a plain to see love of everything they do. Gracias.
  3. Jan 10, 2016
    Once you get used to Hinds' lo-fi quality, ramshackle instrumentals, and drunken-beach-karaoke vocals, Leave Me Alone becomes apparent as an album full of well-crafted, spontaneous, and above all, fun tunes, and the qualities I previously listed reveal themselves as charming instead of abrasive. It is not a particularly ambitious record, but for those looking for lively, boisterous lo-fiOnce you get used to Hinds' lo-fi quality, ramshackle instrumentals, and drunken-beach-karaoke vocals, Leave Me Alone becomes apparent as an album full of well-crafted, spontaneous, and above all, fun tunes, and the qualities I previously listed reveal themselves as charming instead of abrasive. It is not a particularly ambitious record, but for those looking for lively, boisterous lo-fi garage rock in 2016, Hinds have got you covered. Expand
  4. Jan 12, 2016
    This album is fun refreshing and uplifting. It feels one dimensional but remains an easy listening project appealing to anyone and thank god the tumblr girls haven't discovered this yet.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Nov 3, 2016
    Not quite a party record, Leave Me Alone fuels messy rock with sunny guitar lines.
  2. 83
    It really only hopes to make you smile with smart twin harmonies and silly lyrics. On those terms, Leave Me Alone is a unqualified success.
  3. Jan 27, 2016
    Adhering to basic rock formalism, the all-women quartet captures a raw primitivism that’s undeniably appealing in an era when most mainstream rock acts are as manicured as Bravo housewives. Unfortunately, too many songs like “I’ll Be Your Man,” a sleepy (hungover?) stab at hooky, sunshine rock, seem like first drafts.