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  1. Jun 14, 2019
    Her best album in years. Really experimental. Different to everything she's done. Madonna is a real artist and she proved it again. Her best in years, too.
  2. Jun 14, 2019
    Always innovative, relentlessly creative, a true artist.
    Reflective, ironic, loving songs. Ahead of times. Great album by a great artist!
  3. Jun 14, 2019
    A career best. Can comfortably sit with Ray of Light, Like a Prayer and Confessions on a Dance Floor! Thoroughly surprised and hooked on Madame X!
  4. Jun 15, 2019
    Superb and exotic. The sound and the thoughtfulness of the music is incredible. Celebrating the world of music. Music brings us all together whether we can understand the language or not. It’s visceral and profound.
  5. Jun 17, 2019
    Easily one of her best albums, if not the best, and God Control alone...words can do it no justice. It's an such an epic song! There are so many great songs. Never count Madonna out!
  6. Jun 17, 2019
    I never thought i could be really surprised with pop music again. It's refreshing to know there's still new ways to explore.
  7. Jun 17, 2019
    Bold and authentic. Madonna embracing these cultures is natural and never forced. Wish Killers Who Are Partying had better lyrics, but the production makes up for it. God Control and the latin tracks are personal favorites.
  8. Jun 18, 2019
    Madonna is back on the to. Creative & Artistic, is everything that we needed
  9. Jun 16, 2019
    Wow!! Listening to this album, brought a smile to my face...that hasn't happened in a long time, if ever!
  10. Jun 17, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. What an incredible album by Madonna! This a groundbreaking, original, slightly quirky and bizarre but well crafted piece of art. This is why Madonna is the most successful female artist! She’s not interesting in making the same generic music that everyone else is making, she’s pushing boundaries and making art.
    God Control and Dark Ballet are so ballsy and exotic and completely bonkers but both are incredible. God Control is an amazing song. There are so many highlights on this album but the dance track I Don’t Search I Find is incredible and a throw back to the 90s. Looking For Mercy is Madonna at her greatest. Come Alive, Crazy, Crave, Medellín, Faz Gostoso, I Rise and Future are amazing tracks. Even **** I’m Loca which I thought was going to be awful, is infectious and addictive. What an excellent album! Madonna has excelled herself!
  11. Jun 16, 2019
    "Madame X" is Madonna's most cohesive album since "Confessions..." (2005), and her most adventurous effort since "Ray of Light" (1998). It's full of bold tunes with mostly mature and political-aware lyrics, spanning a range of very diverse musical styles: reggaeton, jazz, classical, disco, Jamaican dancehall, African beats, morna and fado, Brazilian funk, house, trap and hip hop. It was"Madame X" is Madonna's most cohesive album since "Confessions..." (2005), and her most adventurous effort since "Ray of Light" (1998). It's full of bold tunes with mostly mature and political-aware lyrics, spanning a range of very diverse musical styles: reggaeton, jazz, classical, disco, Jamaican dancehall, African beats, morna and fado, Brazilian funk, house, trap and hip hop. It was defined by Mirwais, one of the main co-producers, as a futuristic world music album, and no other definition could fit this work better. Get ready for a real musical trip, with standouts such as "Dark Ballet", "God Control", "Batuka", "Crazy", "Faz Gostoso" and "I Rise". Expand
  12. Jun 17, 2019
    Brilhant. These is the Best work by Madonna in years. Congratulations for produtions and Madonna.
    God Control, and Faz Gostoso, Looking for Mercy is The best Track in album.
  13. Apr 27, 2020
    Madonna comes back as inspired as she was in the early 2000s, working with polarising producer Mirwais.
  14. Jun 21, 2019
    I always worry when I see so many collaborations on a Madonna album, especially rappers, as for the last decade she's been featuring them on her albums and going the wrong way about it. She did it right here. Really right. Faz Gostoso is probably her best song in recent history.
  15. Jun 16, 2019
    one of madonna's greatest albums there are so many masterpiece songs and she deserves all the awards for this art
  16. Jun 14, 2019
    Unique, Madonna never disappoints and she just did her best album since Confessions
  17. Jul 18, 2019
    This is one of her best albums to date. It’s strange, epic, emotional and has an important message to all of us. It’s a different pop perfection crafted by one of the most influential artists of all time. Hail Madame X!!!
  18. Jun 14, 2019
    A Brilliant, Bizzare, Interesting musical trip. Well Done. One of her best. God Control The best Track
  19. Jun 16, 2019
    An excellent pop album is one that is cohesive, flows, is melodic to the point feeling carefree to sing-a-long, creates a plethora of moods, is surprising and challenges the listener musically and conceptually, has a narrative and something to say. Unfortunately pop albums in recent years lack a cohesion, something to say and conceptual narrative as they tend to be a collection of songs toAn excellent pop album is one that is cohesive, flows, is melodic to the point feeling carefree to sing-a-long, creates a plethora of moods, is surprising and challenges the listener musically and conceptually, has a narrative and something to say. Unfortunately pop albums in recent years lack a cohesion, something to say and conceptual narrative as they tend to be a collection of songs to download like a pix and mix. Congratulations Madonna, you bought back the excellent gold bar of a cohesive album that is refreshing and an edgy fusion of styles that is futuristic with a lot to say. It has so many layers that at times your breathe is taken away by how brave this album is. This is exactly what the Grammy awards should be recognising - great pop that takes your breath away by its audacity to change the game. This is art. Expand
  20. Jun 17, 2019
    MadameX is a surprise, very good, interesting album, completely different from her previous work. Madonna is going her own direction, creating album she really feels. Most listen to: Dark Ballet, God Control, Crave, Batuka.
  21. Jun 14, 2019
    After Hard Candy, MDNA, and Rebel Heart, Madonna has released an album that I genuinely love and doesn't make me feel like I should force myself to like it. It's brazen and weird and polarizing. She should have Mirwais by her side at all times.
  22. Jun 18, 2019
    It's taken me almost a week to digest this rich body of work. It's a dark masterpiece. Odd, thoughtful, mesmerising. It needs to be appreciated as a complete body of work and listened in it's entirety from beginning to end to fully absorb and appreciate the message.

