• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Feb 2, 2018
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  1. Feb 2, 2018
    Another medium-sized album anchored in Timbaland and The Neptunes, Timberlake proves once again that he does not deserve the title of pop prince, having inherited this one just for singing pop and for dating Britney.

    Best song: Say Something
    Worst song: Supplies
  2. Feb 3, 2018
    what the **** is this album?? i've never been a big justin timberlake album but this album is horrible i only liked 2 tracks and pretty much disliked every other song like wtf is the production and some of these vocals are terrible ,justin's worst project yet
  3. Apr 4, 2018
    Literally THREE good songs on this album. I've never been a fan of Timberlake but this was the worst record to start with.
  4. Feb 12, 2018
    The musical elements on this album don't mix, the songs are quite forgettable, Justin's singing is forgettable... it's just a drab album. Anyone who claims that this is a masterpiece or is saving music clearly has never listened to an album that was even properly produced, but what do I expect from today's culture anyway? The first half is fine enough, but the second really **** up anyThe musical elements on this album don't mix, the songs are quite forgettable, Justin's singing is forgettable... it's just a drab album. Anyone who claims that this is a masterpiece or is saving music clearly has never listened to an album that was even properly produced, but what do I expect from today's culture anyway? The first half is fine enough, but the second really **** up any dignity this album still had left to carry. And the lyrics... bleh... it's good that he's hot because he'd be told how much these lyrics make him look like a **** if he wasn't. If you want to listen to Justin Timberlake or check out his discography... I don't know, just listen to his old stuff. It's bound to be a **** ton better than this.

    Overall Score: 3/10
  5. Feb 3, 2018
    A very messy album the only good song is the new one with chris stapleton. So sad that JT gets the promo of the superbowl. This is a bad album!
  6. Feb 3, 2018
    This album must be one of the worst this year even if it just started. The album sounds offbeat, incoherent and dull it's a sort of a Frankenstein who never asked to be born, the mixture of a futuristic R&B sound and traditional country led to a sort of an abomination it's neither R&B nor country. plus Justin advertised this record for what it isn't I was expecting an organic matureThis album must be one of the worst this year even if it just started. The album sounds offbeat, incoherent and dull it's a sort of a Frankenstein who never asked to be born, the mixture of a futuristic R&B sound and traditional country led to a sort of an abomination it's neither R&B nor country. plus Justin advertised this record for what it isn't I was expecting an organic mature record, not some comic and goofy don't know what yet if only that was the worst part with songs like sauce, wave, flannel etc... packed with cringy ,what that fu**k lyrics it feels like if you walked on your dad and mom having sex . I am hugely disappointed and I was very excited for this record. Expand
  7. Feb 13, 2018
    Wow. WOOOWWWW!!!! This was not a good album at all. I honestly thought that I would enjoy this album. But, I only enjoyed maybe 3 songs out of the 16 on the project. Yeah, it was bad, didn't enjoy it at all. 3/10 for me.
  8. Feb 4, 2018
    This album is such a dissappointment, it's a uncoherent, forgettable, not-fun, sometimes bad produced and mixed album that tries too hard to be meaningful when the lyrics are just straight trash (usually I don't listen to Justin Timberlake for their lyrics, but in previous eforts at least the albums were fun). The 20/20 Experience was a pretty enjoyable experience for almost all theThis album is such a dissappointment, it's a uncoherent, forgettable, not-fun, sometimes bad produced and mixed album that tries too hard to be meaningful when the lyrics are just straight trash (usually I don't listen to Justin Timberlake for their lyrics, but in previous eforts at least the albums were fun). The 20/20 Experience was a pretty enjoyable experience for almost all the record, and now we got songs that probably would fit into a commercial or in a background to a commercial; it's shallow, it feels more long that it really and, again, it's 66 of loose and adrift ideas. There are highlights but most of the songs overshadow these few.

    FAV TRACKS: "Higher, Higher", "Say Something", Breeze Off the Pond”.

    LEAST FAV TRACK: "Filthy" or "The Hard Stuff".
  9. Feb 2, 2018
    Como fã esperava que Justin trouxesse o bom pop que ele apresentou no 20/20, porém infelizmente o álbum soa como demos descartadas e não algo completo a sua altura...me decepcionei
  10. Apr 6, 2018
    WHEN I heard filthy I was really Excited and the length shorter so I was thinking that he would go back to justified sound.say was good while they while her singles were singles only filthy, say, something something that sauce song were the songs I liked. this I set. th8s album umm even here just in tries to make mainstream music but it’s doesnt turn out well at all.
  11. Jun 11, 2018
    FutureSex/LoveSounds was one of the best Pop/RnB Albums of the 2000s. And now we are at the point where I can not listen to him for only one song. Sad.. Why doesnt he want to work with Timbaland anymore? That duo was awesome as f...
  12. Feb 7, 2018
    One of the worst albums I've ever heard. I'm not sure why people think he's talented. Songs like "Filthy" are exactly that (ugly, awful, etc.) and "Supplies" might have the most annoying chorus since "Umbrella." The only half-listenable track on this album is "Montana," which is still pretty mediocre. (P.S. If you want a laugh, check out the video for "Supplies." It's gold.)
  13. Feb 2, 2018
    Dear Justin Timberlake,

