
Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. The balancing act that any group has to perform in successive albums remains askew here. In trying to bring outside influences into their specific sound, Ratatat have gained an appreciation for novel sounds, even if they don't fit in well.
  2. LP3 is a rewarding listen, and you’ll have a taste for it if you enjoyed the less powerful moments of "Classics" or Evan Mast’s previous textural work as E*Vax. Just don’t expect to find yourself headbanging and air-guitaring alone in your room.
  3. Though glimpses of possibility exist (“Falcon Jab” and “Shempi”), and the album is a more coherent and epic expression than previous works, it still fails to excite and mobilize.
  4. LP3 is no doubt meticulously composed, but too much of it just feels like background music.
  5. 60
    Their tried and true formula does wear thin in parts, as it always does, but there are enough creative wrinkles in this album to warrant repeat listens and contemplation.
  6. Uncut
    The result is strangely enervating. [Aug 2008, p.103]
  7. Q Magazine
    The disco squelch and vocoder melodies of Falcon Jab recall Discovery-era Daft Punk, but what gives this an extra dimension and warmth is Stroud's guitar playing. [Aug 2008, p.140]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 21 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Jun 4, 2021
    How to describe with letters what manages to squeeze your guts without using any word? If listening to one of the tracks solely may beHow to describe with letters what manages to squeeze your guts without using any word? If listening to one of the tracks solely may be irritating, frustrating or just annoying it is undeniable to me that taking their album as a whole is a thrilling experience full of emotions. Ratatat have a gift to explore and craft different patterns and sounds while using varied instruments and influences. During 'LP3' they dive deeply in order to create vibrant and visceral tracks despite some moments that sound drafty or improvised. Maybe they tried too hard, which contributed to the many instruments sounding disjointed or disorganized, but at least they tried. Full Review »
  2. Oct 5, 2013
    People may find the album a bit weird, but it's great. Ratatat uses not-so-conventional techniques of playing, but I think it's their greatest album..
  3. Siege
    Jul 10, 2008
    Definitely quality music, but the energy is entriely different than Classics or the first LP. As a whole, the album feels cohesive. Definitely quality music, but the energy is entriely different than Classics or the first LP. As a whole, the album feels cohesive. Individually, each track is untethered and not exceptional. The highs are much less high and lows, much less low, but overall, listenable, enjoyable and a vereable stepping stone to their magnum opus. Also, not quite as danceable. Full Review »