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Generally favorable reviews- based on 26 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 26
  2. Negative: 3 out of 26
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  1. Aug 3, 2023
    The album is fresh, full of new and intersting ideas from the band. "Nobody" and "Cosmic" are one of the best songs the band has ever made.
  2. Aug 2, 2023
    Been a (casual) fan since I discovered them during Nightmare era. Even though I like their sound and great live, I was not that obsessed with them and my interest waned during HTTK but caught interest once again during The Stage but went under the radar after a year. I didn't even know 2018 was the last tour they had. I heard the first 2 singles and was just "it's just okay" until I heardBeen a (casual) fan since I discovered them during Nightmare era. Even though I like their sound and great live, I was not that obsessed with them and my interest waned during HTTK but caught interest once again during The Stage but went under the radar after a year. I didn't even know 2018 was the last tour they had. I heard the first 2 singles and was just "it's just okay" until I heard the full album. This album reignited my interest with them at the same time became obsessed with the whole album. I know they have "their own formula" that kinda made them distinguishable and predictable but this whole album caught me off guard; it was a roller coaster ride, with them showcasing their influences and it was enjoyable from start to finish. AOTY for me and would enter my top 10 or 20 for this decade. Expand
  3. Aug 10, 2023
    The absurd and bizarre should be embraced, especially when employed with absolutely finesse as did A7X. This is a metal band breaking conventions and leaving sameness behind like few are able to do.
  4. Jun 25, 2023
    A beautifully devastating and heart wrecking work of musical art. Life, death, what it is to be, the realization of the self and what to do with the absurd nonsense we call “the gift of life”, a gift no one asked for, but a gift non the less. Life is meaningless and that’s what makes it beautiful, like a dream…
  5. Jun 29, 2023
    Absolutely Genius experimental Wrap every genre with them style, and Also Musical Genius by Individual
  6. Aug 8, 2023
    It took balls to release such a unique álbum, being honest I enjoyed by the first time I listened to It, but after 2 months I'm stuck on this album, it gave me goosebumps, is a RollerCoaster of emotions, It looks like they've Found their identidy after Jimmy's passed Away.
    The stage was good, but this album is wanna the greatest thing I've listened my entire life, people can disagree with
    It took balls to release such a unique álbum, being honest I enjoyed by the first time I listened to It, but after 2 months I'm stuck on this album, it gave me goosebumps, is a RollerCoaster of emotions, It looks like they've Found their identidy after Jimmy's passed Away.
    The stage was good, but this album is wanna the greatest thing I've listened my entire life, people can disagree with me, and It's ok, It's not an album for every everybody, that's not my case, don't wait for something similar to the Old a7x, they told us already, THAT AVENGED SEVENFOLD IS DEAD. THis New a7x, I'm in! Libad is now my favorite álbum from the Band! Masterpiece!
  7. Jul 4, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's impossible to avoid thinking about their old albums with this one, after a Mediocre HTTK and a Better "The Stage", comes the greatest album since nightmare, "Life is But a Dream..." MShadows' new voice just fit perfectly with the emotions they try to give in every song, Johny Christ's bass is just too good on this album and we can finally see the whole talent of Brooks Wackerman on the Drums, it's just dope. But i'm missing that huge solos we use to have, is more like we have to back guitars with Zacky V and Synyster Gates, that's the only point i'm missing with for the 10 stars, but even so, the piano played by Synyster is just incredibly good.

    The mixture in Genres that we see in this album is simply amazing, this album might be the entrance for new generations into the world of Metal, you can be a techno or blues lover and this album just fit them all. I really loved the style.

    As for the Lyrics and the meaning of every song is just amazing, i had not seen this good lyrics since Nightmare i would say, even tho The Stage is just pure science and just **** amazing (for someone like me who enjoys a lot of physics and Astronomy). This album has this profound lyrics that make you want to listen to it over and over again, everytime you get a different feeling, it even depends on your daily mood.

    With this album i can see inspiration from Daft Punk, Frank Zappa, Frank Sinatra, even anime songs (G), and a lot of classics, they make it feel so **** well done.
  8. Jul 8, 2023
    This albuns features a lot of improvement of the band Lirycally and in melody as something very proggresive but pleasent to listen. Not all sounds are uniform and some features some weird choices but still, I see the band reinventing theirselves since the lost of Jimmy. I like it a lot
  9. Jul 17, 2023
    It may seem as an experimental project at first but the more you listen to the album the more you see the harmony of former A7X sounds, all in one album. Definitely worth listen.
  10. Aug 18, 2023
    I still don't fully understand why people hate this album. Most of the complaints I've heard boil down to "oh, this just doesn't sound like Avenged Sevenfold" even though those are the same people who complain when bands do the same **** over and over. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that this album was the product of the band doing mushrooms, though. Bands should do that more often.
  11. Jul 3, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I can totally appreciate the amount of effort that went into the making of this album, and A7x's desire to try something completely new. That being said, I dislike this album. We Love You and Cosmic are the standout tracks for me, and even those are far from the perfection of their past work. M. Shadows' new voice is so hard to take seriously with the profound nature of the lyrics, and the instrumentals are really just okay, not very standout. Overall, if the album was heavier and more cohesive, I would probably like it. If you are a huge fan of A7x, and specifically a huge fan of M. Shadows, you'll probably like this album. I would not recommend it to anyone else, though. We Love You is a song with a magnificent music video that I think more people need to see, but besides that, the album is just disappointing. Expand
  12. Jul 9, 2023
    Avant-garde is supposed to be a lot of things, but predictable is absolutely not one of them. The band sounds as if they've made a checklist of all the things an experimental metal album should have and were crossing off the items the list as they were writing the album. The sudden style changes, the dissonant melodies, the break into other genres... It's all there, but it all comes off asAvant-garde is supposed to be a lot of things, but predictable is absolutely not one of them. The band sounds as if they've made a checklist of all the things an experimental metal album should have and were crossing off the items the list as they were writing the album. The sudden style changes, the dissonant melodies, the break into other genres... It's all there, but it all comes off as a counterfeit of an Avant-Garde Metal album without the element of surprise, the honesty and the resolution that characterizes them. All in all, this is just a failed experiment from the California band where they were desperate to be something they obviously are not.
    If you want to listen to better records or somehow liked this album, give yourself a favor and listen to To-Mera or Mr. Bungle's "California", "Disco Volante" and their Self-Titled, which are way better in my opinion.
    Standouts: "Cosmic", "Life is but a Dream...", the lyrics of "Mattel", the guitar outro of "Game Over", Brooks Wackerman's drumming performance
  13. Aug 1, 2023
    People actually like this album? Now THAT is fascinating. Listened to the entire thing and it felt like they missed the mark at every corner. I hope I'm wrong and it's just me, but this album has to be the worst they've ever done.. and they did NFT's!
  14. Aug 1, 2023
    this is not A7X.
    Just an experimental mess that doesnt sound nowhere near Avenged Sevenfold.
    No feeling or whatsoever in these songs.

    Really wonder what they did all these years.

Universal acclaim - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Jun 22, 2023
    In short, whatever your thoughts are on the band, leave your preconceived notions at the door and give it a try, Life is But a Dream… is set to be one of the best albums of 2023.
  2. Jun 22, 2023
    Avenged Sevenfold go further down the rabbit hole with an innovative set of progressive metal epics rooted in existential crisis.
  3. 90
    With Life Is But A Dream… Avenged Sevenfold haven’t just transcended their metal peers for good, they’ve also created their definitive artistic statement. And it’s bloody fantastic. [Jul 2023, p.80]