• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jan 17, 2020
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  1. Jun 23, 2022
    mhhh idk how to feel about this one. It's felt a little bit boring honestly and the interludes (except Suga's one) were bad. The singles basically saved the album for me and as a track, i enjoyed 3am.
  2. Mar 14, 2021
    No halsey Noooo. This was very disappointing for me. I expected so much especially considering the strength of her debut, the personality of her follow up and the sigles. God were the singles magnificent. "Without Me " a song so creative, catchy and emotional it took over the airwaves just as much as it did people's hearts. It showed all her best qualities:ear for hooks,strong songwritingNo halsey Noooo. This was very disappointing for me. I expected so much especially considering the strength of her debut, the personality of her follow up and the sigles. God were the singles magnificent. "Without Me " a song so creative, catchy and emotional it took over the airwaves just as much as it did people's hearts. It showed all her best qualities:ear for hooks,strong songwriting and breathy delivery. It felt like a precursor to something grand. Like a return to the roots of "Badlands" streamlined emo pop. If there was still any doubt the stellar "Clementine " would've erased them. We are given a tour of a fractured mind trying to piece itself back together and it showed her power as an artist successful enough to choose what she wants released. With this I thought AOTY was locked in but unfortunately that was a great as it would get. The record took a sharp left turn into the place concept albums go to die. The story they envisioned was prioritized above the music and it shows. The opener "Ashley" tries it's best to gently slide you into the world of "MANIAC " and almost does so. The sputtering syths and rolling piano notes seem to drone rather than lull. There's a pretentious feel to it as of it is doing more than it should. But all considered it wasn't a bad song. The first half is very strong as it's packed with the singles which as an isolated group of songs would've been a must hear Ep but as she would have it it would continue. The "experimental "(i say it sarcastically as it's idea of experimentation is just bad production and self depreciating lyrics and ill advised features. )second half is no longer insular as it shifts the lense to relationships and how they affect the depressed (manic)narrator. There is a very pleasant three song punch of " Dominick interlude" ,"3am"&"i hate everybody" that is so cohesive it threatens to break the generic interruptions of track 4&5 but eventually you realize that they aren't that good and you only thought they were because the album required low expectations to enjoy. So much so it must be a concept album on disappointment. The cliches come in many saccharine and sometimes annoying forms such as the unnecessary Kate Winslet sample in "killing boys" or the stream grab of the "suga interlude ". It has so much unchecked ambition that it ends up sounding mediocre. As if it's all bells and whistles but no practicality. I wish this could've been better. Favourites:without me,clementine,graveyard Expand
  3. Feb 2, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album clearly gets me mixed feelings. Althought some songs are somehow catchy, most cannot spread their beautiful messages because of the mixed and raw sounds. The bigger example is "Forever/Beautiful Stranger". Nevertheless, credits must be given to Halsey´s writing skills.
    Top Track: Without Me;
    Worst Track: the Interludes.
  4. Dec 5, 2020
    Ashley - 6/10
    clementine - 6,4/10
    Graveyard - 8/10
    You should be sad - 7/10
    Forever ... (is a long time) - 6,5/10
    Dominic's Interlude - 6,7/10
    I HATE EVERYBODY - 6,7/10
    3am - 7,5/10
    Without Me - 8/10
    Finally // beautiful stranger - 7/10
    Alanis' Interlude - 5,4/10
    killing boys - 6/10
    SUGA's Interlude - 5,6/10
    More - 6/10
    Still Learning - 6/10
    929 - 6/10
  5. Dec 1, 2020
    Halsey continues to grow as an artist on her third album "Manic".

