• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Feb 2, 2018
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  1. Feb 3, 2018
    what the **** is this album?? i've never been a big justin timberlake album but this album is horrible i only liked 2 tracks and pretty much disliked every other song like wtf is the production and some of these vocals are terrible ,justin's worst project yet
  2. Feb 3, 2018
    Álbum maravilhoso Justin sempre provando que é o melhor tenho orgulho em ser sua fã. Sempre revolucionando o mundo da música.
  3. Feb 3, 2018
    album incrivel
    tenho nem palavras
    as pessoas deviam ouvir antes de julgar uma obra prima dessa slk
  4. Feb 3, 2018
    Muito bom o álbum!!!!! Muito talento envolvido... Verdadeiro Príncipe do Pop!!!
  5. Feb 3, 2018
    album incrível justin se arriscou ,foi totalmente livre nesses album
    mt bom as musicas são otimas e quem dá zero aq é mt fã modinha se doendo de
  6. Feb 3, 2018
    It's disappointing when an artist like JT sells out to the sound of a performer like Bruno Mars who undeservedly sweeps the Grammy's. I would say "avoid this album" except we all know that can't happen since Justin Timberlake will be using the single largest television event of the year to push this corpulence on us.
  7. Feb 3, 2018
    This album is just a Joanne wannabe. It's maybe the worst album I ever listen
  8. Feb 3, 2018
    Really really good album! Enjoyed every single second of it. Can't wait to see him performing live!!
  9. Feb 3, 2018
    A very messy album the only good song is the new one with chris stapleton. So sad that JT gets the promo of the superbowl. This is a bad album!
  10. Feb 3, 2018
    Errrrrr de fato é o álbum mais confuso do Justin, muitas vezes parecia que eu estava ouvindo um disco arranhado, o que aconteceu Justin?
  11. Feb 3, 2018
    Acho que ele compôs o disco em período de caganeira, mesmo que deitar em um rio de fezes fosse mais agradável que escutar esse disco.
  12. Feb 3, 2018
    *** mt bom esse album topppppppppppppp mané curti mt,incrivel esse albuim sem palavras amei flanell entre as outras motw é um hino desculpa
  13. Feb 3, 2018
    Haters gonna say it's fake... But he did save the music... Again! Trying to merge the past traditional music with a modern sound was a brilliant idea, risky but worth it. You can tell he's in a different place right now.
  14. Feb 3, 2018
    montannaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa na na na
    muito top esse album
    to viciada
    reizinho mesmo esse nosso Jt
  15. Feb 3, 2018
    justin timberlake never disappoints
    This album is incredible
    Too bad people love to hear loud trash
  16. Feb 3, 2018
    say somenthing
    higler higler
    livin the of land
    midnight summer jam
    young man
    man of the woods
  17. Feb 3, 2018
    justin timberlake nunca decepciona
    esse album tá incrivel
    pena que muita gente adora ouvir um lixo sonoro
    em vez de um album de qualidade
  18. Feb 3, 2018
    album is incrible
    congratitulations JT
  19. Feb 3, 2018
    haters vão dizer é fake
    album foda
  20. Feb 3, 2018
    Haters gonna say it's fake... But he did save the music... Again! Trying to merge the past traditional music with a modern sound was a brilliant idea, risky but worth it. You can tell he's in a different place right now.
  21. Feb 3, 2018
    Haters gonna say it’s fake. But the true is that this new JT album is so real.
  22. Feb 3, 2018
    It's a great, relaxing album with a good lyrics. I don't understand the hate on this album, for me it's great.
  23. Feb 2, 2018
    Who is the audience for this? That's one of the main problems with this album, or as one reviewer put it, a collection of songs released at the same time. That's what this is and that's all it is. Some songs will appeal to Timberlake's early audience but not the country/Southern audience he's trying to pull in with this album. And vice versa. This is by far Timberlake's worst album. It isWho is the audience for this? That's one of the main problems with this album, or as one reviewer put it, a collection of songs released at the same time. That's what this is and that's all it is. Some songs will appeal to Timberlake's early audience but not the country/Southern audience he's trying to pull in with this album. And vice versa. This is by far Timberlake's worst album. It is at times laughable, juvenile, fake woke, fake country, and just all around confusing. Justin seems to have confused not just us, but himself as well. He seems lost, not just on this album but in his life. Mid-life crisis?

