• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Oct 2, 2007
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 115 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 5 out of 115

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  1. May 1, 2018
    Springsteen fez de novo, 5 anos depois do incrível The Rising (2002), Magic prova-se ser um excelente sucessor.
    2000's se mostra a melhor fase de Bruce Springsteen desde da primeira metade dos 1980's.
    A União de Springsteen+The E Street Band é sucesso é talento Destaques para faixas You'll Be Comin' Down Gypsy Biker Long Walk Home Girls In Their Summer Clothes Last To Die Radio
    Springsteen fez de novo, 5 anos depois do incrível The Rising (2002), Magic prova-se ser um excelente sucessor.
    2000's se mostra a melhor fase de Bruce Springsteen desde da primeira metade dos 1980's.
    A União de Springsteen+The E Street Band é sucesso é talento

    Destaques para faixas
    You'll Be Comin' Down
    Gypsy Biker
    Long Walk Home
    Girls In Their Summer Clothes
    Last To Die
    Radio Nowhere
    Livin' in the Future
  2. Oct 17, 2016
    A definitive great follow-up for The Rising (2002), from Bruce & The E Street Band...

    A Little Underrated come-on this album deserves a better percentage than Wrecking Ball (2012) that are a very disappointing album from the boss at least in the melodies
  3. Apr 4, 2016
  4. Apr 2, 2016
    ................................................................................................................Have 73% 5% less than Wrecking Ball (2012) is bull **** this album is over and over superior Magic (2007) is a Masterpiece!!!!!!!!
  5. Jan 6, 2015
    Excelente Álbum do "The Boss" É levemente melhor que The Rising 2002.
    Top 5 Magic 2007
    1-Long Walk Home
    2-Girls In The Summer Clothes
    3-You'll Be Comin' Down
    4-Devils Arcade
    5-Radio Nowhere
  6. Nov 14, 2011
    This album is in a similar vein to what Bruce and Band have been releasing through out the 00's - The Rising, Working on a Dream. The first half of the record is very strong but trails off in the 2nd half - it really just doesn't excite at all. Existing fans should be pleased with it. It's more a reflection of the heights the Boss has reached in his career but overall this doesn't compareThis album is in a similar vein to what Bruce and Band have been releasing through out the 00's - The Rising, Working on a Dream. The first half of the record is very strong but trails off in the 2nd half - it really just doesn't excite at all. Existing fans should be pleased with it. It's more a reflection of the heights the Boss has reached in his career but overall this doesn't compare to his better work. Having said that, there is still lots of quality present and most songwriters out there could learn a few things even from this record. Expand
  7. CRL
    Jul 30, 2011
    At first listen, its good. At second listen, it becomes something greater. In the end, Magic is a collection of almost surprisingly deep songs that also manage to provide pure musical enjoyment.
  8. RayZ
    Dec 6, 2007
    Rich S. and Chris K. need to give this some more listens. I do agree that the first half of this disc is the weaker half but from "summer clothes" on, this could be the best set of songs he has ever put together. I have been an avid fan since 1980 and have seen this man perform concerts that a lot of these younger bands should ever hope to come close to. But back to the record. Too many Rich S. and Chris K. need to give this some more listens. I do agree that the first half of this disc is the weaker half but from "summer clothes" on, this could be the best set of songs he has ever put together. I have been an avid fan since 1980 and have seen this man perform concerts that a lot of these younger bands should ever hope to come close to. But back to the record. Too many people spend their time comparing discs instead of just giving merit to whats right in front of them....This one ranks right up there with the rest! Expand
  9. LincJ.
    Nov 23, 2007
    I'm close to giving this a "10". I'm a huge fan of the earliest Springsteen, as in the first 4, and still loved the next 3 after that (ending with "Born In The U.S.A." in '84). After that there have been amazing tracks, but they were all on albums that were pretty spotty (add them up and they make an incredible "lost in the woods" mix CD though). This is his best in 23 I'm close to giving this a "10". I'm a huge fan of the earliest Springsteen, as in the first 4, and still loved the next 3 after that (ending with "Born In The U.S.A." in '84). After that there have been amazing tracks, but they were all on albums that were pretty spotty (add them up and they make an incredible "lost in the woods" mix CD though). This is his best in 23 years. It is that great. What an amazing return to form. Expand
