• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jan 17, 2020
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Universal acclaim- based on 1008 Ratings

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  1. Jan 18, 2020
    The album is increadible! It is full of Ashley's emotions and feelings. She opened her soul to us. Every song is very beautiful and touching. I am absolutely in love with Manic!
  2. Jan 18, 2020
    Such a lyrical and emotional master peace. Ashley revealed in a completely new way. Here she is very sincere, I really love this line in her long creative road
  3. Jan 18, 2020
    I absolutely adore this album. Its sincerity, purity and tragedy just broke my heart. I love it how Ashley improves her music with every step. Hope y’all love it!
  4. Jan 18, 2020
    BEST ALBUM EVEEERRR!!!!!!!!!! I fell in love with this album for the rest of my life because it is so sincere, lively and reflects the real Halsey that we love her so much!!!!
  5. Jan 18, 2020
    this is the album i wanna listen while living breathing sleeping dying it is the best album i've ever heard in my life excepting hfk and badlands ashley is the best musician in the world she is a goddess
  6. Jan 18, 2020
    this is the most beautiful and amazing album i’ve ever heard. halsey’s best album yet!
  7. Jan 18, 2020
    i truly cannot believe how perfect manic is... literally from start to finish, this album is a complete and total masterpiece musically, lyrically and production. i’m literally mesmerized
  8. Jan 18, 2020
    Lyrically beautiful. Halsey spills her guts in the most vulnerable ways all while remaining passionate about her arts & fans!
  9. Jan 18, 2020
    so amazing i just cant put it in words it is 100% her most personal album yet
  10. Jan 18, 2020
    Creo que es trabajo mas honesto de Halsey y valoro mucho que sea un álbum de Ashley para Halsey. De verdad agradezco que aprendamos a ver a las artistas tal como son, seres humanos.

