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Universal acclaim- based on 25 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 25
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 25
  3. Negative: 3 out of 25
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  1. Jan 21, 2022
    IMO from all the projects Tom Delonge was involved into , this album is the most compelled and well achieved along with blink-182 untitled and maybe boxcar racer. It takes a couple listen to grow in you but when it does , then it’s on repeat. It’s definitely better than the last 5 Ava albums even though some of the 1st and 2nd album content were very nice , it didn’t feel that mature. IIMO from all the projects Tom Delonge was involved into , this album is the most compelled and well achieved along with blink-182 untitled and maybe boxcar racer. It takes a couple listen to grow in you but when it does , then it’s on repeat. It’s definitely better than the last 5 Ava albums even though some of the 1st and 2nd album content were very nice , it didn’t feel that mature. I hope Tom and his band only continue to deliver that kind of quality because it’s too good when he does. Also want to add that some people say spellbound is influenced by the cure while on my side I hear a strong Depeche Mode influence instead (and very very well done by Ava by the way) Expand
  2. Oct 19, 2021
    Thoroughly enjoyed it. I've been a fan of AnA since the beginning but became somewhat disconnected post Love Pt 1&2. Not that I didn't enjoy certain tracks from The Dream Walker. But Lifeforms takes me right back to what I loved about them in the first place and yet in a very new and fresh way. I'm currently on my second listen through which I started immediately after the first runThoroughly enjoyed it. I've been a fan of AnA since the beginning but became somewhat disconnected post Love Pt 1&2. Not that I didn't enjoy certain tracks from The Dream Walker. But Lifeforms takes me right back to what I loved about them in the first place and yet in a very new and fresh way. I'm currently on my second listen through which I started immediately after the first run through.

    My favorite tracks so far are the Cure influenced Spellbound, and new-retro Rebel Girl. Both have great catches and are incredibly easy to repeat listen. Honorable mention to the similarly 80's inspired A Fire in A Nameless Town which has a chorus that really soars and seems likes it could have been the lost track from an Erasure album like Cowboy.
  3. Oct 3, 2021
    We should all hope to be so lucky as to have a midlife crisis as fun as the one Tom DeLonge is having.
  4. Sep 26, 2021
    Great album with beautiful songs that rocks and vibe. I feel influence of what they have done before but a lot of new and fresh things. Such songs as Losing my mind and A fire in a nameless town are really good surprise
  5. Sep 25, 2021
    I tried writing an elaborate review, and deleted it several times. Can't really put it into words. Simply put, LifeForms will please any long time fan, and newcomers alike. Whether your prefer the slower ballads of Whisper, the upbeat tempos of I-Empire, or the methodical approach of The Dream Walker, there's something here for you to enjoy. Thanks again Tom, this record means more to usI tried writing an elaborate review, and deleted it several times. Can't really put it into words. Simply put, LifeForms will please any long time fan, and newcomers alike. Whether your prefer the slower ballads of Whisper, the upbeat tempos of I-Empire, or the methodical approach of The Dream Walker, there's something here for you to enjoy. Thanks again Tom, this record means more to us fans than you know. Expand
  6. Sep 25, 2021
    After 2 years of singles and hype the album release delivers. This is AvA at their best.
  7. Sep 24, 2021
    qué más puedo decir.... todo el camino recorrido lo llevó a este grandísimo album... La genialidad de TOM en su voz, sus melodias.... genial, me encantó!!!! espero que haya una versión DELUXE
  8. Sep 24, 2021
    Brilliant album, Tom smashes it again. Such a good alternative rock album, tries some different things with all the songs and it all hits the right notes.
  9. Sep 24, 2021
    Feels like a natural progression from TDW and is arguably one of their most ranged albums which mixed influences of prior albums, later era Blink, and a blatant but welcome Cure inspired track. Definitely up there with some of Thier best work so far.
  10. Sep 24, 2021
    AVA at their best. The album is very diverse but cohesive in tone. Very tight, catchy, and well written. All tracks showcase the ambition, heart, and focus of the band. Every song is excellent in its own way. A must listen. Feeling a strong 10.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Oct 19, 2021
    While certainly one of the most robustly guitar-centric albums Angels & Airwaves have made, there is still plenty of synthy, otherworldly shimmer glowing at the edges of Lifeforms, and cuts like "Rebel Girl," "Euphoria," and "Spellbound" bristle with a vibrant blend of punk and dance-rock energies.
  2. Sep 23, 2021
    Big, bold and ambitious, it’s both a welcome return and a statement of intent.
  3. Classic Rock Magazine
    Sep 22, 2021
    Despite lofty ambitions to write a letter 'from God to humanity' on Restless Souls, these are counter-attacked by Rebel Girl, an overstuffed, over-sweetened, male gaze-heavy, lovelorn confection that completely overrides the potential of its title. ... nevertheless, Lifeforms is beautifully produced and catchy as hell, earning itself a spot on any intergalactic playlist. [Oct 2021, p.73]