    There's really nothing quite like this out there at the moment. It's not an album designed to top the charts; it's a
    It's taken me almost a week to digest this rich body of work. It's a dark masterpiece. Odd, thoughtful, mesmerising. It needs to be appreciated as a complete body of work and listened in it's entirety from beginning to end to fully absorb and appreciate the message.

    There's really nothing quite like this out there at the moment. It's not an album designed to top the charts; it's a statement. A fantastic, mind boggling, thought provoking statement. True art.
  23. Jun 16, 2019
    Is easily one of the best albums in 20 years, one of the now essential Madonna albums, proving how she can shut crittics and society’s mouths again, That cold frida Madame X cover is staring at your empty lives, defying and embracing us at the same time, Are you Madame X?
  24. Jun 14, 2019
    This album is another level for pop music. It makes me so happy to see Madonna to peak again with her creativity and to deliver so well written and beautifuly produced album. Not a single bad song. Honestly! It's worth checking out!
  25. Jun 16, 2019
    What an amazing and diverse album. Like some of her previous albums (e.g. I'm Breathless, Erotica, American Life) this one might be misunderstood or overlooked by some critics, because it's ahead of its time. But the value is right there for everybody to appreciate right now!
  26. Jun 15, 2019
    Madonna’s greatest album of the decade and one of her greatest in her discography. Mastered to perfection, Madame X takes you on a world trip. Fresh, creative, ground breaking sounds that have nothing to do with current trends. The wait was worth it, Madonna once again has shown who dominates the music world and why there’s only one queen.
    A solid 10!
  27. Jun 17, 2019
    looking for mercy is the stand out track ...a trip and a half when listened to fully on headphones ..well pleased with this album ...
  28. Jun 14, 2019
    What an amazing return to form Madame X is! God Control, Looking For Mercy & Faz Gostozo are amongst Madonna’s best work ever and the album, as a whole, sounds fresh, exciting, shiny and new. The truly bizarre element is that it manages to instantly sound current and progressive, organic and futuristic, filled with many possible singles while being a musical beast with a characterWhat an amazing return to form Madame X is! God Control, Looking For Mercy & Faz Gostozo are amongst Madonna’s best work ever and the album, as a whole, sounds fresh, exciting, shiny and new. The truly bizarre element is that it manages to instantly sound current and progressive, organic and futuristic, filled with many possible singles while being a musical beast with a character completely of its own. A genuine artistic achievement on Madonna’s behalf that will have you feel connected with it in ways utterly unseen since 2005’s Confessions on a Dance Floor. In doing so this far in Madonna’s career, it manages to surpass even that iconic album in terms of bravery, authenticity and impact. Thus, sit back and enjoy. After years of uncertainty, Madonna just released her new masterpiece. Expand
  29. Jun 15, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best album since COAD!!! In the same level this. Too much proud to be a fan! Expand
  30. Jun 14, 2019
    Best album since confessions! A masterpiece, brilliant! Queen of Pop forever!
  31. Jun 15, 2019
    Her best studio album since Music. "Everybody knows the damn truth
    Our nation lied, and lost respect
    When we wake up, what can we do? Get the kids ready Take them to school Everybody knows they don't have a chance To get a decent job To have a normal life When they talk reforms, it makes me laugh They pretend to help, it makes me laugh I think I understand why people get a gun I think I