  10. ChadS.
    Nov 13, 2007
    "Girls in Their Summer Clothes" is Bruce Springsteen's best song since 1993's "Streets of Philadelphia". Morrissey could've written it, or Tom Pernice. This is a great love song, epic in scope like "Born to Run". I think of California when I hear this song. The other major track is, of course, "Radio Nowhere". Bad Religion, anyone? Springsteen sounds like he's in his "Girls in Their Summer Clothes" is Bruce Springsteen's best song since 1993's "Streets of Philadelphia". Morrissey could've written it, or Tom Pernice. This is a great love song, epic in scope like "Born to Run". I think of California when I hear this song. The other major track is, of course, "Radio Nowhere". Bad Religion, anyone? Springsteen sounds like he's in his twenties again, but it's definitely 2007 and not 1975. Expand
  11. BJK
    Oct 24, 2007
    In today's corporate run media (in the U.S.), any artist who gets political is going to get more than his fair share of bad reviews. Take the score you see and add 10 points for corporate media bias. After 32 reviews that puts the Boss up to 86, not 76. In my opinion, this is at least as good as the 9/11 inspired Rising which has a composite of 82.
  12. MarkB.
    Oct 23, 2007
    Not my favorite Bruce album but it's growing on me. As with all Bruce records, they sound the best in concert with the band. Long Walk Home sums up my feelings better than any speech by a politician. Basically, it's going to take a long time to recover from what's happened in the last six years. The guy is on a mission to entertain and he's as serious as a heart Not my favorite Bruce album but it's growing on me. As with all Bruce records, they sound the best in concert with the band. Long Walk Home sums up my feelings better than any speech by a politician. Basically, it's going to take a long time to recover from what's happened in the last six years. The guy is on a mission to entertain and he's as serious as a heart attack. God love him! Expand
  13. ChadM
    Oct 20, 2007
    His best album in years. The E Street band have never sounded tighter. This is sure to go down as a classic.
  14. FlemmingK.
    Oct 20, 2007
    Time will show, that this will be recognized as one of the great 4. Born To Run, Darkness, River and Magic! Play it through 10-20 times and your reservations will be gone. Mine was! Already a classic!
  15. TomH
    Oct 19, 2007
    Flawed but insidiously grows on you. Some great songs on here like Devil's Arecade but also at least two throwaways.
  16. NathanJr
    Oct 17, 2007
    Great stuff. Bill O Riley can suck it.
  17. BrianK
    Oct 16, 2007
    The last great album Springsteen did was the Ghost of Tom Joad in 1995. In fact, I would say that is better than Nebraska and just behind Darkness, Born to Run and better than the RIver. But the last great E-Street band album...you definitely have to go back to the River. Which makes me think he needs to ditch the E-Street band and continue on with his Seeger Sessions band instead. The The last great album Springsteen did was the Ghost of Tom Joad in 1995. In fact, I would say that is better than Nebraska and just behind Darkness, Born to Run and better than the RIver. But the last great E-Street band album...you definitely have to go back to the River. Which makes me think he needs to ditch the E-Street band and continue on with his Seeger Sessions band instead. The Seeger Sessions are excellent. Expand
  18. ZeroN.
    Oct 16, 2007
    My friend had tix to see him in Ottawa the other night. It rocked. Never really listened to him that much before. Went out..got the album. Excellent stuff....really blows me away.
  19. dec
    Oct 15, 2007
    Best work in a generation
  20. ShannaV
    Oct 14, 2007
    I love this album!!!!!!! M.I.A., Radiohead, Ryan Adams, Spoon, the White Stripes, and Bruce.....this has been a great few months for music.
  21. ZackA.
    Oct 14, 2007
    While I have heard a lot about Springsteen's politicism on this record, I for one know it's nothing new. He's always been a social commentator. The difference here is that it is clear he is responding to a particular administration, while in the past it was more of a focus on the personal lives of his characters. The assault on the American way, however, of the latest While I have heard a lot about Springsteen's politicism on this record, I for one know it's nothing new. He's always been a social commentator. The difference here is that it is clear he is responding to a particular administration, while in the past it was more of a focus on the personal lives of his characters. The assault on the American way, however, of the latest administration clearly requires a more direct response. I like this record more than I did The Rising; it is shorter and more compact. Give it a few listens and you will begin to understand the acclaim. Expand
