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Mixed or average reviews- based on 94 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 94
  2. Negative: 37 out of 94
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  1. Oct 25, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Honestly, this is a perfect album. There's not a single song that's a skip. Colson was able to lyrically connect with so many struggles a lot of his fans battle with and I think that's what makes the album amazing. You have topics from general depression, to suicidal thoughts, to even miscarriage. Then you have your more upbeat topics that delicately balance the feelings you get when listening to all the tracks. One of his best works for sure. Expand
  2. Jun 10, 2022
    The Album is loud, aggressive, fast and very 00's.
    And that's good, imo.
    Personally, I do not get why it is hated so much.
  3. Apr 30, 2022
    It's a nice project to listen to but not better than their previous album,, it's not a horrible album but not a masterpiece.
  4. Apr 12, 2022
    Is it cliche? Yes. It's fun? AF. Does it looks like his predecessor in almost every aspect? Of course. Do I like MGK? No.
  5. Apr 12, 2022
    literalmente um dos melhores álbuns que eu já escutei, toda a temática e investimento valeram a pena pq a composição desse álbum é simplesmente genial. machine gun kelly já vem se mostrando um artista incrível com o passar dos anos mas com esse álbum ele realmente provou sua capacidade voa e seu talento como artista e músico assim como seu álbum passado, tickets to my downfall, esse álbumliteralmente um dos melhores álbuns que eu já escutei, toda a temática e investimento valeram a pena pq a composição desse álbum é simplesmente genial. machine gun kelly já vem se mostrando um artista incrível com o passar dos anos mas com esse álbum ele realmente provou sua capacidade voa e seu talento como artista e músico assim como seu álbum passado, tickets to my downfall, esse álbum realmente surpreendeu a mim. machine gun kelly vom uma visão diferente e incrível incrível mundo foi responsável por um dos melhores álbuns do ano Expand
  6. Apr 8, 2022
    Pop-punk flows through every vein of this album with very little change from his last album. Still gets you flipping your head.
  7. Apr 4, 2022
    It's not a new sound. This album is the second work in punk-rock category and it's cool. Album has a good tracks like:die in California,drug dealer,maybe,fake love,twin flame,5150,make up sex and sid&nancy. It's only my attitude to this album.
  8. Apr 1, 2022
    Matured version of tickets to my downfall, evolved sound, sorta rap version of General Admission. Solid record.
  9. Mar 31, 2022
    IMO I think this was an over-all good album to listen to..... It brings back the old punk days with a little pop mixed in it....
  10. Mar 31, 2022
  11. Mar 27, 2022
    After listening to his album multiple times, i can definitely say this is a solid album following the same tracks as what Tickets to My Downfall had, i enjoyed the little taste of rap and thought the lyrics were quite well done. in his next one i would definitely like to see him work on developing the sound further and try and create a new typed album rather than following in the footstepsAfter listening to his album multiple times, i can definitely say this is a solid album following the same tracks as what Tickets to My Downfall had, i enjoyed the little taste of rap and thought the lyrics were quite well done. in his next one i would definitely like to see him work on developing the sound further and try and create a new typed album rather than following in the footsteps of tickets, nevertheless great album! Expand
  12. Mar 30, 2022
    This is a great album. Machine Gun Kelly does a great job a following up his last album, Tickets to My Downfall.
  13. Mar 29, 2022
    Technicality wise this one surpasses Tickets however enjoyment wise it falls a bit short of tickets[on the first listen], great album regardless. However, the more i listened to it the more i started liking it. This ones a slow burner. I also saw a lot of ppl complaining about how trash it is, well some ppl are born to hate ig so ignorance is bliss for such ppl i reckon. Hope u enjoy!
  14. Mar 28, 2022
    this album is just awesome, I am already so hyped for the tour. The album rly gives me good vibes
  15. Mar 27, 2022
    Killing it! Less radio friendly than the last pop punk album ,but definitely more layers.
  16. Mar 27, 2022
    I'll start with this: I completely understand WHY a certain generation is pushing back on Machine Gun Kelly. He looks, to a certain demographic, like he's trying too hard and it instantly puts a taste in your mouth. That said, as someone who was not only a musician in the underground rock community both in folk rock as a back up vocalist and pianist and in hard rock as a lead singer, theI'll start with this: I completely understand WHY a certain generation is pushing back on Machine Gun Kelly. He looks, to a certain demographic, like he's trying too hard and it instantly puts a taste in your mouth. That said, as someone who was not only a musician in the underground rock community both in folk rock as a back up vocalist and pianist and in hard rock as a lead singer, the negative reviews on this album and on his first rock album are, I feel, driven in personal view of him overall and not of the actual music. This is not a bad album at all, it's honestly a really solid album that blends pop, punk and his hip hop beginnings beautifully. There's a lot of criticism over his voice from many of the very same people I see praise so many grunge artists of the 90's and 2000's, and I find that really ironic. His voice works perfectly with what he's doing. He sounds, to me, like he was plucked from 90's grunge vocally. Putting that on top of the catchy hooks and the blend of modern day hip hop and punk, it's a great recipe. As a vocalist, I really appreciate that I can listen to this album and physically hear that he's actually working on his voice. The vocals sound a lot more raw than what we got on Tickets to my Downfall, and again, I LOVE the sound of a raw and imperfect punk/grunge vocal on top of these sounds. The music is catchy, it's significantly better both lyrically and musically than the majority of what we're hearing beside it on Top 40, and the sound of his voice keeps it from crossing the line into being cookie cutter. I'll admit, I'd like to hear him spend less time addressing what other people think of him. I do appreciate it, because he sees all of the collective negativity from people in the rock community and it's a big part of his reality right now, so he's addressing it. But MGK does lyrically have a lot more to offer than that based on his previous work, even as early as 2020. If you haven't listened to Pretty Toxic Revolver from the lockdown sessions, you should. That said, there are moments in this album that I feel he's lyrically strong. I loved his contributions to Die In California. Go and listen to his earlier album, General Admission. Imagine that level of lyricism with this sound. I'm actually excited to see that develop. Overall, taking all bias out of it seeing as I'm very aware of MGK's career since about 2010, this album is significantly stronger musically than the majority of what we see in Top 40 charts. To the gatekeepers, I can only say this: there's nothing more annoying or less rock and roll than pretending you need a pass to get there. The more you push back at him while he continues to chart, the more you look like you're whining. There's absolutely nothing Rock about gatekeeping, so stop it. Machine Gun Kelly has always had a lyrical element of "emo" to some degree. He's always been candid about his personal struggles, his addiction and his struggle with depression and suicidal thoughts, and he doesn't stop those confessions on Mainstream Sellout. The same testimony of the same struggles is still there, and it's beautiful to see on an album that's slated for the billboard charts. He tends to get a bit repetitive with some of the vocal melodies on certain songs, Born with Horns and God Save Me sound a little too similar vocally, but I think it's a learning process and I like hearing him grow into this sound. Listen to it in some good headphones, because the production quality is off the charts, and actually listen to the music. It's so much better than what these reviews are reflecting. Expand
  17. Mar 26, 2022
    I don't get the hate for this album, I enjoyed 10 out of 16 songs and that interlude was funny as hell. I would give it a solid 9.3 out of 10.