    Favorite tracks: Ashley, Forever ... (is a long time), 3am, Without Me, Finally // beautiful stranger, Alanis' Interlude
    Least favorite tracks: clementine, SUGA's Interlude, Still Learning
  6. Sep 15, 2020
    É um álbum interessante, em que eu fui capaz de curtir alguns momentos, mas acho que Halsey quis vender uma ideia introspectiva e não executou muito bem, acho que falta profundidade, e ela buscou sonoridades dinâmicas no álbum e também não acredito que consiga se destacar em todas elas
  7. Aug 28, 2020
    outro album que saturou bem rapido, ele é bem enjoativo com o tempo, é bom mas nada muito demais
  8. May 30, 2020
    omg i think there is someone in my house but im too scared to check if i locked the door. Album is hit and miss. I love You Should be Sad and 3am
  9. Apr 27, 2020
    I was about to like this album. Then Alannis Morissette and the whole back half of the album showed up.
    Songs like "You Should Be Sad" and "Finally/beautiful strange?' have honest lyrics and paired back production that just fits with Halsey's voice. Plus the Dominic Fike feature is electric, like most things Fike does.
    But after some of the worst singing Alannis Morissette has done in
    I was about to like this album. Then Alannis Morissette and the whole back half of the album showed up.
    Songs like "You Should Be Sad" and "Finally/beautiful strange?' have honest lyrics and paired back production that just fits with Halsey's voice. Plus the Dominic Fike feature is electric, like most things Fike does.

    But after some of the worst singing Alannis Morissette has done in her career comes through, the album falls apart, turning into a lazy, soulless, mess. '3am' is also just whiney/generic and Without Me', a ' single from 2018, has no place on this album.
    This could have and should have been 25 minutes long. But I guess those streaming dollars are too damn good.
  10. Feb 21, 2020
    Some strong songs but felt a bit of a mishmash
    Love some of them though. Occasionally a drag
  11. Feb 6, 2020
    The songs are very sombre. I felt exhausted after listening to this. I had hoped for something very different and new, but it's left me disappointed. She needs a bit of a break, to make come up with something fresh and happier.
  12. Feb 2, 2020
    I only enjoyed 5 songs out of 13 (15 with interludes). I wasn't expecting much from halsey, but I wanted to be shocked. Unfortunately manic didn't do it for me, something felt off with this album, I think the production wasn't great. The production is kind of messy, which hurts the album a lot. Every song was different, some not being in a good way.

    This album got a 70/130 which is 55%
    I only enjoyed 5 songs out of 13 (15 with interludes). I wasn't expecting much from halsey, but I wanted to be shocked. Unfortunately manic didn't do it for me, something felt off with this album, I think the production wasn't great. The production is kind of messy, which hurts the album a lot. Every song was different, some not being in a good way.

    This album got a 70/130 which is 55% from me.
    (the max score is 10/10 per song, interludes don't count)
  13. Jan 27, 2020
    Listening to Manic, you can feel the emotion that Halsey put behind it. She does a great job putting her personal experiences and feelings on it. As someone who's been following Halsey since before her debut album, it hurts that I can't give it a higher score than this. It suffers from several repetitive and weak tracks that make the whole experience a bit shaky. It's a very ambitiousListening to Manic, you can feel the emotion that Halsey put behind it. She does a great job putting her personal experiences and feelings on it. As someone who's been following Halsey since before her debut album, it hurts that I can't give it a higher score than this. It suffers from several repetitive and weak tracks that make the whole experience a bit shaky. It's a very ambitious project that doesn't pay off completely. Expand
  14. Jan 19, 2020
    deixou a desejar. eu achei as musicas, em sua maioria, bem fáceis de enjoar e pobres (salvo 2 ou 3 com refrões e rimas BEM FEITAS) mas eh um album bem produzidinho ate
  15. Jan 18, 2020
    Halsey delivers an album with excellent songs that’ll stick in our minds for a while. She opens and closes with not so great songs (Ashley & 929). You’ll feel like you’re waiting for a climax the whole album and it just doesn’t come. Most tracks sounds the same, but you’ll also find quite a few jewels.

    Graveyard delivers something different, unique, marvelous; You Should Be Sad will take
    Halsey delivers an album with excellent songs that’ll stick in our minds for a while. She opens and closes with not so great songs (Ashley & 929). You’ll feel like you’re waiting for a climax the whole album and it just doesn’t come. Most tracks sounds the same, but you’ll also find quite a few jewels.

