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Generally favorable reviews- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
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  1. Mar 6, 2016
    Tonight Alive's latest album boasts a steady range of talent, from Jenna McDougall's vocals to the band's capability to elevate her singing to a higher level. "Human Interaction", "Drive" and "How Does It Feel?" remain stand-out tracks.
  2. Mar 6, 2016
    This is another case of a nice pop-punk band evolving/changing (or "selling out", some would say). The album themes and lyrics seem meaningful and honest, but musically it flirts with electronic music and only a few songs look reminiscent from previous albums. Also, it comes as a bit generic, formulaic, unoriginal, forced and uninspiring at times.

    I don't find it a bad album per se, but
    This is another case of a nice pop-punk band evolving/changing (or "selling out", some would say). The album themes and lyrics seem meaningful and honest, but musically it flirts with electronic music and only a few songs look reminiscent from previous albums. Also, it comes as a bit generic, formulaic, unoriginal, forced and uninspiring at times.

    I don't find it a bad album per se, but it's clearly underwhelming and step back from The Other Side and The Edge, the last song they released after this album. I appreciate the higher usage of piano, but not a fan of all the electronic stuff. The best songs are How Does It Feel and I Defy, probably the most reminiscent from previous albums.
  3. Mar 4, 2016
    I was very excited to see a new Tonight Alive track come out after the fantastic "Other Side." This album tried something new; but not great. Tracks like "To Be Free" and "I Deny" are fun for what they are but the rest of the album is monotonous and boring. Songs start to blend together leaving no impact, and tracks like "Drive" show a stunning drop in quality from "The Other Side." CreditI was very excited to see a new Tonight Alive track come out after the fantastic "Other Side." This album tried something new; but not great. Tracks like "To Be Free" and "I Deny" are fun for what they are but the rest of the album is monotonous and boring. Songs start to blend together leaving no impact, and tracks like "Drive" show a stunning drop in quality from "The Other Side." Credit where credit's due; they tried something different and that's commendable. However, the album is such a step down that from "The Other Side." Whether it's the over-production, delay and reverb slathered to make something work, or just bad songwriting (something I thought I could never accuse them of) I hope for better in the future. Listen to the two I recommended, other than that, stay away for Limitless. Expand
  4. Mar 4, 2016
    You can appreciate that the band are trying to branch out and do new things. But it doesn't **** work. A lot of the album comes off as forced. The few bright spots (like To Be Free or How Does It Feel) can't save the album. It's a serious step down from The Other Side. So disappointed, because after hearing The Edge, I thought we were going to get some heavier stuff from the band. InsteadYou can appreciate that the band are trying to branch out and do new things. But it doesn't **** work. A lot of the album comes off as forced. The few bright spots (like To Be Free or How Does It Feel) can't save the album. It's a serious step down from The Other Side. So disappointed, because after hearing The Edge, I thought we were going to get some heavier stuff from the band. Instead we get electronic nonsense, and a bad crossover attempt. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 5
  2. Negative: 1 out of 5
  1. Mar 4, 2016
    While their hooks are huge, there are moments within Limitless that seem too polished.
  2. Alternative Press
    Mar 3, 2016
    Limitless might not be the album their fans all completely agree on, but it does mark a maturing band. [Mar 2016, p.96]
  3. Kerrang!
    Mar 3, 2016
    Limitless is often thwarted by its execution rather than its ambition. [27 Feb 2016, p.50]