    Songs like Livin' Off The Land and Breeze Off The Pond have a nice flow, chorus, and story. The Neptunes production is reminiscent of their hip hop and R&B work on the Justified album with the addition of a folk twist from Justin. Flannel is smooth; you can easily see him performing this at the Country Music Awards. The Hard Stuff has surprisingly meaningful lyrics which Justin is not known for. I think people were expecting the album to be more like these songs, which could have worked and stayed true to the concept Justin advertised this album to be. Unfortunately, Justin is unable to keep it up throughout the album.

    Songs like Waves and Midnight Summer Jam could have easily been on Justified; jam is a good word for the latter as it is reminiscent of Marvin Gaye's Got to Give It Up. Morning Light could have been on FutureSex/LoveSounds; it's this album's Until The End Of Time.

    Montana is a throw away track. Just filler. The lyrics are about getting a girl and letting her body tingle. What does that have to do with Montana? Again, more juvenile songwriting from Timberlake. Young Man comes off like Justin was just trying to check off a box, like "Here's my father/son song, y'all!" Typical. Will Smith did it better on Just The Two Of Us. The chorus for Higher Higher is weak; the best thing about this song is the production. Sauce is a mess. Again, who is the audience for this? Justin's juvenile penmanship shows up here again with the lyrics "I like your pink; you like my purple." OK, man of the woods.

    Now the singles. The video that introduced the album mentions outside, the woods, etc., and in the making of video Justin himself mentions country. Yet the first single Filthy is a futuristic sexual song. The second single Supplies is a juvenile concept ("I'll be the generator, turn me on when you need electricity") with a fake woke video to accompany it where Justin decides to cash in on current movements like Black Lives Matter and Time's Up; the problem is that he's simply not believable since many in the black community consider him to be a culture vulture and many in the #metoo movement have called him out for his hypocrisy for working with Woody Allen. The third single Say Something is the best so far yet the message of it being better to say nothing at all when it comes to controversial matters is a direct contradiction to the message he attempted to present in the video for Supplies. The fourth single Man of the Woods has a creative video to accompany it; the song however seems like a try-hard.

    Timberlake is wearing flannel and camouflage to promote this album. It's contrived. His attempts at country and the redneck lifestyle come off as him just trying them on like costumes. He wants us to believe that this is his roots, which is strange considering on his previous album he wanted us to believe R&B was his roots. For the most part, the Neptunes and Timbaland produced the hell out of this album. This album fails because Justin wasn't able to pull his weight. Apparently his suppli-i-ies are merely costume flannel, juvenile lyrics that prevent him from really saying something, and a man of the woods imitation that no one is buying.
  24. Feb 2, 2018
    you can see how personal this album is and it is a good one, higher higher is my fav and you can see a little bit of old Justin when you listen sauce. My opinion is: give a chance to man of the woods and you'll be taken to another level of music
  25. Feb 2, 2018
    Mais uma vez o príncipe do pop nos mostra o futuro. Enquanto alguns preferem o caminho mais fácil, JT prefere ousar e fazer algo diferente.
  26. Feb 2, 2018
    No mama, this album sounds tired and dated. It's like someone tried to remake FS/LS but failed terribly. He should stick to kind of acting in mediocre films by alleged child abusers. NEXT.
  27. Feb 2, 2018
    Justin show in this album the reason why he´s the best male singer from this century, and from those who don´t like all i said is Haters gonna say it´s fake.
  28. Feb 2, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. MARAVILHOSO CONCEITO! PARABÉNS AO JT MAIS UMA VEZ POR ESSA OBRA BELÍSSIMA DE ARTE Expand
  29. Feb 2, 2018
    A Perfectly Good Album with a majority of the tracks being great like Sauce,Higher Higher,Man of the Woods,and Morning Lights. There are some stinkers like Wave,Supplies,and Flannel but overall Man Of The Woods is a Pretty Good, Enjoyable Album
  30. Feb 2, 2018
    Sauce e Higher, Higher são grandes destaques nessa gravação, que incrivelmente nos traz uma sonoridade diferente do cenário atual, e ao mesmo tempo sem sair da sua zona de conforto, Timberlake nos apresenta faixas que já soam como clássicos.