    What in the literal AND figurative hell were you thinking with this new album? Same goes for you, Timbaland, Pharrell, and all other pop titan producers involved in „Man of the Woods“. Seriously, that album name alone. The title track sounds like the music one would stick in the background of diaper commercial and the rest like songs SNL skits use to satirize
    Dear Justin Timberlake,

    What in the literal AND figurative hell were you thinking with this new album? Same goes for you, Timbaland, Pharrell, and all other pop titan producers involved in „Man of the Woods“. Seriously, that album name alone. The title track sounds like the music one would stick in the background of diaper commercial and the rest like songs SNL skits use to satirize current events or trends. I could (to a certain degree) understand the whole 70s/funk infusion into pop music people are going for these days… but country music is one thing and one thing only: It’s (for better or for worse… and let’s be real: for worse) country music. Not pop. Not trendy. Not something one should try to incorporate into the daily lives of average, innocent listeners.

    I recently read that this album was largely inspired by your wife, your son, and your upbringing in Tennessee. Is your marriage this unfulfilling? Is your son such a massive letdown? I’ve been to Tennessee several times, and while it’s far from my favorite state (no offense, my TN friends), did your time there burn you so badly that it warrants such an awful „tribute“? I mean… come on, son. You did „FutureSex/LoveSounds“. „Cry Me a River“. Hell, even most of „The 20/20 Experience“ was genuinely great or, at the very least, fun. You’re clearly talented. But latest by now, it’s evident that you ALSO smoke a lot of weed, possibly crack. And I’m sorry weed - you deserve better than that. Crack… you, too, I think…?

    This is probably the meanest, most scathing „review“ of any release I have ever made public, but as one who was curious and suffered through the vast majority of the unmitigated disaster that is „Man of the Woods“ (again… really? ), I felt it was my duty to warn the rest of you. This, my friends, is what happens when you are in a musical rut and turn to drastic measures in the hopes that it will inspire something worth releasing. Also, pressure from major labels - something I imagine RCA sincerely regrets at this point.
  14. Feb 2, 2018
    It left me with very high expectations and I am very disappointed. I hope your music gets better, because this album is going to be a failure and if the next one is worse, I do not know what will be of the.
  15. Jun 24, 2018
    An album so poorly produced it is in parts physically painful to listen to. The melding of country/folk and electronic r and b does not work on any level. Timberlake vocals are still good though, and his lyrics are Ok, but the production makes this album unlistenable.
  16. Feb 3, 2018
    It's disappointing when an artist like JT sells out to the sound of a performer like Bruno Mars who undeservedly sweeps the Grammy's. I would say "avoid this album" except we all know that can't happen since Justin Timberlake will be using the single largest television event of the year to push this corpulence on us.
  17. Feb 7, 2018
    A complete disappointment. Once a pop star whose albums were a groundbreaking music event is producing absolute boring rubbish. There is one good track on an album of 16. The lead single should've been enough of a warning, however, as a true fan, bought the whole album and it is the first time I have ever wanted a refund on music that I have bought. JT - get back to doing what you do well.A complete disappointment. Once a pop star whose albums were a groundbreaking music event is producing absolute boring rubbish. There is one good track on an album of 16. The lead single should've been enough of a warning, however, as a true fan, bought the whole album and it is the first time I have ever wanted a refund on music that I have bought. JT - get back to doing what you do well. Inject some poppy excitement back in to your current dreary noise. You have moved in to smug middle-age marriage and family life too early! Expand
  18. Feb 18, 2018
    I get that JT was attempting to blend electro pop and Americana, but, IMO, Pharrell and Timbaland's production don't serve the songs and the songs themselves lack any pop hooks, lyrics, or vocal performances that are memorable. "Filthy" is unlistenable and "Supplies" is dumb. "Midnight Summer Jam" is fun though. I also enjoy "Say Something" with Chris Stapleton (the best song on theI get that JT was attempting to blend electro pop and Americana, but, IMO, Pharrell and Timbaland's production don't serve the songs and the songs themselves lack any pop hooks, lyrics, or vocal performances that are memorable. "Filthy" is unlistenable and "Supplies" is dumb. "Midnight Summer Jam" is fun though. I also enjoy "Say Something" with Chris Stapleton (the best song on the album) and "Flannel". "Montana" is okay. I would enjoy the title track more if he didn't rip off the guitar groove from "Walk On The Wild Side" by Lou Reed. Aside from those, the album is a fair disappointment. If he wanted to be hip and maybe turn in a decent album, he should've gone full Americana and worked with Dave Cobb. Expand
  19. Feb 3, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. álbum muito confuso, sou fã do JT desda era N'sync maaaas dessa vez me perece que ele não sabia o que fazer e colocou um pouco de tudo. confuso apenas confuso. Expand
  20. Feb 2, 2018
    No mama, this album sounds tired and dated. It's like someone tried to remake FS/LS but failed terribly. He should stick to kind of acting in mediocre films by alleged child abusers. NEXT.
  21. Feb 2, 2018
    This album is such **** trash; don’t listen to it. There are far superiors albums released that you could spend your time listening to [POPPY; POPPY.COMPUTER, TINASHE; NIGHTRIDE, and IRRESISTIBLE; JESSICA SIMPSON] Please do not waste your time on this slow, meddling pop music! If you are a JUSTIN TIMBLERAKE stan, or fan, go listen to FUTURELOVE/SEXSOUNDS because that’s his only album thatThis album is such **** trash; don’t listen to it. There are far superiors albums released that you could spend your time listening to [POPPY; POPPY.COMPUTER, TINASHE; NIGHTRIDE, and IRRESISTIBLE; JESSICA SIMPSON] Please do not waste your time on this slow, meddling pop music! If you are a JUSTIN TIMBLERAKE stan, or fan, go listen to FUTURELOVE/SEXSOUNDS because that’s his only album that achieves EXCELLENCE. Good day people who read METACRITIC reviews. Expand
  22. Feb 2, 2018
    I used to love Justin Timberlake so much, FutureSex/LoveSounds still holds up, but this is hot garbage.