    Her best studio album since Music. "Everybody knows the damn truth
    Our nation lied, and lost respect
    When we wake up, what can we do?
    Get the kids ready
    Take them to school
    Everybody knows they don't have a chance
    To get a decent job
    To have a normal life
    When they talk reforms, it makes me laugh
    They pretend to help, it makes me laugh
    I think I understand why people get a gun
    I think I understand why we all give up
    Every day they have a kind of victory
    Loving ourselves, spread everywhere
    They say that we need love
    But we need more than this
    We lost god control"
  32. Jun 17, 2019
    After 36 years, this women still surprising us, love this álbum and how she make’s all being together
  33. Jun 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. From start to finish this album takes you on a journey. Pushing the boundary of music though influences of different culture. Love this World Experimental sound of this album. Expand
  34. Jun 14, 2019
    The best of her since Confessions On A Dance Floor. She's the queen of pop!
  35. Jun 14, 2019
    Really impressed with the album. Is different from everything that she has done. Some songs may seem a little bizzare but everything connect to each other. Great album
  36. Jun 20, 2019
    That's her best album since Confessions and easily on the Top 5 of her career. It's brave, intelligent, innovative. Only Madonna could make a Pop album like that.
  37. Jun 14, 2019
    Muy tesa con razón sigue siendo la reina del pop. La idiotis tiene que hacer un world tour muy tesa i love her
  38. Jun 14, 2019
    A good mix of genres and styles. Something different that you cant find in today's pop mainstream. Madonna is innovating again and showing why she is the queen of Pop. Loved the album
  39. Jun 16, 2019
    Un álbum brillante y una clara evolución, lo mejor que Madonna ha lanzado en años, con gran cantidad de ritmos y fusiones, además de cantar en inglés, canta en español y portugués. Tiene un sonido muy familiar, pero al mismo tiempo diferente al resto. // A brilliant album and a clear evolution, the best that Madonna has released in years, with a lot of rhythms and fusions, besides singingUn álbum brillante y una clara evolución, lo mejor que Madonna ha lanzado en años, con gran cantidad de ritmos y fusiones, además de cantar en inglés, canta en español y portugués. Tiene un sonido muy familiar, pero al mismo tiempo diferente al resto. // A brilliant album and a clear evolution, the best that Madonna has released in years, with a lot of rhythms and fusions, besides singing in English, she sings in Spanish and Portuguese. It has a very familiar sound, but at the same time different from the rest. Expand
  40. Jun 14, 2019
    Just one word: Batuka. This is enough for me to say that this album is a pure masterpiece. And do you want other words? Okay, I'll say God Control or Faz Gostoso or I Don't Search I Find or Medellin and I can just continue to say all the songs. Madonna is back again with an eclectic and excellent work, with different genres and contents all mixed up perfectly. A masterpiece.
  41. Jun 19, 2019
    Madame X it's an adventurous and triumphal trip around the globe where
    multicultural sounds combine under the magic of Mirwais electronic touch.
    One of Madonna's best albums, can sit confortably next to Confessions or Ray of Light.
    Unspected blast!
  42. Jun 14, 2019
    Madame x is an layered amazing album start to finish in a long career of amazong albums. Every song builds to next. The music is global, inspiring., uplifting, and extremely danceable. I love it
  43. Jun 14, 2019
    Global Futuristic Album. Outstanding work! Brings a global sense of unity, using futuristic sound mixed with local artists.
  44. Jun 14, 2019
    Madame X is bold and multicultural!

