
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Mojo
    An overpoweringly diverse record. [Aug 2003, p.92]
  2. Under The Radar
    Eclectic, certainly, but for the most part it works. [#5, p.108]
  3. Q Magazine
    Without resorting to difficult time signatures or moaning about the desperate pain of it all, [Luke] Steele has found a wonky path away from rock's mor restrictive conventions while still engaging positively with the world. [Aug 2003, p.113]
  4. Outburn
    A kaleidoscopic masterpiece that asserts itself as a spellbinding album. [#23, p.100]
  5. Spin
    Juicing fragile melodies with weeping George Harrison guitar, frontman Luke Steele is pretty even-keeled for a spaced-out pop maestro. [Nov 2003, p.117]
  6. While Luke Steele's influences show through on all of Lovers' tracks, somehow the album avoids sounding totally derivative; instead, it just reveals Steele as a pop chameleon and an expert at pastiche.
  7. Steele's self-conscious attempts to create a legend for himself only distract from what is actually a very good album.
  8. Uncut
    A sun-dappled, idiosyncratic delight, flooded with warmth and vitality, yet weighted by an undefinable sadness. [Aug 2003, p.108]
  9. The evidence here suggests the Sleepy Jackson could make a great punk album, or a great country album, or a great psychedelic album. Instead, they've simply made a great album, and one of the best debuts of the year.
  10. A record that is rich, varied and a little crackers as well, Lovers will certainly stand as one of the best debut albums of the year.
  11. So what do you hear when you listen to this record? There's the happy, choral rock of the Polyphonic Spree, the blissed-out psychedelic rock of the Flaming Lips, the sloppy DIY aesthetic of '60s garage heroes the Fugs, as well as the Velvet Underground, Mercury Rev, Gram Parsons, George Harrison, the Stones, Joy Division, the New York Dolls, Fountains of Wayne ... and that's only on the first five songs.
  12. Lovers makes for an enjoyable, if exhausting, listen; at times, it sounds more like a sampler from a promising label than the work of one band.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. rosies
    Sep 23, 2004
    faaaantastic....i liked that all of the songs were different it made it interesting. i really hate being bored and Lovers kept me excited all faaaantastic....i liked that all of the songs were different it made it interesting. i really hate being bored and Lovers kept me excited all the way started well an stayed good. Full Review »
  2. MacM
    Oct 26, 2003
    Gloriously bouncing between the pop genius of Flaming Lips and Doves and off on completely unique tangents along the way, Luke Steele is the Gloriously bouncing between the pop genius of Flaming Lips and Doves and off on completely unique tangents along the way, Luke Steele is the pride of West Australia. (And check out his kid sister's band Little Birdy who are wispfully cool, too!) Full Review »
  3. LaShanR
    Sep 12, 2003
    wonderfully versatile with a great warming feel. a good background album with a lot of talent. impressive rock comeback for this years album wonderfully versatile with a great warming feel. a good background album with a lot of talent. impressive rock comeback for this years album releases. Full Review »