    Gracias Halsey
  11. Jan 18, 2020
    THIS ALBUM IS AMAZING. i love. it’s got so many different kinds of songs and it the most open i’ve seen an artist and the most open she’s been
  12. Jan 18, 2020
    I’m so proud of Hals, she did really great work, all songs sounds really good and i love it. She deserves everything
  13. Jan 18, 2020
    This is the best put together album I've ever heard. The emotion, the sound, the meaning behind every song- is absolute perfection.
  14. Jan 18, 2020
    It’s so personal and true, it shows her musical evolution and ability to compose. Manic is a messy beautiful part of Ashley and Halsey. A masterpiece!
  15. Jan 18, 2020
    Honest, and self aware. Critical, and accepting. Halsey introduces the world to Ashley in a bold and humorous way. It’s impossible not to share her emotions as you journey through this album with her. Her best work yet. As she bears what she might consider her flaws, it is perfect. Teaching us all that what we might think we would rather change most about ourselves is actually worth embracing.
  16. Jan 18, 2020
    Manic is so amazing, thanks Halsey! My fav is 3am, u should be sad & still learning, luv u
  17. Jan 18, 2020
    This is her third studio album and this is my third favourite Halsey's album. Perfection!
  18. Jan 18, 2020
    her best album to date. imagine the creativity she puts into this masterpiece. the experimental tracks, the emotions, the excellency. IDK A BETTER ALBUM THIS YEAR
  19. Jan 18, 2020
    This album is a masterpiece! So proud of Halsey and her work! Love this album
  20. Jan 18, 2020
    Amazing!!! Wonderful!!! This album is so gentle and melodic, but at the same time different, which fits any mood. I hope that Halsey will release the same sincere music in the future!
  21. Jan 18, 2020
    Manic showcases Halsey's most personal, deepest thoughts. The lyrics of all 16 songs is very brilliant, along with the high production under this album. A great album overall
  22. Jan 18, 2020
    Absolutely LOVE the entire album. So glad my daughter introduced me to Halsey!!
  23. Jan 18, 2020
    each of us need this amazing album to understand ourselves. so emotional and personal.
  24. Jan 18, 2020
    The first track speaks for itself. The album unravelled so many chapter of ASHLEY’S life to me yet Halsey remains in the story. It is a very dynamic work of Art that speaks the truths of being a human being.
  25. Jan 18, 2020
    Manic is a refreshing introduction to a new chapter to Halsey and Ashley’s journey. It is an evocative masterpiece that shares the struggles that occurs in one’s head. It is not just a story of a very dynamic musician but a relatable basis of life in general.
  26. Jan 19, 2020
    She’s grown so much since badlands/ room93 and it shows, the album is very authentically “ashley” but also seems to feel very halsey at the same time. What i mean by that is she uses the same style of metaphors as she did in badlands but the sound is very her, which has definitely kept her fans happy.
  27. Jan 19, 2020
    Manic is the most personal, deep and beautiful album I’ve ever heard. Halsey put her heart and soul into it. She shows us a vulnerable side of hers. So emotional and heartbreaking, definitely worth a listen.
  28. Jan 19, 2020
    the facts, the stories and the emotions that the arrangement of the album based on, and the way the album was arranged, the diversification of sounds and melodies, the magical features everything has reached in a perfect way. this album looks like a book or a beautiful painting full of colors and shapes. if you could look at art in the right way you’ll have a great experience with yourthe facts, the stories and the emotions that the arrangement of the album based on, and the way the album was arranged, the diversification of sounds and melodies, the magical features everything has reached in a perfect way. this album looks like a book or a beautiful painting full of colors and shapes. if you could look at art in the right way you’ll have a great experience with your journey of this album!! (sorry my english is horrible so maybe my words don’t come right but i hope you got the pointsof what i’m saying) Expand
  29. Jan 19, 2020
    This album is so good. Lyrical, musical, when you listen it in order you can notice it
  30. Jan 19, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Genial. As faixas transmitem a emoção que Halsey quis passar e isso é muito bom, me emociomei muito com finally, clementine e 929. 3am é muito boa e lembra as músicas da Avril Lavigne. Parabéns Halsey, me surpreendeu muito Expand
  31. Jan 19, 2020
    Um álbum sincero e cru, que consegue mostrar muito mais da vulnerabilidade da Halsey, nos revelando a pessoa que vive por trás da artista. Os instrumentais em sua maioria são simples mas são perfeitos para o que as músicas exigem, além do fato de a mesma ter abrangido um enorme leque de gêneros musicais em diversas músicas como folk, rock, R&B e etc. A partir desse álbum começo a ver aUm álbum sincero e cru, que consegue mostrar muito mais da vulnerabilidade da Halsey, nos revelando a pessoa que vive por trás da artista. Os instrumentais em sua maioria são simples mas são perfeitos para o que as músicas exigem, além do fato de a mesma ter abrangido um enorme leque de gêneros musicais em diversas músicas como folk, rock, R&B e etc. A partir desse álbum começo a ver a Halsey com uma autenticidade muito maior do que via no passado. Expand
  32. Jan 19, 2020
    Intimate album with touching lyrics, electrifying rhythm, Halsey has just released a work of art.
  33. Jan 19, 2020
    Not her best in my opinion. It contains some great songs but also loads of fillers
  34. Jan 19, 2020
    A mi parecer el álbum tiene un estilo muy pop alternativo además trata muchos temas de la sociedad de hoy en dia.
    Mi cancion favorita sin duda - Alain's Interlude
  35. Jan 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Far and away Halsey's best full-length album to date. Badlands was incredible, Hopeless Fountain Kingdom was meh, but Manic is in a league of its own. From song 1 to song 16, this album is by far the most personal and honest album she's ever written. Her lyrics are a deep dive into the inner workings of her mind, and the production is flawless. Amazing (and diverse) guest appearances as well as a variety of genres keep the listener from getting bored for even a second.

    It's nice to hear her take a step away from her usual semi-fictional storytelling vibe to something much more personal and introspective, while still holding onto the deep and thought-provoking lyrical content we've all come to know and love from Halsey.

    Her up-tempo songs are fantastic and varied, from the pop-punk vibes of 3am to the trap infused beats in Without Me, every listener is sure to find their new favorite Halsey song on this album. And her lyrical genius and amazing melodies will keep you fully engaged during the more downtempo songs like More and 929.