    "Haters gonna say it's fake....so real...." yeah, real crap.
  23. Feb 5, 2018
    Many expected better but 5 years after his last LP he is a different man (husband/father) and that reflects in his music. Biggest issue with me was lyrically is 'cringy'. 'I love your pink, u like my purple'...... ok justin TMI.
    favorite song: Montana ,least fav: the hard stuff
  24. Aug 16, 2019
    It is quite uncertain what exactly Timberlake tried to achieve with this Album, he failed whatsoever.
  25. Apr 14, 2018
    This album is super weird. Did he listen to these songs? Is he just **** around making stuff only he likes? The production is weird.

    Mostly the songs are just not good. I wouldn't say they're bad, just boring and uninspired. I expect hooks from Justin Timberlake. This had none. Lyrics were meh. Just stunning. No wonder they're giving away tickets to his tour everywhere.
  26. Feb 3, 2018
    Acho que ele compôs o disco em período de caganeira, mesmo que deitar em um rio de fezes fosse mais agradável que escutar esse disco.
  27. Feb 5, 2018
    This album is such **** trash; don’t listen to it. There are far superiors albums released that you could spend your time listening to [POPPY; POPPY.COMPUTER, TINASHE; NIGHTRIDE, and IRRESISTIBLE; JESSICA SIMPSON] Please do not waste your time on this slow, meddling pop music! If you are a JUSTIN TIMBLERAKE stan, or fan, go listen to FUTURELOVE/SEXSOUNDS because that’s his only album thatThis album is such **** trash; don’t listen to it. There are far superiors albums released that you could spend your time listening to [POPPY; POPPY.COMPUTER, TINASHE; NIGHTRIDE, and IRRESISTIBLE; JESSICA SIMPSON] Please do not waste your time on this slow, meddling pop music! If you are a JUSTIN TIMBLERAKE stan, or fan, go listen to FUTURELOVE/SEXSOUNDS because that’s his only album that achieves EXCELLENCE. Good day people who read METACRITIC reviews. Expand
  28. Feb 2, 2018
    This album shows no artistic growth compared to his other albums. This hyped release was supposed to be a body of work worthy of being remembered to the upcoming generations but failing miserably. Outdated production, bad lyrics, heavy autotune all this confirms how bad this pile of nothingness is.
  29. Feb 13, 2018
    It's pretty clear that Britney's ex can't make good music anymore, the whole album is a mess.
  30. Feb 3, 2018
    This album is just a Joanne wannabe. It's maybe the worst album I ever listen

Mixed or average reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 29
  2. Negative: 3 out of 29
  1. Mar 30, 2018
    Although he’s not really mixing musical genres as originally promised, he’s mixing up some music and lyrics that shouldn’t really go together, which makes this one crazy peanut butter cup of an album.
  2. Feb 14, 2018
    Man of the Woods is not an outright disaster but it is a significant disappointment--a record too preoccupied with image, volte face and forced “REAL” to fully engage as a coherent piece of craftsmanship.
  3. Q Magazine
    Feb 13, 2018
    Throughout, Man Of The Woods seesaws brilliantly between pop and country. [Apr 2018, p.116]