
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Probably one of indie rock's more dignified efforts of 2003.
  2. Alternative Press
    Sprout is doing a fine job of keeping his legacy untarnished. [Apr 2003, p.73]
  3. While the sound here is undeniably on the lo-fi side of the spectrum, the arrangements and production on the album seem more carefully crafted. The result is Sprout's best album in years.
  4. What he offers us here, though, are a couple of subtly layered, fully realized works of art and a handful of unfinished sketches.
  5. It won't blow you away the first time, but it eventually will.
  6. Entertainment Weekly
    When Sprout is both tuneful and coherent... he achieves pure bliss. [14 Mar 2003, p.67]
  7. Despite the diverse array of styles on display throughout Lost Planets..., this is Sprout's most cohesive set of songs to date.
  8. It’s the first solo Sprout album that doesn’t seem to lack from Pollard’s input.

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