
Universal acclaim - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Less Than Human is the sound of James Murphy transforming the songs of a guy who has spent a nauseating amount of time fiddling about with Kraftwerk-y synths into an album as enjoyable at home as it is on the dancefloor.
  2. It suffers less from a lack of competence than a general lack of inspiring tracks and the consistency of swiss cheese.
  3. For some, the absence of human warmth may prove the album's ultimate flaw. Still, until there are humans out there making music like this robot, we'll settle for it.
  4. If the DFA medium/message commands one groove rattling under a nation, Less Than Human is evidence enough that bot-genius Maclean is just the half-man needed to bang up the plumbing so that all faucets drip lightning bolts.
  5. Entertainment Weekly
    Overflows with ebullient beats that are both booming and bizarre. [29 Jul 2005, p.68]
  6. Less Than Human's only flaw is that it's too damn short.
  7. It's a mightily impressive achievement.
  8. It's not quite the masterpiece everyone (at least me) was hoping for... but it does deliver on the hype, which in 2005 is almost the same thing.
  9. Less Than Human is hardly less than human; it is in fact a pretty damn good emulation of being human, right down to its faults: unpredictable behavior, complex textures, unsightly lumps and all. Which is precisely why Less Than Human is so exceptional: it's a uniquely 'realistic' take on dance music.
  10. Less Than Human lives up to the [DFA]’s reputation for making quality dance records, but it also explores enough outside territory so as not to feel like the next album out on the conveyor belt.
  11. Q Magazine
    Very New York and strongly redolent of the whole DFA/LCD sound. [Jul 2005, p.114]
  12. A dance record for people who never leave their apartments, a rock record for the rave set, Less Than Human is the sound of people high on energy and sweat.
  13. In its deceptive simplicity, Less Than Human plays like the most focused and consistent DFA-affiliated album yet.
  14. The Juan Maclean takes the mechanized side of music, the Kraftwerk precision and automated bass, but injects it with a personal, human vision and unmet, unwanted desires.
  15. Uncut
    A startling album. [Aug 2005, p.98]
  16. Urb
    Like attending a bombastic revival of Kraftwerk, Eno and Devo presided over by a Juan Atkins and Derrick May DJ tag team. [Jul/Aug 2005, p.102]
  17. New Musical Express (NME)
    A record of sonic maturity and real beauty. [2 Jul 2005, p.64]
  18. Spin
    It's a techno album, straight up. [Aug 2005, p.98]
  19. Mojo
    Live drums and guitars give it a feeling of anarchic playfulness. [Aug 2005, p.101]
  20. Less Than Human might not be what a lot of people expected, but it fits its format as well as any hard-hitting two-track single, and it's a lot more functional than most other albums made by dance artists.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. BrianS
    Nov 8, 2005
    Im not really understanding why this album is getting such good reviews. Apart from "Every Little Thing" there is little of interest to be Im not really understanding why this album is getting such good reviews. Apart from "Every Little Thing" there is little of interest to be heard. The female vocals sound like a lazy Miss Kitten. The beats are nothing special. Similar to the DFA Compilations it is very hit and miss, with LCD Soundsystem clearly being the only major talent on this label. And i was sooo excited when buying this :( Full Review »
  2. PaulS
    Sep 26, 2005
    Accidentally heard this CD while shopping at Tower and picked it up as an impulse buy. It's a breath of fresh air compared to the rest Accidentally heard this CD while shopping at Tower and picked it up as an impulse buy. It's a breath of fresh air compared to the rest of the 2005 releases. Full Review »
  3. WalterE
    Sep 14, 2005
    Just one brilliant song. Then nothing follows...