  22. Vassilis
    Oct 14, 2007
    His best album since The Rising
  23. Rev.R.
    Oct 14, 2007
    The "Magic" of this album is that the Boss can use many of the familiar riffs and melodies, with a slight twist here and there, and create the best album thus far in 2007. However, I am not sure this means that Springsteen has recorded a gem, or that a gaping hole exists in rock for music that is genuinely novel, ear-catching, and significant. I find it easy to use phrases like "The Boss The "Magic" of this album is that the Boss can use many of the familiar riffs and melodies, with a slight twist here and there, and create the best album thus far in 2007. However, I am not sure this means that Springsteen has recorded a gem, or that a gaping hole exists in rock for music that is genuinely novel, ear-catching, and significant. I find it easy to use phrases like "The Boss is back," but then realize I am celebrating the return of a familiar, well-known sound. DOT Music's review employs a good, descriptive word for these songs. They sound like "retreads." The fact that I like the familiar sound of Springsteen, and think even his retreads are better than most music I hear out there makes this a sure buy for me; but in the grand scope of rock's evolution, and Springsteen's journey as a viable artist, I think there is little movement forward. Expand
  24. ShawnG.
    Oct 11, 2007
    My favorite Springsteen in 20 years.
  25. BethR.
    Oct 11, 2007
    One of my favorite Bruce albums.
  26. AprilM
    Oct 11, 2007
  27. GMort
    Oct 11, 2007
    While it's too much of a pop record to achieve the synthesis of "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington", "Battle Hymn of the Republic", Poor Richards Almanac, "Rebel Without a Cause" and the New Testament that he's been aiming for his whole carrer, it sets a noble objective and fights the good fight in that direction. The catchy tunes, undifferentiated production, profound thoughts and While it's too much of a pop record to achieve the synthesis of "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington", "Battle Hymn of the Republic", Poor Richards Almanac, "Rebel Without a Cause" and the New Testament that he's been aiming for his whole carrer, it sets a noble objective and fights the good fight in that direction. The catchy tunes, undifferentiated production, profound thoughts and clunky meter are the good news and the bad news all at the same time. It's not a sin to be glad you're alive at the same time as this guy. Master class: Garry W. Tallent. Expand
  28. miker.
    Oct 11, 2007
    Repeated listening increases the depth of the lyrics.
  29. WadeT.
    Oct 10, 2007
    Is Magic Bruce Springsteen's best or even second or third best album? Nope, I'd say most people will still love Springsteen's earlier records much more then Magic. But the questions becomes is this a solid set of Springsteen tunes? The answer is also yes, taken on its own Magic is an impressive array of musical abilities and catchy hooks that will spin on more than a few Is Magic Bruce Springsteen's best or even second or third best album? Nope, I'd say most people will still love Springsteen's earlier records much more then Magic. But the questions becomes is this a solid set of Springsteen tunes? The answer is also yes, taken on its own Magic is an impressive array of musical abilities and catchy hooks that will spin on more than a few stereos. Radio Nowhere is the best rock Springsteen has released in decades and Living In The Future is a great Tenth Avenue rip-off and god bless it for it. I sense this album after the initial hype will settle in as nice end piece to Springsteen's career. But anybody expecting something better than say Born To Run, ask yourself a question: If Springsteen does make a better record then say Born To Run, would you be able to allow yourself to hear it? Expand
  30. JoeG.
    Oct 10, 2007
    Weak compared to The Seeger Sessions. Troubled by the same production problems as The Rising was. Things sound a bit too shiny and polished. A bit of raw energy, Bruce's voice being allowed to be raspy, the E Street Band not being forced to the sidelines, it'd make this record something wonderful. As it is, it's pretty good. But Bruce still has amazing potential. Not the Weak compared to The Seeger Sessions. Troubled by the same production problems as The Rising was. Things sound a bit too shiny and polished. A bit of raw energy, Bruce's voice being allowed to be raspy, the E Street Band not being forced to the sidelines, it'd make this record something wonderful. As it is, it's pretty good. But Bruce still has amazing potential. Not the album it could have been. Expand
  31. MassimoL.
    Oct 9, 2007
    It's a great piece of music. Bruce Springsteen is great and this Time the songs are so beautiful.
  32. JonR.
    Oct 9, 2007
    the only thing that can make this album better is a disk 2.
  33. DeanM
    Oct 9, 2007
    Excellent. Where's reviews by Christian Science Monitor, Time, and Mojo--all rave reviews, but they're not included. But we get the review of the moron from Stylus that loved the Mandy Moore album.
  34. AndersonS.
    Oct 9, 2007
    I haven't heard THIS Bruce in a long time. It's great.
  35. Joseph
    Oct 9, 2007
    Not quite perfect, but pretty close.