    Obrigado Justin, por nós apresentar essa obra... o Pop agradece!
  31. Feb 2, 2018
    I didn't want to hate this album! I don't think a lot of people wanted to hate this album! But dang it if it didn't live up to what so many people predicted! Justin Timberlake came back after 2013's the 20/20 Experience, a project that has a fantastic first half with a fantastic direction in soul and organic sounds, followed by a weaker second disc that just felt like leftovers fromI didn't want to hate this album! I don't think a lot of people wanted to hate this album! But dang it if it didn't live up to what so many people predicted! Justin Timberlake came back after 2013's the 20/20 Experience, a project that has a fantastic first half with a fantastic direction in soul and organic sounds, followed by a weaker second disc that just felt like leftovers from Futuresex/Lovesounds. And if you were to tell me back in 2013 that his next path would follow up the second half of the 20/20 Experience, I would call you crazy. But no, here we are in 2018. JT is back with arguably his worst album that puts into context a lot of the critical appraisal into check. While Justin was never a deep artist, which is especially true when it comes with his lyrical content, he was one that is forward thinking, taking steps into a new direction. Man of the Woods, which claims to go in a country and roots direction, ends up being yet another tired attempt at trying to make Futuresex/Lovesounds, minus the ambition and scope, and instead replaced by tired sounds and embarrassing lyrics.

    The album has a hard time trying to mix acoustic and organic sounds with JT's usual dance-pop stomping ground, and it is very apparent how awful the final product sounds. From the awful bleeping electronic clicks, Caribbean steel drums, and acoustic guitars on Waves, to the atrocious mix of country and 808 drums on the title cut, it's two sounds that clash horribly. Dare I say it's even more horrendous than anything that Florida Georgia Line or Sam Hunt would make! And the embarrassment doesn't stop there when it comes with the other bad production and composition decisions here. Filthy has a good groove but is kneecapped by the horrible use of the wobbly electro sound that dominates the mix. Sauce has a decent funk rock sound but is too choppy to get down with it. And when the album isn't an audio nightmare, it is tepid and bland that it is a real shame coming from Justin, like on the sloggy gospel-like ballad with Alicia Keys, Morning Light, the middle of the road acoustic dance number Higher and Higher, and the sloggish campfire jam (or as I like to call it the Avett Brothers lite) on Flannel. it makes the album shift from infuriating to listen to, to just being a slog, which is not good for an album that is over an hour long! Justin pared down the song length from his last album, arguably the biggest issue with the 20/20 Experience, but the inconsistency with the album's style and mood makes it a chore. And then there's the lyrics. Justin TImberlake is not a great lyricist, and he certainly does not have much range. He's good at writing songs about how awesome he is and how much sex he is having. But much like the raunchy lyrics on his last album, they are here and it just feels tired. Outside of a ridiculous color metaphor on Sauce and the awful sexual Americana imagery on the title cut and Flannel, the rest of the sex jams feel tired lyrically and puts into context how stagnant Justin is right now. There are a few songs here that try to have a meaning to it, but they usually range from generic love songs to being lyrically underwritten, like on the Chris Stapleton number Say Something that really ruins the good instrumentation and composition on the track. There are a few highlight here and there on the album. Midnight Summer Jam is a tasteful dance song with a rare good blend of acoustic instrumentation with disco and dance-pop. Supplies is basically a trap banger that JT pulls off pretty good, and it does have a great beat to it. Montana is like a remastered disco song from the late 70s that sounds breathtaking. Breeze Off the Pond is yet an atypical JT song but he does it well as usual, and just makes you want to listen to his classic albums.
  32. Feb 2, 2018
    It left me with very high expectations and I am very disappointed. I hope your music gets better, because this album is going to be a failure and if the next one is worse, I do not know what will be of the.
  33. Feb 2, 2018
    Álbum que passeia por diversos gêneros musicais, desde ao folk até o trap! Justin Timberlake é um artista completo, melhor artista da atualidade sem dúvida. Não tem medo de arriscar, de inovar e de ir contra a música radiofônica que temos hoje, ganhamos mais um álbum atemporal e incrível.
