• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: May 21, 2013
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 143 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 95 out of 143
  2. Negative: 26 out of 143

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  1. Jan 29, 2015
    Okay so I LOVE 30stm! I have been an Echelon since I was 12, I'm 22 now. I was there when A Beautiful Lie blew up and when This is War blew up and frankly I was totally stoked for this new album, but when I heard their single Up in The Air I kid you not I almost cried, I was so disappointed. I thought if I listened to the entire album it would change, nope I was wrong. The only song that IOkay so I LOVE 30stm! I have been an Echelon since I was 12, I'm 22 now. I was there when A Beautiful Lie blew up and when This is War blew up and frankly I was totally stoked for this new album, but when I heard their single Up in The Air I kid you not I almost cried, I was so disappointed. I thought if I listened to the entire album it would change, nope I was wrong. The only song that I thought was close to their old stuff was DO or Die. I get that it's important to grow and change but its not a good thing when your old sound is totally lost and that's what happened on this album. Their sound was gone almost entirely. Their music is so sincerely inspirational, but the sincerity and inspiration was lost on this album. But really the 4th album is always the hardest so hopefully their fifth is better! Expand
  2. Nov 24, 2013
    I left the terrible pop scene after realizing how terrible it was a few years back. I heard This is War in the Dragon Age trailers and I fell in love instantly. I furiously looked for more and was pleased to find so much. I have been a proud and outspoken fan of 30STM since the beginning especially since their songs helped me through some personal issues, particularly Closer to the Edge.I left the terrible pop scene after realizing how terrible it was a few years back. I heard This is War in the Dragon Age trailers and I fell in love instantly. I furiously looked for more and was pleased to find so much. I have been a proud and outspoken fan of 30STM since the beginning especially since their songs helped me through some personal issues, particularly Closer to the Edge.

    You can see why I was so excited when I had heard this album come out. Then I actually HEARD it. I had read that it was a bit of a departure from their usual stuff, but I shrugged it off. And I read great things about Up in the Air as well. It was sent to SPACE, so it must be good right? Those are SCIENTISTS. That was the first I listened to. "Wait wait wait. Is this 30STM? Am I listening to the right band???" It didn't live up to the hype. I listened to a few others and immediately lost interest. Months later I found a youtube video with part of Conquistador in the background and thought, "Hey that's familiar. Is that 30STM? Why haven't I heard this before?" So I looked into it and was surprised to find that it was this album. Maybe I was quick to judge. I tried again. I thought that maybe it was just those, but again and agian I was let down and left with a bad taste in my mouth. I hoped that in Love, and most ESPECIALLY in Faith and Dreams that I would find that awe inspiring rock, but it wasn't there. The final Depuis Le Début was an absolute disaster. A complete and utter MESS.

    It was such a MASSIVE DISAPPOINTMENT. A return to the pop that I had been so enthusiastic to reject. They did not give me that emotion or introspection I was looking for. Only disappointment. These songs are filled with repetetive beats and vapid lyrics. It was more that just a small departure. It was almost unrecognizable.

    A travesty.
  3. May 26, 2013
    Probably the only one, but i felt that the chanting in the background chanting was kind of pretentious itself.
    But I will say that some of the singing has improved, but still the guitars and bass are so generic that it's a snorefest through half of the "ROCK" album.

    I literally skipped through some of the songs, it just was that generic and mediocre.
  4. May 21, 2013
    I was once such a fan of this band I went as far as to get a tattoo. After listening to this album, how much I regret that choice. This boring and lifeless album is a shadow of previous albums. So many times I was told to embrace their change but clearly all change is not for the best. With repetitive noises played across the whole album with no songs really offering a roar of excitementI was once such a fan of this band I went as far as to get a tattoo. After listening to this album, how much I regret that choice. This boring and lifeless album is a shadow of previous albums. So many times I was told to embrace their change but clearly all change is not for the best. With repetitive noises played across the whole album with no songs really offering a roar of excitement heard in 'The Kill' or 'Closer to the Edge'. With a minimal 12 songs and 3 of those consisting of nothing but a random assortment of noise, disappointment is an understatement. I am reminded of Linkin Parks 'Living Things' album... Awful. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Q Magazine
    Jun 17, 2013
    Giant "woooaaahhs" abound but as with anything frantically chasing arena singalongs, Love Lust Faith + Dreams feels empty in the extreme. [Jul 2013, p.111]
  2. Kerrang!
    Jun 3, 2013
    30 Seconds to Mars' latest collection is not cloying, expansive yet often economical, approachable without being familiar. [11 May 2013, p.52]
  3. May 23, 2013
    Flawed yet with some redemption, Love Lust Faith + Dreams is a mixed effort.