    When Madonna told us that Madame X "is a secret agent traveling the world" that sounded too vague. But with the album in our hands, we can better understand what she meant. Madame X takes us on a journey through the world through several rhythms and dances, makes us think with her political lyrics and sings very well in Portuguese. With this new album,
    Madame X is bold and multicultural!

    When Madonna told us that Madame X "is a secret agent traveling the world" that sounded too vague. But with the album in our hands, we can better understand what she meant. Madame X takes us on a journey through the world through several rhythms and dances, makes us think with her political lyrics and sings very well in Portuguese. With this new album, Madonna delivers her best work since Confessions On a Dance Floor (2006).

    YOU MUST LISTEN: God Control; I Don't Search I Find; Dark Ballet.
  45. Jun 21, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Very refreshing album! Her best since Confessions!
    God Control and the duet with Anitta are the best tracks sofar
  46. Jun 19, 2019
    This is Madonna's best album since "Confessions on a dancefloor" and her most experimental since "American Life" Yes the reviews are right, this is a bizarre, odd, weird album but it is also a work of art. The different sounds, rhythms, themes in this album are just crazy! Definitely a SOLID album!!
  47. Jun 14, 2019
    A journey from the beggining to the end!
    Madonna show that age doesnt matter when you have a mastermind , the album is very cohesive even the fact that theres a lot of genres.
    All Hail the queen of pop
  48. Jun 17, 2019
    Madonna is back to form. Well she was already with her Rebel Heart - but a lot of things went wrong - leaks and so on.
    I was afraid after the announcements that the Album would sound again more like a collection (Mdna, Hard Candy) but it does not.
    MadameX shows Madonna more theatrical and political. With a multicultural language mix (portugues/brasil, spanish, english) HipHop Beats
    Madonna is back to form. Well she was already with her Rebel Heart - but a lot of things went wrong - leaks and so on.
    I was afraid after the announcements that the Album would sound again more like a collection (Mdna, Hard Candy) but it does not.
    MadameX shows Madonna more theatrical and political.
    With a multicultural language mix (portugues/brasil, spanish, english) HipHop Beats meeting Ethno, Classic and DeepHouse sounds.
    Colourful, thoughtful but including fun songs like the portuguese Faz Gostose together with Anita.
    Other collaborators are Maluma on the first Reggaetone Medellin or the wonder- and Soulful Vocals of Swae Lee on "Crave". Incl. an LGBT Tribute with the great "I rise", tribal Africa Chant Rytms like the great Batuka.

    The Deluxe Edition (recommended) got three extra tracks - all great.

    What an Album! Well - we all know: NOBODY does deliver litke Madonna.
    Favorites are
    I dont search I find * Batuka * Crazy * Medellin * Crave

