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Universal acclaim- based on 363 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 33 out of 363

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  1. Aug 27, 2015
    Twigs takes the extra mile in this EP. She deserves all the praise she been getting for this work. To support my claim this EP was 1. Very Risky 2. Very good and 3. Very different from many sounds you hear today.
  2. Nov 11, 2015
    The hard electronic beats that resonate throughout the EP make her strong but meek voice shine through as the centerpiece of the art. All parts of the album seemlesly come together and the EP seems to tell a story as it goes through its duration. My only dissapointment from the album would be the (in my opinion) is the unwanted autotune in one or two of the tracks other wise a well putThe hard electronic beats that resonate throughout the EP make her strong but meek voice shine through as the centerpiece of the art. All parts of the album seemlesly come together and the EP seems to tell a story as it goes through its duration. My only dissapointment from the album would be the (in my opinion) is the unwanted autotune in one or two of the tracks other wise a well put together, proffesional and expensive sounding record. Expand
  3. Sep 10, 2015
    A really amazing EP, every song is unique. Definitely my favorites in order are In Time, Glass & Patron and Figure 8, it's not like the other two are bad or anything like it.
  4. Aug 22, 2015
    Yeah, this is a solid EP that can conform her fans and anyone who likes alternative or experimental music. The best song on this EP is the strange "In Time".
  5. Aug 28, 2015
    My only complaint...why couldn't it be longer! I loved this EP from Twigs, and thought she did an excellent job expanding on her older sound. Also her writing seems to have improved as well
  6. Aug 31, 2015
    It's a masterpiece. FKA has the ability do change minds and improve so much in a such little time. She is a true artist that continues to get the attention that she deserves. A solid ep, with so much passion and vulnerability.
  7. Feb 24, 2018
    'M3LL155X' is a catchy and upbeat version of its predecessor 'LP1'. With 'M3LL155X', FKA Twigs discusses her insecurities with love, sex, and pregnancy. Mellissa is FKA Twigs' spirit that grants her the desire to be a mother, and the album shows how Mellissa slowly takes over Twigs in a dark and creepy way with tracks like "Figure 8". Overall, it is definitely an enjoyable EP for listeners'M3LL155X' is a catchy and upbeat version of its predecessor 'LP1'. With 'M3LL155X', FKA Twigs discusses her insecurities with love, sex, and pregnancy. Mellissa is FKA Twigs' spirit that grants her the desire to be a mother, and the album shows how Mellissa slowly takes over Twigs in a dark and creepy way with tracks like "Figure 8". Overall, it is definitely an enjoyable EP for listeners who adore alternative or dark pop.
    Strongest Tracks: "Figure 8", "I'm Your Doll", "In Time"
    Runner-ups: "Glass Patron", "Mothercreep"
    Weakest Tracks: N/A
  8. Aug 22, 2015
    She is surpassing herself, each thing that she releases, is better than the latest one. The Muisc video for the EP is amazing