  36. Ty
    Oct 8, 2007
    Enjoyable enough but I enjoyed the previous 2 more. Too many big rock anthems with no real gutsy hooks in them for me. I prefer hie quieter contemplative songs. "Down to the river" is Bruce at his best
  37. VerminDeathstack
    Oct 8, 2007
    This is so much better than The Rising. Seeing as his albums often differ greatly from each other, it's hard to say where Magic sits on the overall scale of things. It doesn't have the naivety of Born in the USA, or the 'street' of Born to Run. But given time, I'm sure it'll be held up alongside those two.
  38. MartyS
    Oct 8, 2007
    Where's Mojo's 5 star review???? That will surely offset that bullsh*t review by the chic from Stylus who raved about Mandy Moore. This is a great album. If you don't like it, you must want the terrorists to win.
  39. MikeR
    Oct 7, 2007
    Yes, this is a hyper-produced, sort of corporate sounding project, but the songs are tight and the melodies and hooks have a real young Bruce feel. Hats off to somebody who can share such a solid and prolific creative energy with the world. Haters will hate. There's no stopping that. This album is full of the type of anti-irony that we need so badly right now.
  40. KLM
    Oct 6, 2007
    Ranks up there with the releases of Eddie Vedder, MIA, Spoon, The National, and Spoon this year. Excellent. One of his bests. Great melodies. Great lyrics. And, it's very relevant. It has a message while still rocking.
  41. FrankieT
    Oct 5, 2007
    This is the best music I've heard in the past several months. Gypsy Biker and Girls in Their Summer Clothes.....awesome.
  42. JerryJ
    Oct 5, 2007
    Good record. Radio Nowhere is an amazing song. Only the Boss could write a song that's about both the horrible state of radio, and the detached, loneliness that is prevalent in America right now.
  43. MartinA
    Oct 5, 2007
    On first listen, I would have given it a 7 at most, but with each new spin (well, IPod-style), it grows on me. The first 3 songs are a killer way to start an album, and I even start to like the Rufus Wainwright-ish "Your own worst enemy". The lyrics are more evocative, less in-your-face, but no less politically- and emotionnaly-charged. "The Last To Die" and "Living in the Future" will On first listen, I would have given it a 7 at most, but with each new spin (well, IPod-style), it grows on me. The first 3 songs are a killer way to start an album, and I even start to like the Rufus Wainwright-ish "Your own worst enemy". The lyrics are more evocative, less in-your-face, but no less politically- and emotionnaly-charged. "The Last To Die" and "Living in the Future" will sound great live, and "Long Walk Home" is classic Bruce at his best. Love it. Expand
  44. ToddW.
    Oct 5, 2007
    This surely isn't 'Born to Run' or even 'Tunnel of Love,' but what it is is Bruce again writing songs with memorable hooks and lines with the only musicians he should ever play with. When you cut away the bombastic, it really is an enjoyable album.
  45. BrandonS.
    Oct 5, 2007
    Excellent album. For days now, I haven't been able to get the excellent "Girls in Their Summer Clothes" out of my head. He's really been on a roll ever since The Rising, and this is no exception. "Radio Nowhere" seems to channel the ghost of Warren Zevon. Elsewhere, he sounds a lot like Elvis Costello, Aimee Mann, and The Beatles. But throughout, he's always Bruce. Excellent album. For days now, I haven't been able to get the excellent "Girls in Their Summer Clothes" out of my head. He's really been on a roll ever since The Rising, and this is no exception. "Radio Nowhere" seems to channel the ghost of Warren Zevon. Elsewhere, he sounds a lot like Elvis Costello, Aimee Mann, and The Beatles. But throughout, he's always Bruce. He's a legend for a reason, and this album proves it once again. Expand
  46. TobyC.
    Oct 5, 2007
    The more I listen to it the more I love it. I forgot how much I missed Bruce and his pop style. This isn't pop music in "easy" form however. These songs go deep and resonate for a long time.
  47. SYanoff
    Oct 4, 2007
    I was hoping for The Rising II, but this is something entirely different. Still, that's a good thing. While The Rising satisfied a need at a time when one of the great American rock poets needed to provide us with his taken on current events, this is just and out-and-out fun record with nearly all up-tempo songs.
  48. SteveK.
    Oct 4, 2007
    I'm loving hearing all those e street sounds. The mood is right, unsettled, with less hope than on any album besides Tunnel. But I wish the strings would go away.
  49. david
    Oct 4, 2007
    Best album since darkness, great hooks and tunes, spot on lyrics.an instant classic.