    The only negative thing is the heavy use of Autotune/Vocoder on the Vocals.
    They are not everywhere but too much and often used.
  49. Jun 16, 2019
    This album is pure art from the beginning to the end it takes you a journey
  50. Jun 14, 2019
    Amazing album, Madonna is back at her creative best. Madame X takes you on a trip around the world and makes you feel all kinds of emotions. I am in love. Standout tracks at the time of writing I have on repeat are:
    God Control
    Looking For Mercy
    Extreme Occident Dark Ballet Check it out, you wont regret it 10/10
  51. Jun 14, 2019
    Madonna na sua melhor forma. Ousada, comprometida e inovadora! Madame X já se torna um dos seus melhores trabalho e homenageando a música mundial e linguá portuguesa!
  52. Jun 18, 2019
    Amazing. A very big surprise. Addictive.One of her best ever. Portugal fits so weel in Madonna. Congrats
  53. Sep 5, 2019
    It's multiculturalism, it's experimentalism, it's art. Deserves all the best things. Best pop album of 2019.
  54. Sep 14, 2019
    The most exciting trip on her world in years. Very emotionally deep and musically complex.
  55. Jun 14, 2019
    A return to form, the best Madonna album since Confessions on a Dance Floor. Bizarre, fun and weird.
  56. Jun 19, 2019
    The best album since Confessions on a dancefloor, really something amazing and political. The Brazil and Portugal references makes all the difference! So good! Crazy, Faz Gostoso, God Control and I don’t search I find are amazing
  57. Jun 14, 2019
    "Looking for Mercy" on deluxe version deserves to be an official anthem of Caritas charity. Interesting album although I still don't like her auto-tunes voice. But here it a kind of sticks the parts.
  58. Jun 26, 2019
    Just listen God Control, Crazy, Dark Ballet and I dont search and you will know why is the best record of Madonna from the last 10 years
  59. Jun 15, 2019
    It is difficult to describe this album. The songs are amazing, different from the records released in the past years, Madonna is a five-star artist and Madame X is a mixture of POP, Latin music, Brazilian funk, disco and so on. It's not a messy record, it is awesome and brilliant.
  60. Jun 15, 2019
    Art Art Art Art aghwjwjwjwjqjqjjqnqbwbwbwbbwbwbsbsbwbjwbwjsbwbwbwbhsbsbwvwvwvwvvsvsvsvsvsbbsbshshhsjshshshsbbwbwbsbwbwbwbnwbwbwjwjwbwhwhwhshhshwhshwhwhwhgwhwhwvwvvwvwvebbdbdbdbdbbdbdbdbebebejjejejejejjejhw
  61. Jun 18, 2019
    As, after a vary flat and low phase, Rebel Heart was a return to form, in terms of melodic solidity and catchy hooks (worsen by the heaviest production possible), Madame X is a statement of musical freedom, curiosity, maturity and boldness; as Rebel Heart was at the continuous reasearch of impact effects and emotional picks, Madame X is anticlimatic and rarefied, deconstructed and full ofAs, after a vary flat and low phase, Rebel Heart was a return to form, in terms of melodic solidity and catchy hooks (worsen by the heaviest production possible), Madame X is a statement of musical freedom, curiosity, maturity and boldness; as Rebel Heart was at the continuous reasearch of impact effects and emotional picks, Madame X is anticlimatic and rarefied, deconstructed and full of unpredictable turns; as Rebel Heart was discontinuous and chaotic, Madame X is a full run, a coherent and flowing experience. I'm surprised by how all the genres presented in the album seem to integrate each other in such a smooth and graceful way. Here and then some lyrics are cringy, it's got to be said, but the whole thing breaths life in and out: courage, commitment, sharing, solidity,
    experimentation, sensuality, hope, strenght.

    Best tracks: God Control, I don't search I find, Dark Ballet, Crave, Killers, Extreme Occident, Batuka, Future, Come Alive and Faz Gostoso ... welcome back M, where have you been?!
  62. Jun 14, 2019
    A bizarre and bold piece of art.

    The lusophone rhythms (brazilian funk, portuguese fado and cape verdean drumbeat) bring an exotic and fun aura to the whole album. Maybe the greatest achievement is that the electronic and generic sound of her last three albums have been replaced by a beautiful set of accordion, violins and drums. From the calmest tracks to the most danceable ones,
    A bizarre and bold piece of art.

    The lusophone rhythms (brazilian funk, portuguese fado and cape verdean drumbeat) bring an exotic and fun aura to the whole album.

    Maybe the greatest achievement is that the electronic and generic sound of her last three albums have been replaced by a beautiful set of accordion, violins and drums.
    From the calmest tracks to the most danceable ones, everything in Madame X seems delicate, exquisite and well-made.
  63. Jun 14, 2019
    El nuevo álbum de Madonna suena como si fuera de otro planeta, una vuelta en una montaña rusa, probablemente dividirá a sus fans pero a mi me encantó y me tiene bastante satisfecho.
  64. Jun 14, 2019
    An album that belongs to the world and that shows why reinvention is one of the most important concepts in one's career. From America, to Brazil, to Portugal and to Morocco, Madame X invites you to "a culture ride". My early faves: God Control, Batuka, Crazy, Come Alive, I Don't Search I Find, Looking for Mercy. The transition to disco sounds in "God Control" might be the peak position ofAn album that belongs to the world and that shows why reinvention is one of the most important concepts in one's career. From America, to Brazil, to Portugal and to Morocco, Madame X invites you to "a culture ride". My early faves: God Control, Batuka, Crazy, Come Alive, I Don't Search I Find, Looking for Mercy. The transition to disco sounds in "God Control" might be the peak position of the album sonically. With "Batuka", she proves once again that she is the only postmodern artist alive in music. Probably another artist would use the sounds of batuque just like that. However, Madonna mingles the folk sounds with auto-tunes which is so to the point. (All hail to Mirwais Ahmadzaï!) There are also songs in the album that have the potential to hit the top 40 in charts such as Crave, Crazy and Come Alive.

