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Mixed or average reviews- based on 94 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 94
  2. Negative: 37 out of 94
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  1. Apr 1, 2022
    This is very similar in style to his last pop punk album Tickets to My Downfall. It's got that grungy punk rock sound from the early 2000s with electric guitars playing simple, catchy melodies and Travis Barker on the drums. The sound is somewhat unoriginal and generic and the lyrics are pretty cliche. Some of the tracks can be catchy though.
  2. Mar 31, 2022
    MGK's second foray into Pop Punk is fine. It's not quite as fresh as 'Tickets to my Downfall' and treads much of the same ground which leaves it making less of an impact. Thematically and lyrically it's a little edgier, a little moodier which, while not always a bad thing, in this case left me feeling bored and underwhelmed during many of the tracks.

    Not to say it doesn't have it's own
    MGK's second foray into Pop Punk is fine. It's not quite as fresh as 'Tickets to my Downfall' and treads much of the same ground which leaves it making less of an impact. Thematically and lyrically it's a little edgier, a little moodier which, while not always a bad thing, in this case left me feeling bored and underwhelmed during many of the tracks.

    Not to say it doesn't have it's own standouts like 'Maybe' and '5150'. However, even these don't quite hold up to the best of Tickets. It's a serviceable album, but far from his best and hopefully he'll bring a bit more fire to his next attempt.
  3. Mar 30, 2022
    [ ad-mer-uh-buhl ]

    worthy of admiration; inspiring approval, reverence, or affection.
  4. Mar 29, 2022
    I don't hate it but I don't love it. Not the same way I loved Tickets to My Downfall. Tickets to My Downfall just flowed. Everything felt like it went together to me. I enjoy listening to this album but it is more background music. I don't get into it as much as Tickets to My Downfall.
  5. Mar 29, 2022
    This album is very middling, the lyrics are more often than not bland, MGK's voice is not very good, the instrumentals go to **** as the album goes on, and there is a lot of unnecessary romanticization (Drug Dealer, Make Up Sex) that really just does not work. The opening is cool but otherwise, this is pretty damn awful.
  6. Mar 28, 2022
    Not bad, not super good. There are some interesting tracks such as "Maybe" and "5150". I would like to say that he really smashed the features. Gets way to much hate, just because its MGK
  7. Mar 26, 2022
    This album is below average at best the production is absolutely terrible mgk lacks range in his voice the songs are structured like nobody cares at all
  8. Mar 25, 2022
    This was a dreadful album, but oddly better than Tickets To My Downfall. This album lyrically-wise was awful and cringey. Machine Gun Kelly's "rapping" on this album is horrendous. His features are all weak rappers, Lil Wayne & Willow. None of them deliver a good feature. I couldn't even tell you what genre it is, as it's an insult to rock, and insult to rap and just not poppy at all. I doThis was a dreadful album, but oddly better than Tickets To My Downfall. This album lyrically-wise was awful and cringey. Machine Gun Kelly's "rapping" on this album is horrendous. His features are all weak rappers, Lil Wayne & Willow. None of them deliver a good feature. I couldn't even tell you what genre it is, as it's an insult to rock, and insult to rap and just not poppy at all. I do know that I have very little positive things to say, but I will say one. He does know how to capture attention of people and get free press and ads as a result. Also, some of the hooks are a little catchy. The production overall isn't awful, but very annoying at times. A weak 4/10. Expand
  9. Mar 25, 2022
    There are some nice sounds on the album and it is produced pretty well, but MGK himself is just not very memorable. Lyric-wise very much a bust, and while there are some okay features, that's where the "praise" ends. I am sure it has reached its core demographic: edgy pre-teens. Should they truly like this, and not just because of his faux-edgy persona, then good for them, but I will sayThere are some nice sounds on the album and it is produced pretty well, but MGK himself is just not very memorable. Lyric-wise very much a bust, and while there are some okay features, that's where the "praise" ends. I am sure it has reached its core demographic: edgy pre-teens. Should they truly like this, and not just because of his faux-edgy persona, then good for them, but I will say that there are plenty of genuine musicians out there who make genuine art and not just noise. Maybe give them a listen. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. Apr 4, 2022
    Tickets to My Downfall was memorable for the way it treated pop-punk like a natural palette for his emotions, but this too often feels like a concept album about rock, a stodgy record that’s too busy using “real instruments” to do anything interesting with them.
  2. Apr 4, 2022
    Tickets to My Downfall was memorable for the way it treated pop-punk like a natural palette for his emotions, but this too often feels like a concept album about rock, a stodgy record that’s too busy using “real instruments” to do anything interesting with them.
  3. Mar 28, 2022
    Imagine the worst Good Charlotte song repeating “I fell in love with an emo girl” as a chorus. ... If anything, the more trap-infused tracks gracing the record’s back half fare better, solely because they aren’t direct copies of some of the most well-known pop punk songs of all time. Moreover, the extremely overblown production doesn’t achieve the same maximalism here, making for a comparatively listenable bunch of songs. Key word: comparatively.