  50. JonathanE
    Oct 4, 2007
    Karl M. doesn't know what he's talking about. This is easily Springsteen's best in...decades. A record brimming with passionate and stirring songs. One of the best of 2007.
  51. MartinS
    Oct 4, 2007
    With the exception of Spoon's latest, I haven't been this impressed with an album in the past 6 months. It's classic Springsteen. I think he's returned to his roots on this one. This is also his most socially conscious album yet--some would say politically charged. I don't know how this is going over many heads--Last to Die, Magic, Devil's Arcade, Long Walk With the exception of Spoon's latest, I haven't been this impressed with an album in the past 6 months. It's classic Springsteen. I think he's returned to his roots on this one. This is also his most socially conscious album yet--some would say politically charged. I don't know how this is going over many heads--Last to Die, Magic, Devil's Arcade, Long Walk Home, and Radio Nowhere, specifically. Expand
  52. DOUGO
    Oct 4, 2007
  53. [Anonymous]
    Oct 4, 2007
    Typically great songwriting by Bruce and a good performance by the E Street Band, but the whole thing is dragged down by some very unfortunate production choices. The artificial polish on Bruce's vocals does a great disservice to one of our greatest rock vocalists, and the band gets compressed into a wall of sound that offers no breathing room. Albums like this make me wish more Typically great songwriting by Bruce and a good performance by the E Street Band, but the whole thing is dragged down by some very unfortunate production choices. The artificial polish on Bruce's vocals does a great disservice to one of our greatest rock vocalists, and the band gets compressed into a wall of sound that offers no breathing room. Albums like this make me wish more artists still recorded in analog. Expand
  54. Petr
    Oct 4, 2007
    6++ It is OK, but by far not as strong as The Rising or Born in the USA. C'mon people, I love Boss but this certainly ain't worth all these 10s.
  55. Neoptolemos
    Oct 4, 2007
    That pitchfork review, besides the part in the summary metacritic has sounds more like an 8.6 than a 6.8.
  56. bramb.
    Oct 4, 2007
    A great album! No wonder the red state press is negative; its overtly political, masked by happy tunes.
  57. KentE.
    Oct 3, 2007
    Wow what a great album from The Boss. I don't understand how The Rising got better critical reviews than this. It was a good effort, but didn't do much for me, this album is much much better. This is classic E Street. The only thing I can think of is most the critics are either pro war nuts and don't like his anti war songs, or their editors don't want them to give an Wow what a great album from The Boss. I don't understand how The Rising got better critical reviews than this. It was a good effort, but didn't do much for me, this album is much much better. This is classic E Street. The only thing I can think of is most the critics are either pro war nuts and don't like his anti war songs, or their editors don't want them to give an album with lots of anti war sentiment a good review. I cant get this album out of my head!!! My favorite tracks are "Livin In The Future"(if that song doesn't get your pulse moving, then your not breathing) "Last To Die" which is a great anti war song, a lot better than half heart efforts by groups such as Green Day and Pearl Jam. "Terry's Song" and "Long Walk Home". Great album, but not surprising the guy from the Austin Chronicle (Bush Country) gave it a bad review. Damn Texans!!! Expand
  58. MattD.
    Oct 3, 2007
    Any review source that gives this masterpiece less than a 60 will be joining Pitchfork on my do not visit list. Stylus and Austin Chronicle are certainly no losses. This is classic Springsteen - reminds me of Born In The USA, but with some of the moodiness and organic sound of The River. I can't see how any fan could dislike Magic.
  59. PaulH.
    Oct 3, 2007
    Outdoes anything before or since. Mr. Springsteen should be re-inducted into the Rock Hall of Fame simply based on his last five discs.
  60. Dave
    Oct 3, 2007
    I am not an enthusiastic Springsteen fan, but I have appreciated his work over the years. This album, however, is a stunner. It's brilliant. So far, it's the one to beat for Album of the Year.
  61. JonF.
    Oct 3, 2007
    Lots to enjoy. Still more to ponder. A great record.
  62. MikeL
    Oct 3, 2007
    Magic is the Bruce CD I've been anticipating for the past 27 years.
  63. EricM
    Oct 3, 2007
    This is and excellent album. I can see myself listening to this for a long time.
  64. ChrisW.
    Oct 2, 2007
    The Boss is still in charge! This CD is packed full of good ole fashioned Corner-Bar Tunes. Pull up a stool and your girl and down some brews and let Bruce and the Band do his thing. Great CD... in his top 5 for sure.
  65. PhilM
    Oct 2, 2007
    Just can't stop singing these tunes....
