User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 108 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 84 out of 108
  2. Negative: 18 out of 108

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  1. Dec 19, 2016
    It's a pleasure to hear an artist have real fun. It's a little quirky for the sake of being quirky, but it's well sang and interesting. Some of the production is a little tinny and bland, but it's hard to truly hate this album.
  2. DinoM
    Dec 4, 2007
    "Grace Kelly" drew me in the the second track "Lollipop" drew me out. Other than "Relax" and the Mercury-rip "Big Girl", this album is the definition of mediocre. Disappointing.
  3. DanB.
    Sep 28, 2007
    It has some very, very, very catchy songs. But I am pretty sure they wear off fast--after a handful of listens I'm already less inclined to play them again. And the bad songs stink. And the whole channelling-Freddy-Mercury thing is too much--it's creepy. Dude's voice sounds too much alike. Homage is one thing. Stealing (perfectly acceptable) is another. But this Mika It has some very, very, very catchy songs. But I am pretty sure they wear off fast--after a handful of listens I'm already less inclined to play them again. And the bad songs stink. And the whole channelling-Freddy-Mercury thing is too much--it's creepy. Dude's voice sounds too much alike. Homage is one thing. Stealing (perfectly acceptable) is another. But this Mika dude's is the realm of impersonation or something. And he's too good at it. Anyway. Overall, the album's not bad and not totally mediocre, but there's something lacking. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 23
  2. Negative: 6 out of 23
  1. There’s some great stuff here – specifically Relax, Take It Easy’s sublime falsetto hook - but elsewhere buoyant pop is sunk by relentless vocal mugging and production which wears its influences much too heavily.
  2. 80
    That it doesn't dissolve into kitsch and comedy is a tribute to Mika's gifts. [Apr 2007, p.118]
  3. The suspicion that Mika might have major talent under the plagiarism and cynicism is what makes "Life In Cartoon Motion" so remarkably unlovely.