• Record Label: Epitaph
  • Release Date: Mar 17, 2015
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 15 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 15
  2. Negative: 2 out of 15
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  1. Sep 7, 2015
    This band seems to use this album to test just how much pop they can get away while still being considered a pop-rock band. Post-hardcore? Hardly. The album is barely hanging on to anything remotely recognizing that genre. It's a shame because "Madness" could really use some of what it's title implies.

    After getting off to a great start with the energetic "Kick Me" the album quickly
    This band seems to use this album to test just how much pop they can get away while still being considered a pop-rock band. Post-hardcore? Hardly. The album is barely hanging on to anything remotely recognizing that genre. It's a shame because "Madness" could really use some of what it's title implies.

    After getting off to a great start with the energetic "Kick Me" the album quickly loses steam. The majority of what follows is generic, melodic pop with "inspirational" lyrics that sound all too familiar. Plenty of other artists have touched on the same themes. With the exception of Kick me and We Like it Loud the majority of this album is lacking in energy. The songs aren't necessarily bad, but the boy band lyrics and pop idol tunes seem all too radio friendly. Lead Singer Kellin Quinn's shockingly effeminate voice doesn't help.

    The singer knows what he is doing here. What brief bits of post-hardcore music are here seem only included so that people have something to argue about when someone points out that almost all of this is straight up pop. It's a pop album for those who don't want to admit that they like pop music.

    While Sleeping with Sirens seems to want to chase away those who will be initially brought in by their look, they seem just as interested in attracting pop music fans. However even the most hardcore devotees to this genre will be hard pressed to not notice just how generic this all sounds and how it could use a shot of energy. The forced sentimentality is sure to appeal to quite a few people. Just as many though will likely be looking for something more.

    I give this album a 6.2/10.
  2. Oct 29, 2015
    SWS' fourth album Madness is more pop than rock. The majority of the songs are...boring and plain. "Better Off Dead" is the most energetic song, and probably the best song on the album. "Kick Me" and "November" are also highlights. The band made a decent album with Madness, however they do have potential.
  3. Jun 11, 2022
    Favorite Tracks - Save me a Spark, Better Off Dead, Heroine, Kick Me, We Like it Loud, November, Left Alone and Don't Say Anything Least Favorites - The Strays and Fly OK so I personally really enjoyed this album especially with the fact that the band kinda debuted a new kinda pop sound of this album and I also just wanna quickly mention that last 7 of the 13 Tracks on the album I thoughtFavorite Tracks - Save me a Spark, Better Off Dead, Heroine, Kick Me, We Like it Loud, November, Left Alone and Don't Say Anything Least Favorites - The Strays and Fly OK so I personally really enjoyed this album especially with the fact that the band kinda debuted a new kinda pop sound of this album and I also just wanna quickly mention that last 7 of the 13 Tracks on the album I thought were all fantastic. Now this definitely isn't Sleeping with Sirens' best album but it was really amazing transition of their nowadays pop sound and I also appreciate the 2 Amazing harder rock we got on here which were the opening track Kick Me and the other one was the track We Like It Loud. Anyway most of this Album I really enjoyed expect for the tracks The Strays which sounded like the band was super trying to go pop and with the expection of the chorus that whole track sucked. The other track I disliked was the track "Fly" and all I gotta say about that is that if you wanna hear amazing songs on this album that don't listen to that one cause its so assThis album was a amazing mix of the band's past hard rock and pop punk sound and their newly debuted pop sound and I think Overall it's a Decent 7 out of 10 imo. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. There are far less cringe-worthy lyrics, and a sound that seems far more natural for the band as a whole.
  2. Mar 23, 2015
    Madness is their most consistent and well-crafted set list to date, and while it may move them further toward the pop end of the hardcore spectrum, it does little to dampen their combustible core.
  3. Kerrang!
    Mar 18, 2015
    This is the record that brands SWS as a very big deal indeed. [7 Mar 2015, p.52]