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Generally favorable reviews- based on 51 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 41 out of 51
  2. Negative: 9 out of 51
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  1. Apr 1, 2022
    I like the gritty soul that magically overlaps NaS's historical bombastic rhyme scheme. At NaS's age, he still sounds like a young rap arson that loves to blaze the industry with verbal flames.
  2. Feb 13, 2022
    The album Is Raw, way different from KD but both Masterpieces in their own right and still Amazing, KD is like Nas showing you more versatility like 96-98 MJ whereas on Magic Nas is Crossing you up and dunking on your neck like 91-93 MJ lol very different and this definitely feels like a Winter type Album cold AF
  3. Feb 9, 2022
    Magic sees Nas come back to form, giving us 2000s energy with a 2020’s mindset smooth flows gripping Beats. Hitboy has been a pillar the wand to Nas’s sorcery.
  4. Jan 29, 2022
    Refreshing album that is probably released to feed the buzz, with an amazing production as usual from Hit-Boy
  5. Jan 25, 2022
    After Illmatic and Stillmatic, Nas entered to his second prime time with his new masterpices KD1,2 and finally Magic
  6. Jan 19, 2022
    A palate cleanser ahead of the upcoming "King's Disease III" more than anything else, "Magic" can't help but feel less essential by comparison as a result but remains perfectly enjoyable and more than recommendable regardless for serving up another round of vintage beats and buttery-smooth flows courtesy of two master artists in full command of their craft.

    Choice Cuts: "Ugly," "40-16
    A palate cleanser ahead of the upcoming "King's Disease III" more than anything else, "Magic" can't help but feel less essential by comparison as a result but remains perfectly enjoyable and more than recommendable regardless for serving up another round of vintage beats and buttery-smooth flows courtesy of two master artists in full command of their craft.

    Choice Cuts: "Ugly," "40-16 Building," "Hollywood Gangsta," "Wu for the Children"
  7. Jan 15, 2022
    Stop playing with Esco at damn near 50 years old still sounds hungry like he’s not already top 5. Im sorry but Idk if Wayne can’t make mature material like this or 4:44. Nas showing all his kids why’s he’s top 5 i guarantee most of these rappers won’t be rapping like this at 50
  8. Jan 14, 2022
    Nas is in his second prime. He shows why he's the best rapper in the game right now.
  9. Jan 13, 2022
    Classic Nas Record. Haven’t left my rotation since it dropped. Replay value is good. Nas sounds 25
  10. Jan 13, 2022
    I’m so glad they decided to give us this album. Nas is hungry and HitBoy is on Point. 10/10
  11. Jan 13, 2022
    That's what Rap used to sound like, good old beats with some old school flow.I love literally every second of this project.
  12. Jan 12, 2022
    This album is incredible start to finish. The 3rd one is the best one so far from these 2. KD1 was a good album. KD2 was a great album. I think this one will evolve to classic status. Short and straight to the point. 10/10
  13. Jan 12, 2022
    Hit-Boy & Nas are 3-3 can’t wait for KD3! Nas said he was in rare form. He wasn’t lying!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Mojo
    Feb 16, 2022
    Nas's fifteenth is a heap of comfort food for old-school rap fans. [Apr 2022, p.90]
  2. Jan 25, 2022
    It’s remarkable how these beats all have their own feel yet still work as a cohesive whole. The well-worn joke in hip-hop circles that Nas picks bad beats is effectively wiped. Nas is, in his own words, reincarnated, but with an additional self-awareness that is more grounded than his last few performances. There’s no cryptocurrency chatter or verses shoehorned into trap instrumentals. There are no skips, this is simply good ol’ Nas distilled.
  3. Jan 18, 2022
    Summery beats and glitched-out soul samples make tracks like "Ugly" and "Hollywood Gangsta," and the huge fun of "Wave Gods" finds A$AP Rocky dropping in for a guest verse while DJ Premier scratches in some familiar hooks from the archives of golden-era rap.