    There are songs that might have made me rate this album 9 or 8, but Madonna's zeal in novelty in music stopped me. Therefore, 10 points go to the queen of reinvention.
  65. Jun 25, 2019
    Meu deus, o melhor álbum da rainha desde o American Life. 0 defeitos porra! conceito 10, videoclipes 10, featuring 10, caps 10. Madame X conte coming para ABSOLUTAMENTE TUDO.
  66. Aug 28, 2020
    Madonna's album reflects this chapter in her life. She did a very interesting and well-done body of work with the musical and cultural influences of world music: Brazilian funk, reggaeton, African, and many other styles. One of her bests albums.
  67. Jun 14, 2019
    The greatness of this album was a pleasant surprise, judging for the songs they released to promote it. When you listen to the album as a whole, you realize this is one of Madonna's BEST albums so far. It doesn't sound like anything else out there, it is authentic and innovative. No fillers, musically original, lyrically beautiful and emotional. It literally takes you on a trip around theThe greatness of this album was a pleasant surprise, judging for the songs they released to promote it. When you listen to the album as a whole, you realize this is one of Madonna's BEST albums so far. It doesn't sound like anything else out there, it is authentic and innovative. No fillers, musically original, lyrically beautiful and emotional. It literally takes you on a trip around the world with a unique mix of genres and languages (she sings in english, portuguese and spanish). Madonna just released a bold and brilliant album that we can enjoy from start to finish. Best tracks: God Control, Batuka, I Rise, Faz Gostoso, Looking for Mercy, I Don't Search I Find. Expand
  68. Jun 16, 2019
    I’ve been in love with this album since it came out It’s a cultural trip Killers who are partying, batuka and faz gostoso are currently my favorites
  69. Jun 16, 2019
    Just an amazing album. The best since Confessions on a Dance Floor from 2005.
  70. Jun 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Madonna reinventing herself one more time. Madame X is brilliant, I am so proud of being a fan. Memorable masterpiece, bravo! Expand
  71. May 28, 2020
    songs have more meaning and power when the singer believes in it, and that's what madonna has delivered in her madame x record. the very best of madonna
  72. Jun 14, 2019
    The best album of madonna. Acredito que este album seja um dos melhores já feitos pela Madonna. Cantar em Português não é para qualquer um!
  73. May 29, 2020
    Very cool! Every single song it's charming in it's own way. ALBUM OF THE YEAR!!
  74. Jun 15, 2019
    So emotional and lyric. She sings about great things and music so nice, Mrwais and Madonna the best duet.
  75. Jun 14, 2019
    Masterpiece!! After nearly 40 years in the business Madonna has reinvented herself and her music once again. Madame X is the album of the year!
  76. Jun 16, 2019
    Is amazing. I Hope "Faz Gostoso" and "Crazy" like next singles. Thank You Madonna!
  77. Sep 1, 2019
    "Madame X" is a multicultural, musical, social and political manifesto that allows Madonna to deliver her messages expressing them in different sounds, with different languages and different heritages, all linked by the same strong purpose: to scream to the world that we are all linked by the same history. We have different skin colors different cultures, different histories, and yet we"Madame X" is a multicultural, musical, social and political manifesto that allows Madonna to deliver her messages expressing them in different sounds, with different languages and different heritages, all linked by the same strong purpose: to scream to the world that we are all linked by the same history. We have different skin colors different cultures, different histories, and yet we are all alike, because our music, history, literature, culture inspired and influenced other cultures and vice versa. Immense masterpiece, whatever the "critics" want to say. Madonna expresses herself with no fear, Madonna is still Madonna. Expand
  78. Jun 14, 2019
    M mostrou mais vez o quanto é capaz de se reinventar, e como consegue se adaptar em vários estilos de música sem perder a sua essência. É como um mix de novas explorações pra Madonna e ao mesmo tempo sente-se as referências ao longo da sua carreira. Madame X nos surpreendeu.
  79. Jun 18, 2019
    A bold & eclectic collection of gems, this much needed return to form is Madonna's most ambitious & inspired record in 20 years.
  80. Jun 14, 2019
    Her best album in years!

    It's diverse and in a bizarre way is coherent!