  34. Feb 2, 2018
    Incrível!!! Justin Timberlake cada vez se firmando como um dos maiores pilares do pop, que dessa vez ousou, aliás, ousou novamente. Cada álbum com aspectos totalmente diferentes. ''Man Of The Woods'' pegou a essência de todos os seus álbuns anteriores, e juntou com a vida pessoal e nos deu essa obra prima que é ''Man Of The Woods. Misturando o R&B com um country/folk ele nos transmite aIncrível!!! Justin Timberlake cada vez se firmando como um dos maiores pilares do pop, que dessa vez ousou, aliás, ousou novamente. Cada álbum com aspectos totalmente diferentes. ''Man Of The Woods'' pegou a essência de todos os seus álbuns anteriores, e juntou com a vida pessoal e nos deu essa obra prima que é ''Man Of The Woods. Misturando o R&B com um country/folk ele nos transmite a mais pura verdade sobre Justin Timberlake, o que torna o álbum único e de longe o mais pessoal dele. O álbum dança com uma balada antiga com a essência de Pharrell em ''Midnight Summer Jam'', e levando na cadência do ritmo ele baila num country/folk com refrão viciante de ''Man Of The Woods'', sem se perder na pista ele nos mostra como consegue usar a voz em diferentes gêneros sem perder a verdade. Com ''Say Something'' música que tem colaboração do astro country Chris Stapleton, ele nos leva ao Timberlake de Memphis, que se encaixa com a voz de Stapleton em uma música bem característica do country atual. Talvez o embate da mídia sobre timberlake foi ele ter divulgado o seu album como ''country 100%'' e o álbum não se mostra assim, nos mostrou primeiramente a futurista ''Filthy'' que tem uma sonoridade pesada mas alivia-se com a voz de Timberlake e a torna rítmica com a ótima estrutura que foi feita. Logo depois, nos mostrou a maravilhosa ''Supplies'' que é um pop /rap marcante, com versos bem característicos e viciantes, fugindo da mesmice do pop. Timberlake mostra o ''verdadeiro country'' em sua terceira faixa ''Say Something'' mas já era muito tarde, pois o astro inovador já havia sido cassado pela mídia. Embora tratem o álbum como mal feito ou uma ''mistura desorganizada'', ele nos passa a imagem de quem ele é, suas origens e muito mais da sua vida pessoal onde passamos a conhecer mais o astro pop. LOUVÁVEL E INOVADOR! Parabéns, Timberlake! Mostrando que o pop não tem uma identidade só, porque quem faz o pop somos nós e nós temos apenas uma identidade mas com particularidades e um misto de essências, que nos faz ser quem nós somos. Isto, é a obra prima ''Man Of The Woods''! Expand
  35. Feb 2, 2018
    I used to love Justin Timberlake so much, FutureSex/LoveSounds still holds up, but this is hot garbage.

    "Haters gonna say it's fake....so real...." yeah, real crap.
  36. Feb 2, 2018
    I loved it! Tracks like Say something and Morning light may be introducing the trend of soulful pop country music back into the music industry
  37. Feb 2, 2018
    I think Justin may have made a misstep by releasing the promo video he did right after the first of the year because now everyone (including me) expected a "woodsy", acoustic, more country-leaning album. And it is not. I think that is the main reason people had problems with Filthy when it was released as the first single, because people didn't think it fit into the box they wereI think Justin may have made a misstep by releasing the promo video he did right after the first of the year because now everyone (including me) expected a "woodsy", acoustic, more country-leaning album. And it is not. I think that is the main reason people had problems with Filthy when it was released as the first single, because people didn't think it fit into the box they were expecting. Free from the binds of the "Man of the Woods" vibe that everyone expected, Filthy is actually a banger. I can't not dance when I listen to it. Now that I've heard the whole album, I think it is a great piece of work... but just much different that what everyone was expecting (and some, hoping). The duets with Alicia Keys and Chris Stapleton are both solid. I think other standout tracks from the album are "Higher Higher", "Young Man" and the title track "Man of the Woods". Expand
  38. Feb 2, 2018
    Hiroshima e Nagasaki.
    Não preciso de mais palavras para descrever o quanto esse álbum é horrível
  39. Feb 2, 2018
    Another medium-sized album anchored in Timbaland and The Neptunes, Timberlake proves once again that he does not deserve the title of pop prince, having inherited this one just for singing pop and for dating Britney.

