• Record Label: BMG
  • Release Date: Mar 15, 2019

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
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  1. Mar 15, 2019
    Lounge-pop numbers reminiscent of Air or early Goldfrapp aren’t quite as arresting, but the whole album casts a lingering spell.
  2. Mar 18, 2019
    This album’s default seltzer dynamics are superbly well appointed, but the aim of many of these songs is often occluded by Burton’s knee-jerk tastefulness.
  3. Mar 15, 2019
    While it is endearing to hear Karen O working with a more patient form of songwriting, the raw energy and emotion of her best work isn’t here.
  4. Uncut
    Mar 12, 2019
    The album is most fun when it plays up to the contours of Karen O's idiosyncratic voice. [Apr 2019, p.32]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 43 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 36 out of 43
  2. Negative: 1 out of 43
  1. Mar 31, 2019
    I can’t say I ever expected to see news that Yeah Yeah Yeah’s front-woman, Karen O and genius musician/producer Danger Mouse (aka BrianI can’t say I ever expected to see news that Yeah Yeah Yeah’s front-woman, Karen O and genius musician/producer Danger Mouse (aka Brian Burton) were conspiring on an album together, but when I did I was thrilled beyond belief. What they promised in their press-release for “Lux Prima” was an album crafted around a journey rather than a destination. They delivered a bullseye in the best tradition of journeys.

    From the opening epic title-track, which cruises-in from the depths of space over nine-minutes, and morphs thru three movements to Karen O’s defiant Motown girl-power throw-down, “Woman,” this album is full of welcomed twists & turns.

    My standout track, “Turn The Light,” finds Karen O in gorgeous-voice singing over a disco-infused vibe... Her lyrical hook is infectious: “Starry starry night, this is how I wanna live. Gonna lay me down in love, I got so much more to give.”

    Old surf, Motown, and Western undertones evoke much of Danger Mouse’s earlier work (especially with Daniele Luppi on the “Rome” album,) but there is always something familiar, yet completely original that defines everything that Danger Mouse puts his hands on. “Leopard’s Tongue” is another shining example of that.

    There are scant few moments when we find someone who is not only a gifted musician & songwriter in their own right, but also a brilliant producer with the ability to draw the best out of an artist. Danger Mouse, though is in my upper echelon of those incredible individuals along with Brian Eno. This collaboration of Karen O and Danger Mouse throws down a very high bar for anyone else to surpass in 2019! Splendidly original!
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  2. Mar 15, 2019
    An absolutely brilliant album that makes perfect use of Danger Mouse's diverse sound and retro-modern style. Karen O's voice complements hisAn absolutely brilliant album that makes perfect use of Danger Mouse's diverse sound and retro-modern style. Karen O's voice complements his instrumentals perfectly. Full Review »
  3. Mar 22, 2019
    This is a pretty decent record that I feel relies mostly on catchiness and beautiful vocals. The first track is very lengthy so that may deterThis is a pretty decent record that I feel relies mostly on catchiness and beautiful vocals. The first track is very lengthy so that may deter some people. The main positive about the record is Karens' voice. It's really hard to describe it as it is distant and near at the same time, very soothing, while the lyrics are simple and are as I said relying on catchiness.
    The best metaphor I could give is, her voice is something you would hear at the end of a war movie/game, where the camera pans out and the carnage of the battlefield is shown. Her vocal range is very impressive but I did not care about the high pitched vocal on the track "Woman".
    The music is also very chill and has some disco and 70s-80s aspects in it. All in all, it's better than an average record.
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