• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: May 21, 2013

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Q Magazine
    Jun 17, 2013
    Giant "woooaaahhs" abound but as with anything frantically chasing arena singalongs, Love Lust Faith + Dreams feels empty in the extreme. [Jul 2013, p.111]
  2. May 23, 2013
    Flawed yet with some redemption, Love Lust Faith + Dreams is a mixed effort.
  3. May 22, 2013
    With shorter songs and more restrained production it lacks the epic quality of its predecessor, and overall it is weaker for it.
  4. Uncut
    May 20, 2013
    Their brand of gut-wrenching emo, aligned to fearsome fantasy rock remains both wildly overcooked and deeply derivative. [Jun 2013, p.79]
  5. May 20, 2013
    A disappointingly tepid affair.
  6. May 20, 2013
    While Leto's vocals remain as central as ever, there's only so much you can take of his constant overbearing bellowing. Love Lust Faith + Dreams was set up as a new chapter for the band. The end result just feels empty.
  7. May 20, 2013
    If Derek Zoolander made a record it would sound like Thirty Seconds to Mars: stadium rock so vapid and bombastic that if frontman Jared Leto were pulling off some kind of long-duration joke it would be genius.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 143 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 95 out of 143
  2. Negative: 26 out of 143
  1. May 21, 2013
    I think this album is great. I mean every song is amazing its a different direction and I'm in love with it. Each song on the album isI think this album is great. I mean every song is amazing its a different direction and I'm in love with it. Each song on the album is versatile and you'll never get bored. Full Review »
  2. May 21, 2013
    Great album, so different and original. For the most part, it is a minimalistic record, so not everybody will like it. Just ridiculous thoseGreat album, so different and original. For the most part, it is a minimalistic record, so not everybody will like it. Just ridiculous those critics talking about Jordan Catalano. Full Review »
  3. May 21, 2013
    I was once such a fan of this band I went as far as to get a tattoo. After listening to this album, how much I regret that choice. This boringI was once such a fan of this band I went as far as to get a tattoo. After listening to this album, how much I regret that choice. This boring and lifeless album is a shadow of previous albums. So many times I was told to embrace their change but clearly all change is not for the best. With repetitive noises played across the whole album with no songs really offering a roar of excitement heard in 'The Kill' or 'Closer to the Edge'. With a minimal 12 songs and 3 of those consisting of nothing but a random assortment of noise, disappointment is an understatement. I am reminded of Linkin Parks 'Living Things' album... Awful. Full Review »