    Best song: Say Something
    Worst song: Supplies
  40. Feb 2, 2018
    This album is such **** trash; don’t listen to it. There are far superiors albums released that you could spend your time listening to [POPPY; POPPY.COMPUTER, TINASHE; NIGHTRIDE, and IRRESISTIBLE; JESSICA SIMPSON] Please do not waste your time on this slow, meddling pop music! If you are a JUSTIN TIMBLERAKE stan, or fan, go listen to FUTURELOVE/SEXSOUNDS because that’s his only album thatThis album is such **** trash; don’t listen to it. There are far superiors albums released that you could spend your time listening to [POPPY; POPPY.COMPUTER, TINASHE; NIGHTRIDE, and IRRESISTIBLE; JESSICA SIMPSON] Please do not waste your time on this slow, meddling pop music! If you are a JUSTIN TIMBLERAKE stan, or fan, go listen to FUTURELOVE/SEXSOUNDS because that’s his only album that achieves EXCELLENCE. Good day people who read METACRITIC reviews. Expand
  41. Feb 2, 2018
    não precisa nem explicar o motivo da nota né? álbum puramente comercial sem QUALQUER canção minimamente pessoal ou interessante...vergonhoso
  42. Feb 2, 2018
    Hay muchos fanáticos latinos publicando reseñas aquí. Parecen adorar a las personas caucásicas. Un cantante pop brasileño de gran talento podría vender 2.000 entradas a un concierto en su propio país, pero una mediocre cantante pop caucásica como Avril Lavigne venderá estadios de 50.000 asientos. Esto se debe a que nuestro país, los Estados Unidos y Hollywood, dominan los medios de todo elHay muchos fanáticos latinos publicando reseñas aquí. Parecen adorar a las personas caucásicas. Un cantante pop brasileño de gran talento podría vender 2.000 entradas a un concierto en su propio país, pero una mediocre cantante pop caucásica como Avril Lavigne venderá estadios de 50.000 asientos. Esto se debe a que nuestro país, los Estados Unidos y Hollywood, dominan los medios de todo el mundo, y reforzamos estos ideales raciales mediante la forma en que elegimos a las personas para los papeles en las películas y la televisión. Los latinos deberían poner a su propia gente talentosa primero, en lugar de adorar a las personas caucásicas y poner otra raza antes que la suya. Expand
  43. Feb 2, 2018
    Un álbum inmaduro, con un gran concepto pero que, a la hora de la verdad se queda corto, sin chiste, Justin se habia caracterizado por renovar su imagen limpiamente como una estrella pop, ahora se estrella.
  44. Feb 2, 2018
    He is wonderful in everything he does .. a wonderful, personal album! Each album releases a different trend, it's not for everyone.
  45. Feb 2, 2018
    Filthy - 7/10
    Midnight Summer Jam - 7/10
    Sauce - 7/10
    Man of the Woods - 3/10
    Higher Higher - 4/10
    Wave - 4/10
    Supplies - 6/10
    Morning Light - 6/10
    Say Something - 6/10
    Flannel - 7/10
    Montana - 7/10
    Breeze Off The Pond - 7/10
    Livin' Off the Land - 6/10
    The Hard Stuff - 7/10
    Young Man - 6/10

    Média: 60
  46. Feb 2, 2018
    Somebody lied to him several times and told him that this album was fly, hot, and sexy and beautiful and it's nothing like that. It's nothing of the sort.