  66. danielw
    Oct 2, 2007
    C'mon everyone. This is neither a 1 nor a 10. Some of the songs rank, perhaps not with Springsteen's best (Thunder Road, anyone?), but with the solid second tier, and there is nothing unlistenable. Even when the songwriting is on auto-pilot, it's always a joy to hear the E-Street Band's raucous, joyous noise.
  67. DeclanW.
    Oct 2, 2007
    His best work since TofL.
  68. SeanC.
    Oct 2, 2007
    Easily his best since Born in the USA.
  69. TomT.
    Oct 2, 2007
    I am a long time Fan of the The Boss, and while I enjoyed his "side projects" like "Devils and Dust" and "The Seeger Sessions", I was hoping for E Street Band sounds and am delighted with this CD. While Springsteen CD's are always great, there is usually a track or two you could do without. This time around, I can't think of any duds. Some reviews I have read are less I am a long time Fan of the The Boss, and while I enjoyed his "side projects" like "Devils and Dust" and "The Seeger Sessions", I was hoping for E Street Band sounds and am delighted with this CD. While Springsteen CD's are always great, there is usually a track or two you could do without. This time around, I can't think of any duds. Some reviews I have read are less enthusiastic about the "Beach Boys" influence on "Your Own Worst Enemy" and "Girls in Their Summer Clothes". I did a double take when I first heard them, but they have grown on me. For me, the last three songs are the highlight of the CD. Can't wait to hear them live!! Expand
  70. JRS
    Oct 2, 2007
    Um, where's Mojo and Rolling Stone's 5 star review? This is a great album.
  71. BradClark
    Oct 2, 2007
    This is a great album! It ranks as one of his best!
  72. DougPiwinski
    Oct 2, 2007
    Ain't no time like BOSS time!
  73. Jack
    Oct 2, 2007
    Five years ago, when I first heard The Rising, I was excited. I guess it was the E St. Band, tour, just coming off the amazing Reunion Tour, etc. Now, I barely listen to it. I still love "Lonesome Day" and "You're Missing," but when I tried to listen to it recently, it's got lots of filler (in my opinion). The lyrics to songs like "Mary's Place" and "Countin'' on Five years ago, when I first heard The Rising, I was excited. I guess it was the E St. Band, tour, just coming off the amazing Reunion Tour, etc. Now, I barely listen to it. I still love "Lonesome Day" and "You're Missing," but when I tried to listen to it recently, it's got lots of filler (in my opinion). The lyrics to songs like "Mary's Place" and "Countin'' on a Miracle" are really pedantic. I'd put it just above Human Touch in missed opportunities in Bruce's career. Now, I bring up The Rising for two reasons. One, I really think "Magic" will be quite the opposite for me. I think it will really get better with every listen. Two, I really wish Bruce would dump Brendan O'Brien. I was hearing comparisons to "The River" for this one, and while I think some of them are accurate (actually more to the "Ties That Bind" lp), this CD would be even better if it had the crisp sound of "The River." The production is better then The Rising, but there are still some bloated sounding songs... I'm going to go out on a limb and say the lyrics in Magic are the best since "Tunnel of Love." There is some real depth here, most of which doesn't feel nearly as forced as The Rising or as light as Devils and Dust. Even songs like "Living in the Future" which seems pretty light, have dark undertones. I love that. I'm bummed that the weaker songs "You'll Be Comin'' Down" and "Your Own Worst Enemy" are so early on. The sequencing is a little odd. That said, I think the second half of Magic is fantastic. Right now I can't stop listening to "Magic," "Last to Die," "Long Walk Home" and "Devil's Arcade" (which, ironically, is the one song I think O'Brien plussed). That coda should be awesome live. This is a political album, but written in a much more accessible way, not unlike "Born in the USA." I've read people saying it's his best since "Tunnel of Love." I'm not willing to go there yet (and probably won't ever, I like Luckytown too much). It's also not nearly my favorite CD so far of 2007. I've given up on Bruce doing that for some time now.... I'm enjoying it. Jack Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 37 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 37
  2. Negative: 1 out of 37
  1. It's the way Springsteen injects his American bible stories with the air of disbelief that makes Magic a truly mature and memorable album.
  2. 80
    It trades in giddying, irresistible, full-steam-ahead-and-damn-the-torpedoes rock'n'roll. But at its heart, it's essentially a thoughtful wander in search of personal and national innocence.
  3. Magic is a strong record, riddled with sad emotion yet a noble intent to carry on.