    Love Fka twigs! I hope a new album, with new songs

  9. Aug 20, 2015
    Best album that has come out so far this year, much more energetic than LP1. The song "In Time" featured on this EP is probably one of twigs' more commercial and relatable songs and is one of the highlights of the album. Overall the album is still experimental, but shows twigs' growth as an artist in an ode to female power.
  10. Aug 21, 2015
    This is a pretty solid EP, the five songs are good. M3LL155X is at the same level of LP1, and the video of the musics is very innovator. My favorite song so far is I'm Your Doll, but In Time, Figure 8 and Glass & Patron are also pretty good. Mothercreep is good, but I don't think it's in the same level of the other tracks.
  11. Sep 10, 2015
    One of the best EP's that has come so far this year, and I'm not a twig's fan. But she is soooooo amazing.
    I love the visuals too.
  12. Aug 21, 2015
    I don't really like FKA Twigs, but with this EP she made me believe she is a good singer and that I was wrong about her. All the musics are great, my favorite one is In Time. Samuel, look at it.
  13. Aug 27, 2015
    Well, FKA twigs is slaying again as she always do. This EP is such a masterpiece i'm in love with all the songs and, particularly, with Glass & Patron, i don't care if this EP has "just" 5 songs, still amazing and with a incredible sonority which just FKA twigs know how do.
  14. Aug 25, 2015
    M3LL155X is more complex than her previous work, but with this complexity comes sounds that have never been created before or composed in the way Twigs directs her creativity, confidence and her own way of expressing her emotions. Twigs continues to push the boundries of what music can sound like in 2015.
  15. Aug 25, 2015
    FKA Twigs is an artist that doesn't stop creating, in order to please her listeners, both visually and sonically. M3LL155X, released probably as a technique to broaden her market with songs like 'In Time', is a bold move. It is a little bit more R&B and Hip-Hop approaching than the previous EP's and LP1. Still, a great, fresh, follow-up to LP1. Plus, the music video helped a lot.
  16. Aug 29, 2015
    Nothing off LP1, aside from 'Two Weeks', really stood out to me however i can't stop listening to M3LL155X. I doubt the music will resonate will everyone due to FKA Twigs' persona but it's just so good agghhh. Twigs' quirky and submissive persona is reflected in the lyrics ("now hold that pose for me"),instrumentals, vocal delivery and unconventional song structure.To sum up, hflnknggggg.
  17. Aug 19, 2015
    Basic **** are giving this masterpiece negative ratings because they can't handle the perfection of FKA twigs, she slays everything your fave ever done honeys, instead of giving these negative ratings you all should help your faves to make REAL music, not that generic **** Good luck.
  18. Aug 19, 2015
    Favourite Songs:figure 8,in time,glass & patron
    Least Favourite Songs:mothercreep Definitely leaves you wanting more from FKA Twigs but also leaves you very happy with a lot to think about to do with the EP's messages about motherhood and the female body. It also helps that the songs sound great and I'm amazed by In Time I think it's the first time I've seen auto tuning used
    Favourite Songs:figure 8,in time,glass & patron
    Least Favourite Songs:mothercreep
    Definitely leaves you wanting more from FKA Twigs but also leaves you very happy with a lot to think about to do with the EP's messages about motherhood and the female body. It also helps that the songs sound great and I'm amazed by In Time I think it's the first time I've seen auto tuning used well. You can tell she works hard to perfect her work, especially since she created a whole short film to go with the EP (except track 5). I dread to think about how much work it took to make this project.
  19. Dec 20, 2015
    I thoroughly enjoyed this Album. It grabs you in immediately, her voice is seamless and the production is great.