  47. Feb 2, 2018
    It's not as bad as I was expecting, and there are indeed many acoustic elements as Justin promised. The beats are solid and the music is generally enjoyable as long as you ignore the lyrics. I'm not fully convinced by Justin's attempts to make the album seem like it's carrying an important message for the world -it is embarrassing more than anything- and as an album this is obviously aIt's not as bad as I was expecting, and there are indeed many acoustic elements as Justin promised. The beats are solid and the music is generally enjoyable as long as you ignore the lyrics. I'm not fully convinced by Justin's attempts to make the album seem like it's carrying an important message for the world -it is embarrassing more than anything- and as an album this is obviously a flawed package that starts falling flat past the fifth song. So yeah, it's not a new The 20/20 Experience or anywhere close, but you shouldn't be expecting much anyway. Just enjoy the bits that are there to be enjoyed and leave it there. Expand
  48. Feb 2, 2018
    I'm really on a 50/50 on this one... for me the album starts in "Man of the woods", great song, it kinda changes the style of the album, and it continues doing so and it continues to be good, Say something is an amazing record, i get chills listening to it, but after the interlude, it all shifts again, its a little messy and becomes less about "nature" even though he tries to emphasize it.I'm really on a 50/50 on this one... for me the album starts in "Man of the woods", great song, it kinda changes the style of the album, and it continues doing so and it continues to be good, Say something is an amazing record, i get chills listening to it, but after the interlude, it all shifts again, its a little messy and becomes less about "nature" even though he tries to emphasize it. So it is really an average album, where the highs (Man from the woods, Say something, Wave, Supplies,Morning Light ) are really high, but the lows (almost everything else) are really low. Expand
  49. Feb 2, 2018
    The good thing about this concept album is that you feel a familiar feeling that it can pass, extraordinary, justin timberlake never disappoints us
  50. Feb 2, 2018
    It's amazing! The album is absolutely personal and incredible. Justin's talent is undeniable.
  51. Feb 2, 2018
    Los enemigos dirán que es falso ... Pero sí guardó la música ... ¡Otra vez! Intentar fusionar la música tradicional del pasado con un sonido moderno fue ... Expandir
  52. Feb 2, 2018
    o bom desse álbum conceitual é que voce sente uma sensaçao familiar que ele consegue passar ,extrordinario ,justin timberlake nunca nos decepciona
    sério que album foda
  53. Feb 2, 2018
    muito top
    pena que nao tem msc comercial
    mas é muito bom mesmo
    muitos aplausos pro sexy back de 37 anos
  54. Feb 2, 2018
    melhor que muitas porcarias sonoras por aí
    esse album é unico podem ouvir com a familia
  55. Feb 2, 2018
    Justin reaches a new level of mediocrity with this album. Definitely one of the worst albums of 2018 already.
  56. Feb 2, 2018
    The good thing about this concept album is that you feel a familiar feeling that it can pass, extraordinary, justin timberlake never disappoints us
    The good thing about this concept album is that you feel a familiar feeling that it can pass, extraordinary, justin timberlake never disappoints us
  57. Feb 2, 2018
    I love this album. Justin is one of the only artists in the day and age that takes risks and make original music that you would hear on the radio, blending the country vibes and combining them with RnB and Grove to make great songs. Higher Higher, Say Something, Filthy and Livin' Off The Land are the best songs on the album, but the rest are great too.
  58. Feb 2, 2018
    Deplorável, fraco, confuso, difícil de digerir, um álbum totalmente descartável e imemoravel de um artista que já foi bom um dia
  59. Feb 2, 2018
    Justin i really love you and your job but Man On The Woods sounds very bad, so get back to studio and drop a new album.
  60. Feb 2, 2018
    Not a bad album. Not a good album. Some good songs and some bad songs. Just ok.
  61. Feb 2, 2018
    Man Of The Woods sounds iike a over disaster. Sorry Justin, but after The 20/20 Experience i just can't accept this
  62. Feb 2, 2018
    this album is purely autotune and lyrics not so interesting, justin can do better
  63. Feb 2, 2018
    Letras fracas e melodias nada inovadoras fazem do novo álbum de Justin Timberlake algo totalmente esquecível
  64. Feb 2, 2018
    The album is a masterpiece... Justin again made a great job and we all should expect a huge show on SB this sunday!!
  65. Feb 2, 2018
    Como fã esperava que Justin trouxesse o bom pop que ele apresentou no 20/20, porém infelizmente o álbum soa como demos descartadas e não algo completo a sua altura...me decepcionei
  66. Feb 2, 2018
    This album sound like a voyage from Los Angeles to Memphis that never arrives. Had a great concept but it's a forgettable album
  67. Feb 2, 2018
    Artista que se reinventa. Álbum com vocais impecáveis, batidas gostosas de ouvir e mistura de ritmos. ´Álbum bem produzido e conceitual. Nota 10
  68. Feb 2, 2018
    Justin had the courage to show off his true origins in the field and show what he really is. It clearly did not come to please the media with urban clothes and a sexy style. Justin shows his family side and the musicality is incredible. It has united various styles of the American interior with an urban and modern touch.
