• Record Label: N/A
  • Release Date: Sep 6, 2019

Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. Sep 16, 2019
    This is an album encompasses everything Klein has experienced so far. It is rich with texture and ideas. Let’s hope it doesn’t take her another lifetime to create something as singular and enjoyable as this.
  2. Sep 16, 2019
    Lifetime is marked by aesthetic and personal conflict, and while it doesn’t uncover easy resolution, its beauty (and it is a remarkably beautiful record) derives in large part from the acceptance, or even embrace, of those conflicts as what generates a lifetime’s meaning.
  3. Oct 30, 2019
    Much like [Matana] Roberts, Klein is free of structures, settings and lets ideas flow in a fashion following a stream of consciousness narrative. It's this underlying theme that gives Lifetime its free and unfiltered form, shining a light into the creative mind of one of the most promising artists of today.
  4. Sep 16, 2019
    Without succumbing to simplicity, Klein's latest release delivers an intimate vision of the mayhem, loss and detachment that can ensue from a whirling cycle of panic and redemption.
  5. Sep 16, 2019
    Ignoring the slight imperfections in the music itself – it strays into self-indulgence at times, as on ‘Honour’, which spends the second half needlessly stumbling around a relatively uninteresting rhythmic motif – Klein’s motivation for the record is deeply original, a fascinating example of what can happen when you shun precedent and subvert expectations. The result is truly compelling.
  6. The Wire
    Oct 16, 2019
    Each listen evokes a different feeling. At times there is a feeling of contentedness. [Oct 2019, p.55]

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