    My favorites are
    1. I'm your Doll
    2. In Time
    3. Mothercreep
    4. Glass and Patron
    5. Figure 8
  20. Sep 3, 2015
    FKA Twigs LP1 was unique and regularly brilliant to listen to, and since this is only an in between albums LP I am thoroughly interested in how she might progress her oddly compelling electronic-pop. The songs here keep my interest for this new figure high.
  21. Dec 9, 2015
    Much more intense than "LP1" FKA twigs excels every work that release. Emphasis on "In Time", which is one of the best tracks of twigs career. I really liked this EP.
  22. Jan 6, 2022
    1. "Figure 8" (55)
    2. "I'm Your Doll" (22)
    3. "In Time" (60)
    4. "Glass & Patron" (86)
    5. "Mothercreep" (28)
  23. Sep 13, 2015
    'in time' is the best song of the EP and my favorite of FKA. I like all the songs, and her voice is fantastic. I didn't like her too much when I listened to LP1. Now I'm in love.
  24. Nov 9, 2015
    Uno de los mejores trabajos de FKA Twigs, perfecta composición y producción admirable, me encantó todo el álbum y mi canción favorita es I'm Your Doll, debo decir que sentí la pasión que ella siempre pone en sus letras y todo el dolor sabe como expresarlo. Me ha dejado con ganas de más y debido al éxito de este álbum, espero ver mucho de ella por los próximos años.
  25. Mar 12, 2016
    Uno de sus mejores eps junto con ep2 es una obra maestra, siempre innovando y experimentando nuevos sonidos, suena como un viaje que twigs lleva a cargo con un misterio y una sexualidad delicada e introvertida.
  26. Aug 23, 2016
    M3LL155X is a darker turn for FKA Twigs. She traded in her soft synths and soaring melodies heard in LP1 for a feminine rage that burns through the EP. For those who "don't get it" as many will and do, this record is about the struggles of being a woman. This becomes blatant in songs like "I'm Your Doll" and shows in the juxtapositional song of "Mothercreep." It's certainly an EP albumM3LL155X is a darker turn for FKA Twigs. She traded in her soft synths and soaring melodies heard in LP1 for a feminine rage that burns through the EP. For those who "don't get it" as many will and do, this record is about the struggles of being a woman. This becomes blatant in songs like "I'm Your Doll" and shows in the juxtapositional song of "Mothercreep." It's certainly an EP album to sit with. She maintains the jittery beats from her previous songs like "Video Girl" and "Pendulum" but instead interpolates this idea in to the dark fierce beat under "Figure 8" or in the demonic dance that is "Glass & Patron." All together it's short enough to keep your attention, weird enough to question its complexity, deep enough to let you explore the EP conceptually and filled to the brim with the burning fire that is Twigs' alter ego M3LL155X. Expand
  27. Sep 11, 2016
    With strangeness and charm, twigs slays again. It's a 5-track EP with strong vocals, beats and lyrics, it's so unique and bizarre that you can catch yourself dancing and also singing together.
  28. Aug 14, 2017
    I love how FKA twigs gives us an EP with very interesting songs that have interesting lyrics. Well done and amazing production. Worthy adoration. I love it!. My favorite tracks are Figure 8, In Time and Glass & Patron
  29. Apr 30, 2019
    Revisiting the EP format by way of self-directed and choreographed art film, M3LL155X [Mellissa] further develops her ability to create cohesive yet subtly different bodies of work, this time with a renewed sense of inter-connectivity that rewards repeated listens and analysis while being equally (if not more) enjoyable than her previous outings.
  30. Mar 3, 2019
    LP1 was an excellent project, but M3LL155X is an improvement in every aspect. The production and vocal performances are incredibly expressive and creative, haunting and alien, but still intrinsically human. The composition of each track is mesmerizing, a carefully constructed, synthetic soundscape that never buckles under its own weight. Simultaneously lean and lavish, the production isLP1 was an excellent project, but M3LL155X is an improvement in every aspect. The production and vocal performances are incredibly expressive and creative, haunting and alien, but still intrinsically human. The composition of each track is mesmerizing, a carefully constructed, synthetic soundscape that never buckles under its own weight. Simultaneously lean and lavish, the production is equal parts hypnotic, surreal, percussion and vibrant synths drowning in peculiar flavor. On top of it all, Twigs' vocal performances and lyrics are dynamic and captivating. There's a single, continuous music video for every track but the closer, an accompaniment that demonstrates that Twigs and whoever she's working with have just as much attention to visual detail as they do to audio presentation. She's an incredible dancer, too. I couldn't ask for anything better.

    The only problem I have with it is that there isn't more of it, but I'll take quality over quantity any day. Sometimes, it pays off to make a shorter musical project that allows everyone involved to focus more time and effort into each track, and that seems to be what has happened here. I look forward to whatever FKA Twigs has in store for the future.

Universal acclaim - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 12
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 12
  3. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Aug 27, 2015
    The vocals still send chills down the spine and everything becomes more grand and obtuse with every song. FKA twigs is striking, stunning weird and if her debut album assured that, this follow-up only strengthened her case.
  2. Aug 27, 2015
    The effect of the album is soothing and challenging all at once; full of complex messaging yet equally suitable as backdrop for studying; worthy of lingering concentration on each and every note or dozing off to on an airplane.
  3. Aug 26, 2015
    Here twigs sounds even more poised and self-assured.