  69. Feb 2, 2018
    Que álbum maravilhoso, concerteza é um dos melhores trabalhos do Justin Timberlake.
  70. Feb 2, 2018
    Justin Timberlake é aquele tipo de artista que nunca decepciona,e com esse novo álbum ele novamente nos mostra o quanto é dedicado para com seu trabalho!Simplesmente sensacional,incrível!!
  71. Feb 2, 2018
    Um ótimo álbum, com influências country o "Man Of The Woods" é uma mistura de country e uma sonoridade pop moderna e futurista que somente o JT consegue fazer. Um álbum com uma sonoridade única.
  72. Feb 2, 2018
    Dear Justin Timberlake,

    What in the literal AND figurative hell were you thinking with this new album? Same goes for you, Timbaland, Pharrell, and all other pop titan producers involved in „Man of the Woods“. Seriously, that album name alone. The title track sounds like the music one would stick in the background of diaper commercial and the rest like songs SNL skits use to satirize
    Dear Justin Timberlake,

    What in the literal AND figurative hell were you thinking with this new album? Same goes for you, Timbaland, Pharrell, and all other pop titan producers involved in „Man of the Woods“. Seriously, that album name alone. The title track sounds like the music one would stick in the background of diaper commercial and the rest like songs SNL skits use to satirize current events or trends. I could (to a certain degree) understand the whole 70s/funk infusion into pop music people are going for these days… but country music is one thing and one thing only: It’s (for better or for worse… and let’s be real: for worse) country music. Not pop. Not trendy. Not something one should try to incorporate into the daily lives of average, innocent listeners.

    I recently read that this album was largely inspired by your wife, your son, and your upbringing in Tennessee. Is your marriage this unfulfilling? Is your son such a massive letdown? I’ve been to Tennessee several times, and while it’s far from my favorite state (no offense, my TN friends), did your time there burn you so badly that it warrants such an awful „tribute“? I mean… come on, son. You did „FutureSex/LoveSounds“. „Cry Me a River“. Hell, even most of „The 20/20 Experience“ was genuinely great or, at the very least, fun. You’re clearly talented. But latest by now, it’s evident that you ALSO smoke a lot of weed, possibly crack. And I’m sorry weed - you deserve better than that. Crack… you, too, I think…?

    This is probably the meanest, most scathing „review“ of any release I have ever made public, but as one who was curious and suffered through the vast majority of the unmitigated disaster that is „Man of the Woods“ (again… really? ), I felt it was my duty to warn the rest of you. This, my friends, is what happens when you are in a musical rut and turn to drastic measures in the hopes that it will inspire something worth releasing. Also, pressure from major labels - something I imagine RCA sincerely regrets at this point.
  73. Feb 2, 2018
    I was skeptical going into it, but honestly Justin has done it again and then some! Highlights: Morning Light, Higher Higher, Montana, Flannel. He takes you on a journey with this one. Starting with Filthy through to Young Man, those songs could not be more different, yet the album is still cohesive. If you listen through the whole album, it'll win you over by the end. Enjoy it.
  74. Feb 2, 2018
  75. Feb 2, 2018
    The album sounds confusing, jumps from genres. Printing is that JT was lost during the production of this album. It's the pio album of his career.
  76. Feb 2, 2018
    Yet another amazing album by Timberlake, his first in over 4 years and he still delivers. The album is really solid and there are no skips. The highlights of this album are definitely Breeze Off The Pond and Morning Light with Alicia Keys.
  77. Feb 2, 2018
    In this album, Pop, R&B and Country are perfectly mixed. The result is a truly amazing album, you never get tired of listening to it! Well done, Timberlake!
  78. Feb 2, 2018
    muito bom
    album bem feito
    to ainda sentando pelo choque
    parabéns JT
  79. Feb 2, 2018
    AOTY, ROTY, SOTY, e todos os outros prêmios que o Grammy possa Oferecer para essa Obra de Arte.
  80. Feb 2, 2018
    The best bits - Midnight Summer Jam, Breeze Off The Pond, Livin Off The Land - are right up there with the best things he's ever done.
