• Record Label: Elektra
  • Release Date: Feb 25, 2022
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 343 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 35 out of 343
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  1. Mar 8, 2022
    Lavigne's return to big, hooky pop punk is certainly a welcome one, and the record stands as perhaps her best effort in over a decade because of it, but overly polished production that favors hip-hop and electropop sounds over punk and surface-level lyrics that feel overly juvenile and immature for an artist pushing 40 can't help but cause "Love Sux" to feel like a nostalgia-reliant relicLavigne's return to big, hooky pop punk is certainly a welcome one, and the record stands as perhaps her best effort in over a decade because of it, but overly polished production that favors hip-hop and electropop sounds over punk and surface-level lyrics that feel overly juvenile and immature for an artist pushing 40 can't help but cause "Love Sux" to feel like a nostalgia-reliant relic of the past more than anything more forward-looking.

    Choice Cuts: "Bite Me," "Avalanche," "Deja vu"
  2. Feb 25, 2022
    Composições fracas, produção genérica e colaborações desnecessárias. Assim que eu resumo 'Love Sux', o sétimo álbum de estúdio de Avril Lavigne. Muito se foi falado desse projeto, já que a cantora não trazia um lançamento inédito desde 2019. Infelizmente a experiência de ouvir esse novo álbum não é das melhores, já que a cada minuto vamos ficar entediados e enjoados com um rock que nãoComposições fracas, produção genérica e colaborações desnecessárias. Assim que eu resumo 'Love Sux', o sétimo álbum de estúdio de Avril Lavigne. Muito se foi falado desse projeto, já que a cantora não trazia um lançamento inédito desde 2019. Infelizmente a experiência de ouvir esse novo álbum não é das melhores, já que a cada minuto vamos ficar entediados e enjoados com um rock que não aconchega, nem mesmo nos faz refletir sobre algo interessante. The Best Damn Thing, temos visitas!

    Só conseguimos sentir um ponto alto nesse álbum, e está em 'Dare To Love Me', penúltima faixa. Ali vemos a diferença em vocal e produção (talvez até mesmo em composição).

    Sem mais delongas, 'Love Sux' é um projeto que reflete adolescentes de coração partido que não sabem mais o que fazer, a não ser "xingar o amor" e dizer que odeia a pessoa que não as querem. Algo contraditório para Avril Lavigne, cantora de 37 anos.
  3. Jun 14, 2022
    I’m sure this album is supposed to be a fun album and is a chance for Avril to relive her youth but her first three albums aren’t even pop punk as much as we remember. The only real pop punk songs she has is sk8er boi and girlfriend and the rest are soft rock ballads. I think the label of avril ‘reliving her roots’ is just a chance of hoping on the tiktok pop punk craze to get a trend
  4. Jul 2, 2022
    Lyrics are terrible and so rushed, but it sounds too catchy and good. Love Sux can be a bit similar to one another at times and a little too short for 12 songs, but it certainly is a return-to-form of some sorts for the "Compilated" singer.
  5. Feb 26, 2022
    Avril Lavigne is away from the "pop star image" and makes harder music. Only is that far away from the style that made you famous.
    Even more hardness and less sweet health in the texts.
    Only then can I take her seriously again with her music.
  6. Mar 29, 2022
    I love that Avril is back in her element. Bite Me is pretty good and I’m obsessed with the black and red aesthetic. But, I wouldn’t rank this album as her best. It’s probably above Let Go but below everything else for sure. This album reminds me of music younger artists today make as inspiration of Avril’s most iconic work…
  7. Mar 22, 2022
    I wish I liked this more, considering Avril Lavigne is a strong guilty pleasure of mine. I was hoping her music would be different from fellow pop-punk stars of the modern era like Blackbear and Machine Gun Kelly and actually be listenable, but it barely is. After a horrible opener and two horrific features, Avril gives us basic Let Go scrapped tracks for 40 minutes. There are some decentI wish I liked this more, considering Avril Lavigne is a strong guilty pleasure of mine. I was hoping her music would be different from fellow pop-punk stars of the modern era like Blackbear and Machine Gun Kelly and actually be listenable, but it barely is. After a horrible opener and two horrific features, Avril gives us basic Let Go scrapped tracks for 40 minutes. There are some decent songs, sure, after all, I am giving it a 5. After my high expectations and love for the lead single "Bite Me", I am sad. I am all for a pop-punk, emo-type revival in music, so long as the musicians are executing it well and making great music. The only modern one I listen to is Willow, which even after that horrendous "Emo Girl" song, she seems to be faltering. I hope Avril can re-evaluate and show more growth for her next LP. I seem to be alone in my opinions, considering this is the highest user score of the year thus far, I guess people love mediocrity. Expand
  8. May 21, 2022
    Some catchy Nickelodeon/Disney Channel music, some questionable features tho...
  9. Mar 4, 2022
    This album genuinely disappointed me. I've been a huge Avril Lavigne fan since the beginning, and this is the first album that I dislike the majority of the songs. Almost all the instrumentals sound the same between songs, and many of them are too short to really sink your teeth into before it's over. I do like Love It When You Hate Me (would be better if it reached 3 minutes), AvalancheThis album genuinely disappointed me. I've been a huge Avril Lavigne fan since the beginning, and this is the first album that I dislike the majority of the songs. Almost all the instrumentals sound the same between songs, and many of them are too short to really sink your teeth into before it's over. I do like Love It When You Hate Me (would be better if it reached 3 minutes), Avalanche (kinda, it doesn't stand out), Break of a Heartache (too short but good), and Dare To Love Me (a great ballad, my favourite of the album). The rest of the songs I either feel nothing for or actively dislike. I do hope the album goes well for Avril though, I do love her and her music in general even if I don't love this album. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Feb 28, 2022
    Even if Lavigne intended to make something short and silly, it speaks to a larger mainstream conversation of the supposed limits surrounding women’s ability to remain interesting in pop culture. Love might indeed suck, but we know that Avril is capable of so much more.
  2. Feb 28, 2022
    The uncharitable take would be that a 37-year-old still writing lyrics in txt spk is quite cringe, but the truth is that Love Sux – three-minute banger after three-minute banger, complete with classic Lavigne “woah-oh-ohs” – is exuberant enough to have you slipping on a pair of Vans and partying like it’s 2002.
  3. Feb 25, 2022
    Across the board, Lavigne sounds like she’s having good, real fun for the first time in ages. If the album is following a major pop-punk trend in pop music, it also serves as a reminder that Lavigne helped shape so much of that sound in the first place.