  18. Mar 26, 2022
    It was awsome i loved it sooo so much Great album by Machine Gun Kelly
    Rock on baby
  19. Mar 26, 2022
    I personally enjoyed this album. I particularly enjoyed "burn with horns", "god save me", and "maybe". The only negative I have is that some of the lyrics used in the album are slightly cringe. The general vibe of the album was 2000s rock. Most of the songs are fairly intense. Not MGK's best album, but I think that it's worth a listen.
  20. Mar 26, 2022
    Okay so, I might get controversial but who cares, everyone has a right to have an opinion...
    So, Machine Gun Kelly did an absolute banger of an album! Mainstream sellout sounds a little bit famillar to Tickets to my downfall, but yet it feels like something new. Only thing I do not like is fact that there are a lot of collaborations, but still this is one great album. A lot of mainstream
    Okay so, I might get controversial but who cares, everyone has a right to have an opinion...
    So, Machine Gun Kelly did an absolute banger of an album! Mainstream sellout sounds a little bit famillar to Tickets to my downfall, but yet it feels like something new. Only thing I do not like is fact that there are a lot of collaborations, but still this is one great album. A lot of mainstream victims will judge this album and MGK and say he is a poser ot smth like that, but no one can say he is not doing the right thing, right?
    Hope with this album, MGK will wake up more and more pop punk bands and artists.
    Punk is not dead!
  21. Mar 26, 2022
    So MGK brought Pop Punk back to life after many years I heard MGK's previous album and it's quite a spin. So Mainstream Sellout is a cute album. Everything has a lot to say. The lyrics of the song are useless. Hate rap (well I'm a metalist I only hear metal). The album has elements of Emo and Pop Punk and Rap I give a score of 7.7 out of 10 There is a lot to fix besides the album cover
  22. Mar 26, 2022
    Tickets To My Downfall is an upper, Mainstream Sellout is a downer, I absolutely loved every song on the album. Probably a tad more than TTMD
  23. Mar 26, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It’s good and very emotional mgk is doing an amazing music and I hope he keep Expand
  24. Mar 26, 2022
    "Tickets to my Downfall" was definitely a better album, but this one is also good
  25. Mar 25, 2022
    I brought the album after listening to maybe and loving it so far. A great album which is catchy and is a lot deeper when you listen to his lyrics. This will be on repeat for awhile! Other great track include drug dealer which may be my new favourite track and make up sex with Blackbear to follow up their classic last year
  26. Mar 25, 2022
    This album is getting way too much hate, people don't know what they want lmao, first MGK is getting too stale with his rapping, and now he's leaning into pop too much. Personally, I never liked his rapping ever, and this album is a great continuation of his Tickets turnaround. Not quite as good as that album, but still very good
  27. Mar 25, 2022
    I think tickets to my downfall was more fleshed out and had a more unique feeling to it with very few bad songs. While mainstream sellout doesn’t live up to those expectations, most of the new album is solid. It’s heavier rock than that alt pop sound that was on tickets to my downfall but overall, every song on mainstream sellout is worth a listen.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. Apr 4, 2022
    Tickets to My Downfall was memorable for the way it treated pop-punk like a natural palette for his emotions, but this too often feels like a concept album about rock, a stodgy record that’s too busy using “real instruments” to do anything interesting with them.
  2. Apr 4, 2022
    Tickets to My Downfall was memorable for the way it treated pop-punk like a natural palette for his emotions, but this too often feels like a concept album about rock, a stodgy record that’s too busy using “real instruments” to do anything interesting with them.
  3. Mar 28, 2022
    Imagine the worst Good Charlotte song repeating “I fell in love with an emo girl” as a chorus. ... If anything, the more trap-infused tracks gracing the record’s back half fare better, solely because they aren’t direct copies of some of the most well-known pop punk songs of all time. Moreover, the extremely overblown production doesn’t achieve the same maximalism here, making for a comparatively listenable bunch of songs. Key word: comparatively.