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Generally favorable reviews- based on 15 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. Jan 26, 2022
    Don Toliver's second studio album "Life of a DON" showcases both the Houston artist's strengths and weaknesses. Besides catchy and slick hooks, there is a decent mix of chill hip-hop and loud trap. Strong production with good instrumentals and dope beats - or as Donny would say "hella melodies".

    Don Toliver makes an interesting development compared to his debut album "Heaven or Hell".
    Don Toliver's second studio album "Life of a DON" showcases both the Houston artist's strengths and weaknesses. Besides catchy and slick hooks, there is a decent mix of chill hip-hop and loud trap. Strong production with good instrumentals and dope beats - or as Donny would say "hella melodies".

    Don Toliver makes an interesting development compared to his debut album "Heaven or Hell". Unfortunately, there is a lack of deeper meaning in his lyrics, which are sometimes hollow. Songs like "Get Throwned" or "Company Pt 2" seem like gap fillers and show Don Toliver's weaknesses.

    Overall a good Hip Hop record, which can be perfectly listened to for late night chill or drive sessions.

    My favorites:
    "Flocky Flocky"
    "Swangin' on Westheimer"
    "What You Need"

    ~ Fürstenberg
    January 26, 2022
  2. Jan 3, 2022
    An album that displays both his strengths and weaknesses.
    On this album donny goes more to a calm r&b sound instead of the loud trap sounds.(some of those type of tracks are on here as well).
    The strength of don toliver is his amazing voice , not that his singing is incredible , but his voice is very unique. It can instantly make you hooked in to the track. Shame that he uses a bit to
    An album that displays both his strengths and weaknesses.
    On this album donny goes more to a calm r&b sound instead of the loud trap sounds.(some of those type of tracks are on here as well).
    The strength of don toliver is his amazing voice , not that his singing is incredible , but his voice is very unique. It can instantly make you hooked in to the track. Shame that he uses a bit to much autotune on some tracks.
    The production is outstanding but i do feel like tracks like bogus carry don toliver a bit to much.(still slaps though).
    His r&b songs go from boring to interesting, double standards is the only song with real meaning i think but i couldn't care less what he has to say. Which displays another weakness and that is his lyrics which sometimes are even cringy.
    Swanging on westheimer feels a bit long and boring at first but is probably the best r&b song on here if you listen to it more.
    I want to see more hard trap bangers because right now don toliver is the best at those. He already said that he wants to lean more in the r&b lane but he will need improve a lot to be succesfull in that lane. You is another interesting track with some amazing vocals and melodies. But it kinda lost some replayability over time.
    Top 5 tracks:
    - what you need
    - way bigger
    - swanging on westheimer
    - 2am
    - bogus/ you
    worst tracks:
    - get throwed
    - company pt 2
    - xscape
  3. Oct 21, 2021
    Life of a Don showcases just what Don Toliver can do with a euphoric instrumental. He shows that the hype surrounding his feature on "DONDA" was true and real. Life of a Don from start to finish is a great listen and has excellent production!
  4. Oct 20, 2021
    Epically crafted and sounds of euphoric trap, Life of a Don is Don Toliver at his new high point. Better than Heaven or Hell and the features were very unique. Best Songs were 2AM and OUTER-SPACE w Baby Keem.
  5. Oct 13, 2021
    [ ek-suh-luhnt ]

    possessing outstanding quality or superior merit; remarkably good.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Nov 10, 2021
    Life of a DON shows Toliver has a clear understanding of the strengths that have made him into a star already. It’s not a wack album, more so it’s just there, destined to be nothing more than late night background music.
  2. Nov 1, 2021
    At their best, they entrance to such an extent, like watching a slalom skier at half-speed, that the plainly worded sex talk is as inconsequential as any random boast about wealth. Toliver sounds anesthetized more often here.
  3. Oct 13, 2021
    The album does have its share of standout moments. ... But Don Toliver remains, perhaps intentionally, impenetrably enigmatic. In a culture replete with mysterious superstars, it makes Life of a Don ultimately a bit frustrating.