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  1. Jun 14, 2019
    A Brilliant, Bizzare, Interesting musical trip. Well Done. One of her best. God Control The best Track
  2. Jun 14, 2019
    Her most soulful album since Confessions. Best songs:
    God Control
    Faz Gostoso
    Average song:
    Killers Who Are Partying The world influences are incredible
  3. Jun 14, 2019
    Each song is a reflection of Madame X. Sometimes she is a freedom fighter, sometimes she is a cha cha teacher. Sometimes she is expecting love, sometimes she is feeling nostalgic about her childhood and her past. Sometimes she is thinking about all the people in the world who are suffering and do not have a voice, and who need a voice, and have a sense of responsibility about these people.Each song is a reflection of Madame X. Sometimes she is a freedom fighter, sometimes she is a cha cha teacher. Sometimes she is expecting love, sometimes she is feeling nostalgic about her childhood and her past. Sometimes she is thinking about all the people in the world who are suffering and do not have a voice, and who need a voice, and have a sense of responsibility about these people.

    You read the manifesto, right? So you know she's a secret agent. And so, she changes her identity depending on the situation, but she feels the responsibility to inspire, to help, to bring light to dark places. And she'll take on any person she needs to do that job. So she's a chameleon, yes.
    Madame X is about all that.
  4. Jun 14, 2019
    Really impressed with the album. Is different from everything that she has done. Some songs may seem a little bizzare but everything connect to each other. Great album
  5. Jun 14, 2019
    This album is a poetic manifesto about the issues of our times. Madonna is teaching us to not to be afraid of being revolutionary.
  6. Jun 14, 2019
    This album is another level for pop music. It makes me so happy to see Madonna to peak again with her creativity and to deliver so well written and beautifuly produced album. Not a single bad song. Honestly! It's worth checking out!
  7. Jun 21, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Very refreshing album! Her best since Confessions!
    God Control and the duet with Anitta are the best tracks sofar
  8. Jun 14, 2019
    With Madame X, Madonna shows that she is still in charge and offer us a brilliant album. LONG LIVE THE QUEEN OF POP
  9. Jun 14, 2019
    This album is an actual piece of art, she's still is the queen of pop and keep looking fresh to new generations. Her best album since confessions on a dance floor
  10. Jun 14, 2019
    Global Futuristic Album. Outstanding work! Brings a global sense of unity, using futuristic sound mixed with local artists.
  11. Jun 14, 2019
    Una pieza de arte, Madonna desde hace años no hacia algo progresivo y arriesgado, eso es lo que la hacer ser única. Los sonidos tan variados hacen de este disco algo muy diferente a sus últimos 3 trabajos.
  12. Jun 14, 2019
    Madame X is travelling around the world. It's a surreal journey, plenty of extraordinary sounds! The most artistic reinvention in years. Her voice is stronger than ever. The album is involved on so many levels!

    The highlights: Dark Control, God Control, Batuka, Killers Who Are Partying, I Don't Search I Find and Looking For Mercy.
  13. Jun 14, 2019
    A Madonna everybody's been waiting for for 14 years.
    A perfect mix of styles and genres.
    Must-hear: Extreme Occident, I Don't Search I Find, Faz Gostoso, Crave
  14. Jun 14, 2019
    Definitely one of Madonna's best, strongest and most experimental albums. The idea may sound very bizarre, but when you listen to the album you see how everything there is talking to each other. It's a risky album, unlike the current and brilliant pop. This album is one of the reasons why she is the only true queen of pop music.
  15. Jun 14, 2019
    As one of the reviewers said, "Madame X" is the most experimental album of Madonna's career. And that turned out amazing!
  16. Jun 14, 2019
    I have never felt so passionate about a political album since Lemonade. Madame X is here to let everybody remember who is the QUEEN OF POP
  17. Jun 14, 2019
    One more time, Madonna proves she is the biggest star of the pop music! Madame X is a masterpiece.
  18. Jun 14, 2019
    Madonna’s best album since Confessions on a dancefloor (2005). Including 15 tracks (5 of them were released as singles), she has made a complete experience of sounds. A work of art, but that’s not new, because she’s Madonna!
  19. Jun 14, 2019
    Excellent return to form, Madonna doing what she does best. I can’t stop listening.
  20. Jun 14, 2019
    Her best album in over a decade, or even more. Absolutely brilliant, funny, unexpected, sometimes crazy, but always amazing, stunningly produced, and once more, the Queen of Pop reinvents herself. 9/10
  21. Jun 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is a masterpiece.. i dont search, god control, crazy, looking for Mercy and Funana are my favorite right now #QUEENOFPOP AND THR WORLD Expand
  22. Jun 14, 2019
    Her best album to date! Splendid, amazing... wow. The versatility it has
  23. Jun 14, 2019
    Best since COADF
    God control and Crave are amaizng
    Alos I rise and extreme occident
  24. Jun 14, 2019
    Admiravelmente bizarro, engajado, multicultural, arriscado...M e sua "'f*** you' attitude"! Mais uma vez, ela se reinventa, sem qualquer receio de seguir as tendências óbvias do mainstream.
  25. Jun 14, 2019
    The most incredible, inteligent and relevant álbum in years. The sound is fresh and delicious to listen at 1 to 15 music. Cultural, political and intelligent, Madame X is the vision of what will be the Pop years ahead. Madonna showing why she is the Queen of Pop.
  26. Jun 14, 2019
    Amazing, genius, intelligent, cultural! Madame X is a masterpiece! That's why she's the queen of pop!
  27. Jun 14, 2019
    Innovator, captivating and well produced. Strong lyrics, well - built melodies. Madonna being creative and thinking outside context, outside of current standards and the young lady built a full job
  28. Jun 14, 2019
    Most unique album I’ve heard in a while, an experience. I recommend listening to it with your headphones first to appreciate the detailed production
  29. Jun 14, 2019
    Master piece, God control is an anthem. Love you queeeeeeeeeeen! The queen is back ****
  30. Jun 14, 2019
    Madame X is a brilliant work of art. This is one of Madonnas best pieces of work since Confessions.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Mojo
    Jun 25, 2019
    The pace plods on some mid-tempo tracks, but overall this is a personal, politically-charged mix of dark thoughts and good vibes. [Aug 2019, p.88]
  2. Jun 21, 2019
    Overall, Madonna’s fourteenth album Madame X feels as if Mirwais had mostly completed a decent run-of-the-mill modern pop record, albeit with a cool hotch-potch global feel; hip nods in place to fado, dub and other micro-genres dunked amongst the trap and retro disco. But then just before sign-off, Herself went through the top-lines with a sharpie. ... None of these carefully curated flourishes feel as if they truly live inside the ‘whole’ of this music. Instead it all feels plonked on top of a template.
  3. Jun 19, 2019
    Madonna has created this music for an audience of one: Herself. Often it works. Sometimes it doesn’t.