    Graveyard delivers something different, unique, marvelous; You Should Be Sad will take you to Halsey’s country rock vibe with excellency; 3am surprises as one of the best songs; Without Me, her #1 hit, is a masterpiece; Finally // beautiful stranger is also a great one.

    Overall, on a 16-track album there’s 5 really well crafted ones. Halsey still delivers quality and raw authenticity, but Manic is her weaker album so far. She should’ve led on Nightmares direction. But then again, just my opinion!
  16. Jan 18, 2020
    Well, it's not a bad album, but on some tracks it got me bored, halsey disappointed me a little, because with the acclaim of hopeless fountain kingdom and the success of without me, I expected a much more acclaimed successor than the previous album
  17. Jan 18, 2020
    I love Halsey but sorry this was just boring. I expected so much more and it didn't happen.
  18. Jan 17, 2020
    Manic’s ambition cannot be denied - nor can the importance of the message it delivers, nor can Halsey’s great talent, nor can the heart that is put into a work like this. However the album starts and ends on its weakest tracks, leaving the middle a more engaging and impressive pop album and resulting in an overall mixed bag of an experience. But despite its disappointments and missteps,Manic’s ambition cannot be denied - nor can the importance of the message it delivers, nor can Halsey’s great talent, nor can the heart that is put into a work like this. However the album starts and ends on its weakest tracks, leaving the middle a more engaging and impressive pop album and resulting in an overall mixed bag of an experience. But despite its disappointments and missteps, when the album is good it’s very good - the exceptional punk-pop anthem “3AM” which takes us back to the early 2000s; the brilliant lead single “Without Me”; and the dreamy pop-rap of “SUGA’s Interlude.” Other highlights include the sparkling “More” and Alanis Morissette’s emotive guest appearance. Expand
  19. Jan 17, 2020
    Maniac Ashley 5/10
    clementine 7/10
    Graveyard 9/10
    You should be sad 10/10
    Forever ... (is a long time) 5/10
    Dominic’s Interlude 8/10
    3am 7/10
    Without Me 9/10
    Finally // beautiful stranger 6/10
    Alani’s Interlude 8/10
    killing boys 6/10 SUGA’s Interlude 7/10
    More 5/10
    Still Learning 8/10
    929 4/10
  20. Jan 17, 2020
    Mientras iba sacando los singles promocionales me gustaban y esperaba mucho del álbum, pero en sí las canciones nuevas no me gustaron tanto :(
  21. Jan 17, 2020
    Halsey can leave something to be desired with this album, compared to other works of the singer this is the one that stands out, with 16 tracks and a faint sound, the album is understandiate to its progress, but some tracks stand out as 3AM and you should Be sad that they bring something different, but in its overall context this work is far inferior to the singer's others, making her lookHalsey can leave something to be desired with this album, compared to other works of the singer this is the one that stands out, with 16 tracks and a faint sound, the album is understandiate to its progress, but some tracks stand out as 3AM and you should Be sad that they bring something different, but in its overall context this work is far inferior to the singer's others, making her look confused with a mix of styles and an attempt to idealize a concept. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Q Magazine
    Feb 11, 2020
    Freighted by unflinching lyrics, Manic is a magnificent - and magnificently raw - pop confessional. [Apr 2020, p.110]
  2. Feb 4, 2020
    The real problem is that the best ideas are outvoted by frustrating ones, leaving us with little touches like the short, yelping-like sound in the second verse of More or the distorted vocals that end killing boys. There are some good moments here, but even the best of them can’t help Halsey get out of her own way.
  3. Jan 29, 2020
    Manic is a rich and often confounding listen, an expansive album filled to the brim with the imagined worlds Halsey’s built for herself in the real one. It’s also sincerely, indefatigably Halsey: She puts her loves and ambitions on wholly earnest display, even if it doesn’t always make for the most consistent listen.