
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. Mojo
    Let It Die's first six tracks find The Shaky Hands joyously rocking it up - like the less self-consciously arty Wilco, pre-Yankee Hotel Foxtrot - while the more reflective mood that settles over the album's second half is a wistful reverie rather than a spiritual malaise. [Feb 2010, p. 102]
  2. Those with a more perky, fast-paced feel like Loosen Up, the lovely We Are Young, You're The Light, Show Me Your Life and the almost singalong album closer Oh No were more successful. Fortunately, these outnumbered the slower tracks; overall Lunglight is an enjoyable release.
  3. Drowning pop compositions in jittery polyrhythms is indie rock's move du jour, but the Shaky Hands aren't trendy; they make fine-boned, classic rock'n'roll in the Strokes' vein.
  4. Lunglight‘s a promising continuation of a promising start.
  5. As a band whose biggest source of praise so far has been its unpretentiousness, The Shaky Hands may be better off with a little more bombast. If only they had the skill to put it together for more than a flash.
  6. 60
    The arresting second album from this five-piece trades the jangly folk rock of their only-pleasant debut for a harsher, more jittery approach.
  7. Lunglight stirs up a worthy frolic with tattered scraps of psychedelic pop, surf-rock, frenzied folk, and a bit of Velvet Underground grit.
  8. This thrilling restlessness more than compensates for a lack of originality in the Portland, Oregon band's sound, which might leave fans of the Strokes and Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, among many others, thinking that they're hearing nothing new.
  9. What was once shambling and humble and fun has turned into another anonymous, swaggering, guitar-driven indie rock act.
  10. Uncut
    There's plenty to fall for here, but the anguished, bongo-driven 'Love All Of' is especially irresitable. [Feb 2009, p.93]
  11. Under The Radar
    'Neighbors' and the sublime 'World's Gone Mad' add abrasive guitar textures and bullying rhythms to the band's increasingly impressive pop arsenal. [Fall 2008, p.87]

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