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Generally favorable reviews- based on 41 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 41
  2. Negative: 1 out of 41

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  1. NeilL
    Mar 16, 2009
    It is interesting to me that one reviewer below calls "Wrestlers" the weakest, most self-conscious song on the album while the very next review proclaims that it is one of the best on the album. Just goes to show that one should mainly ignore critics, or find one who has views close to one's own, and thus articulate one's own reasons for liking or disliking an album or artist.
  2. EduardoO.
    Feb 5, 2008
    I am a long time fan. Made in the Dark was not an immediate album for me, but with time I have founded very rewarding. Spend some time with the record and you will probably end up addicted to it.
  3. Gman
    Feb 6, 2008
    A worthy follow up to The Warning, with Made In The Dark, the cheeky Chipsters effortlessly maintain the balance between dancefloor fillers and great songs. Ready For The Floor in particulary works spectacularly on both levels and it's amazing that Kylie Minogue actually turned this song down. It would have been by far the best thing she's ever done in her entire career (and A worthy follow up to The Warning, with Made In The Dark, the cheeky Chipsters effortlessly maintain the balance between dancefloor fillers and great songs. Ready For The Floor in particulary works spectacularly on both levels and it's amazing that Kylie Minogue actually turned this song down. It would have been by far the best thing she's ever done in her entire career (and I'm including Can't Get You Out Of My Head and even German Bold Italic in that). There's also a couple of downtempo ballads which suit Alex's voice perfectly and show that they are far from being one trick ponys. Although every song isn't perfect, this is as good a pop album as one could hope for in this day and age and they're certainly the best band in Britain at present. Compared to their North American equivalents, they are far superior to LCD Soundsystem (who they totally outclassed live at Brixton Academy a couple of years ago, despite being bottom of the bill) and maybe as great as Canada's Junior Boys. We should be thankful they exist. Expand
  4. MattA
    Feb 6, 2008
    I would still put it just below The Warning, but this album is still an impressive follow-up and shows Hot Chip expanding their sound in a very interesting, compelling way. Weak ending aside (the last few songs are kind of boring), a great album with a few absolute stand-out tracks (Ready For The Floor, We're Looking For A Lot Of Love, Wrestling).
  5. JonM
    Feb 7, 2008
    A good album with some very good tracks on. If you are electronically inclined when it comes to music, or simply fancy a change of pace, then you could do worse than invest £10 in this album (no downloading!).
  6. ChristianP.
    Feb 5, 2008
    Yes, this album has a couple of weak points, but overall it is equal joyous and somber -- beautiful melodies that are full of longing coexist with party music as heard through many different lenses (dance, rock, soul, r&b, etc.). It does feel like it could be better at times, but when they are on, they are on.
  7. AdamH.
    Feb 6, 2008
    The reviews are very balanced on this record. not good and not bad either. Clearly, as always its your own opinion that matters. I think this is a great listen that could grow on me more and more after the first few initial listens. Others argue the album doesn't contain any blowouts like over and over, Hold on I think can Hold its own. I want to say almost 9.
  8. OliverC.
    Feb 5, 2008
    Really gave it a 7.5 but rounded up because they deserve it. Hot Chip has lost their narcissistic charm in "Made in the dark" and instead opted to create some tame dance pop. Their brilliance shines through in tracks like "One Pure thought" and "Ready for the Floor," but overall this album is worse than either Coming or Warning because the songs lack momentum. Still worth buying for a few Really gave it a 7.5 but rounded up because they deserve it. Hot Chip has lost their narcissistic charm in "Made in the dark" and instead opted to create some tame dance pop. Their brilliance shines through in tracks like "One Pure thought" and "Ready for the Floor," but overall this album is worse than either Coming or Warning because the songs lack momentum. Still worth buying for a few good tracks but I have to admit I am a little disappointed. Expand
  9. JasonW
    Apr 19, 2008
    While this record is not as good as Warning, there is still plenty to be pleased about. Songs like Wrestlers for example, the lyrics could have been written by a 10 year old wrestling fanatic but at the same time it fits and when the piano comes in it changes everything. It's a perfect mesh of beauty and adolescence. Of course there are stand out tracks that hit you right away like While this record is not as good as Warning, there is still plenty to be pleased about. Songs like Wrestlers for example, the lyrics could have been written by a 10 year old wrestling fanatic but at the same time it fits and when the piano comes in it changes everything. It's a perfect mesh of beauty and adolescence. Of course there are stand out tracks that hit you right away like ready for the floor, shake a fist, wrestlers, and looking for alot of love but then there are others that grow on you the more you listen like hold on, dont dance, and one pure thought. Made in the Dark is no Warning but then again Hot Chip may never top that. If your are a fan of Hot Chip and there style you will have no problem with this album. Expand
  10. DavidH
    Feb 19, 2008
    Hot Chip deserves credit for not sticking to formula, but if that formula was based on thier classic "The Warning", that wouldn't have been an entirely bad thing. For "weird record" enthusiasts, the bonus track "Bubbles They Bounce" is a must-have.
  11. BenS
    Mar 5, 2008
    About as 7/10 an album good. A nice change from the usual or at least "my" usual music. The first three tracks are class but the other hits are too sparodic to call this anything other than very good.
  12. MycroftW.
    Feb 9, 2008
    A bit of disappointment frankly, the Soulwax-remix of Ready for the floor does really outshine anything on this.
  13. AidanK
    May 10, 2008
    Overall a good record, 'ready for the floor' and 'one pure thought' are the definatley the stand out trackls which is irritating because they are both singles. The more mellow tracks are boring quite frankly and spoil the album.
  14. HC
    Feb 20, 2008
    'Out At The Pictures' and 'Ready For The Floor' are clear standouts. The rest is kinda more or less.
  15. KGFReeze
    Mar 17, 2008
    Not even close to The Warning. Good, some effects/vocals/songs are a little grating. Not as immediately rewarding. Still alright, just not the extremo follow-up some of the critics are making it out to be.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 40 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 40
  2. Negative: 0 out of 40
  1. Under The Radar
    At times, the sheer busyness of the album’s songs prevents the listener from becoming fully immersed. [Winter 2008, p.82]
  2. Mojo
    They wear their ideas on their sleeves, certainly, but under all the layers, a heartbeat is sometimes hard to find. [Feb 2008, p.104]
  3. 80
    As a listener, it’s equally hard not to feel the love. With Hot Chip, it now feels like the right time to commit.