    Highlights: God Control, Batuka, I Don't Search i Find and **** I'm Loca
  81. Jun 14, 2019
    It's a diverse and brill musical trip. She takes us to a world where she is the commander.
  82. Jun 17, 2019
    This is the ALBUM OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  83. Jun 14, 2019
    I love this song "Faz Gostoso" feat popstar Anitta. The best music of álbum! Go Brazil
  84. Jun 16, 2019
    amei, melhor álbum da madonna desde confessions! político, romântico e bizarro, uma madonna totalmente nova, indo afundo em coisas não óbvias.
  85. Jun 24, 2019
    Madonna’s best album in almost 14 years! An eclectic collection of songs with masterful production. This is an album you can replay over and over and find something new each time to love. There is so much heart and joy poured into this body of work, and it comes through strong. There are some serious topics explored in some of these songs, and done so in a brave and tasteful manner. AMadonna’s best album in almost 14 years! An eclectic collection of songs with masterful production. This is an album you can replay over and over and find something new each time to love. There is so much heart and joy poured into this body of work, and it comes through strong. There are some serious topics explored in some of these songs, and done so in a brave and tasteful manner. A breathtaking release by a living legend. X Expand
  86. Jun 15, 2019
    Creativo, lleno de sonidos nuevos y buenas letras, Madonna sigue demostrando, a pesar de su edad lo versatil y creativa que es. Sin duda su mejor disco desde Confessions.
  87. Jun 14, 2019
    Her best since Confessions. Love the atmosphere surrounding the album. That’s the Madonna I love.
  88. Jun 16, 2019
    This album is amazing! The experimental production and the vocal distortions like in Dark Ballet brings such a new age form of music. The blend of other cultures such as Brazil in the song Faz Gostoso is magnificent.
  89. Jun 14, 2019
    Una pieza de arte, Madonna desde hace años no hacia algo progresivo y arriesgado, eso es lo que la hacer ser única. Los sonidos tan variados hacen de este disco algo muy diferente a sus últimos 3 trabajos.
  90. Sep 1, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Awesome! An advance in her career. She definitely is the Queen of Pop of all the time! Expand
  91. Mar 27, 2020
    From the beggining to the end!
    The last perfection of 2010's, a perfect way to end a decade and to have a new bible in pop music.

  92. Jun 16, 2019
    On her 14th album, she's restore her own glory. Probably, that's the bravest and the most important longplay in her career.
  93. Sep 28, 2019
    Fantástico, empolgante, diferente, empoderador, político... Madonna mesmo depois de 37 anos de carreira, nos mostra por que reina absoluta no mundo da música. O álbum é uma obra de arte audiovisual incrível!
  94. Jun 16, 2019
    Madonna returned to her prime times and made a completely experimental album and surprised everyone. The album is not easy to handle but it induces you to think. Well written lyrics that reflect our current world reality, original melodies, in Madame x you find songs that you have never heard anything like it before.
  95. Jun 16, 2019
    Is this the Madonna of Like a Prayer and True Blue? What a revolution. I loved
  96. Jun 14, 2019
    It's a mature album with a unique sound in her career. One of the best of Madonna and the best album of the decade. Certainly Portugal did very well to the Queen of Pop.
  97. Jun 15, 2019
    Her most experimental and innovative album since Ray Of Light I dare say. It's even hard to explain, you have to experience. No other popstar is the world is doing anything like this. Madonna once again proving to be a real artist. Long live the queen!
  98. Jun 15, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ótimo álbum, Madonna se reinventando novamente após quase 40 anos de carreira. Expand
  99. Jun 17, 2019
    The albun of the year. I was wainting so long to ear Madonna like this! Mirwais is a good and Madonna is still the Queen of pop
  100. Jun 17, 2019
    Uma viagem experimental e incrível. Madame x traz a Madonna visionária que há muito tempo não víamos!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Mojo
    Jun 25, 2019
    The pace plods on some mid-tempo tracks, but overall this is a personal, politically-charged mix of dark thoughts and good vibes. [Aug 2019, p.88]
  2. Jun 21, 2019
    Overall, Madonna’s fourteenth album Madame X feels as if Mirwais had mostly completed a decent run-of-the-mill modern pop record, albeit with a cool hotch-potch global feel; hip nods in place to fado, dub and other micro-genres dunked amongst the trap and retro disco. But then just before sign-off, Herself went through the top-lines with a sharpie. ... None of these carefully curated flourishes feel as if they truly live inside the ‘whole’ of this music. Instead it all feels plonked on top of a template.
  3. Jun 19, 2019
    Madonna has created this music for an audience of one: Herself. Often it works. Sometimes it doesn’t.