  81. Feb 2, 2018
    Justin continúa intentando y tratando de agradar al público heterosexual con su estilo "hombre blanco barbudo" ahora adquiriendo el predicado "del campo", forzando esa inspiración proveniente de Nashville que nadie creyó, teniendo incluso que reclutar a Chris. El álbum suena poco cohesionado, las canciones no llaman la atención individualmente y será, seguramente, uno de los peores showsJustin continúa intentando y tratando de agradar al público heterosexual con su estilo "hombre blanco barbudo" ahora adquiriendo el predicado "del campo", forzando esa inspiración proveniente de Nashville que nadie creyó, teniendo incluso que reclutar a Chris. El álbum suena poco cohesionado, las canciones no llaman la atención individualmente y será, seguramente, uno de los peores shows de Super Bowl ya vistos. Expand
  82. Feb 2, 2018
    Inacreditable como cada álbum desde su debut Justin Timberlake consigue llegar a ser peor y peor. Con el fracaso golpeando la puerta, la necesidad de colaborar con la estrella country Chris Stapleton parece ser el único rayo de luz en medio de ese enmarañado de ruidos y voces por lo menos perturbadores.
  83. Feb 2, 2018
    плохой альбом, плохая лирика и плохие постановки. снова Джастин Тимберлейк оказывается родовым, датированным, бездушным поп-художником, которому нужно постоянно возрождать полемику, чтобы остаться в СМИ ... несчастным.
  84. Feb 2, 2018
    " I guess I got my swagger back" that's just what JT means with this AOTY. So Real
  85. Feb 2, 2018
    Haters gonna say it's fake... But he did save the music... Again! Trying to merge the past traditional music with a modern sound was a brilliant idea, risky but worth it. You can tell he's in a different place right now.
  86. Feb 2, 2018
    MOTW revisita o melhor do passado, você vai lembrar de MJ, Prince, Amy Winehouse, Daft Punk, Bee Gees, Marvin Gaye. JT mistura elementos da sua Terra Natal com sons da atualidade. Fantástico.
  87. Feb 2, 2018
    **** mt bom esse album topppppppppppppp mané curti mt,incrivel esse albuim sem palavras amei flanell entre as outras motw é um hino desculpa bruno mars
  88. Feb 2, 2018
    This album is extremely well mixed. Timberlake visited many genres and did well in all of them. I don't get all this hate for him. He is a hard worker music, and as always, gave us quality music. He isn't just an pop singer. This album is fantastic.
  89. Feb 2, 2018
    album muito bom,nao tenho que falar melhor que muitos albuns por aí,incrivel,por ser pessoal mt gente nao gostaram ,mas eu amei o estilo ReB no album fico otimo
  90. Feb 2, 2018
    The album revisits the best of the past of the song. Timberlake manages to unite element of its roots with current sons and this is Fantastic.
  91. Feb 2, 2018
    I’m a fan I can’t let him get dragged, so I’m giving him a 10, but I also need 75 characters to upload the review
  92. Feb 2, 2018
    Edgy and eclectic, Man of the wood, just like its first single tends to be more appreciated over time. The country vibe is there but so is the futurist r'n'b. Timberlake is now a proud father but still got what it takes to bring the sexyback.
  93. Feb 2, 2018
    This album shows no artistic growth compared to his other albums. This hyped release was supposed to be a body of work worthy of being remembered to the upcoming generations but failing miserably. Outdated production, bad lyrics, heavy autotune all this confirms how bad this pile of nothingness is.
  94. Feb 2, 2018
    The album is absolutely awful and Justin Timberlake has once again produced something that will make your ears bleed. JT needs to retire as he will forever be known as the face of white privilege

Mixed or average reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 29
  2. Negative: 3 out of 29
  1. Mar 30, 2018
    Although he’s not really mixing musical genres as originally promised, he’s mixing up some music and lyrics that shouldn’t really go together, which makes this one crazy peanut butter cup of an album.
  2. Feb 14, 2018
    Man of the Woods is not an outright disaster but it is a significant disappointment--a record too preoccupied with image, volte face and forced “REAL” to fully engage as a coherent piece of craftsmanship.
  3. Q Magazine
    Feb 13, 2018
    Throughout, Man Of The Woods seesaws brilliantly between pop and country. [Apr 2018, p.116]