    The album packs in a bunch of different genres which one would expect to make for a disjointed and incoherent album, but the song order, lyrics, and samples of movies and other dialogue make the songs flow into each other perfectly. These days it's very hard to find a modern album that you can play front to back without skipping a song, but Halsey has done just that with Manic.

    My personal favorites from the album include: You should be sad, I Hate Everybody, 3am, Forever... (is a long time), Without Me, Graveyard, Alanis' Interlude, and More. But absolutely every song has something new and different to offer that we haven't heard from Halsey before.

    Overall, this album is a masterpiece that proves pop music is still capable of innovation even though the genre has been getting stale over the years. Very refreshing, and very unique. Do not sleep on this album, you will regret it.
  36. Jan 20, 2020
    Es verdaderamente bueno, Halsey muestra unas excelentes sensaciones y sentimientos que te hacen sentir lo que ella llego a sentir en sus peores momentos, cada canción describe su personalidad y cada problema, ella surgió y lo representa aquí
  37. Jan 20, 2020
    Manic is the best album she has ever made. It's so raw, beautiful, and poetic. It truly shows who Ashley is and I honestly prefer it over hfk or badlands. Her brain is so lovely and interesting and I'm so glad she trusts us with it. I love her so much and I'm so proud of her.
  38. Jan 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Manic is Halsey’s most personal & diverse album to date. Every track, while being very different from the others, blend together beautifully. She explores past relationships, certain stances, & even her most personal demons on tracks like “More.” Manic is hard to define under one genre, it’s like she took every major genre, threw them in a blender, & the result is Manic. As a major Halsey fan this is my favorite project to date, definitely more like Badlands than Hopeless Fountain Kingdom, but completely it’s own stand-alone album. Expand
  39. Jan 21, 2020
    A really good album with a lot of emotions. I feel like she's been really honest with us with these songs and it's a pleasure to listen to it every single time. Thank you for the best album I've heard of my life.
  40. Jan 21, 2020
    "Manic" is Halsey's best and most cohesive album to date. The album is such a personal look into who Halsey is as a person and an artist. These tracks are all so different but they work so well together. The sound of this album is very generic pop, but not in a bad way. Halsey takes these powerful lyrics and makes this album her own. I can see this album being seen as one of the best pop"Manic" is Halsey's best and most cohesive album to date. The album is such a personal look into who Halsey is as a person and an artist. These tracks are all so different but they work so well together. The sound of this album is very generic pop, but not in a bad way. Halsey takes these powerful lyrics and makes this album her own. I can see this album being seen as one of the best pop albums of this year. Expand
  41. Jan 22, 2020
    Album of the year, its something new in Halsey discography but how can you not love how true she is on manic
  42. Jan 23, 2020
    Every song sounds different and it's just way too refreshing, breaking the barriers of genre
  43. Jan 23, 2020
    a really cohesive album, one track interconnecting the other, shows us a musical maturity of the artist, the care in choosing each track is evident. We see versatility, the album as a whole has its very peculiar sound, something sounds like country, another sounds like rock, another alternative pop is something definitely unique, an incredible album.
  44. Jan 23, 2020
    absolutely in love with manic by @halsey
  45. Jan 24, 2020
    Álbum incrível e extremamente coeso. Muito bem escrito e soa bem do início ao fim.
  46. Jan 25, 2020
    De lo mejor que a hecho está diosa me encanta, su lyrica todo de este álbum es bueno
  47. Jan 27, 2020
    Halsey in an album. Making what she does best but some songs seems forgetabble.
  48. Jan 27, 2020
    Is a wonderful album. HshshsgsysystsgshsysgsgsywgshshsgsgsyshwhwhGshshwgssg
  49. Jan 31, 2020
    This is by far her best body of work until now, the way she wrote the lyrics reflecting her life and her "tree faces" was amazing
  50. Jan 31, 2020
    The best album! A wonderful album, like everything Halsey does, perfect melody and voice. harmonic marriage.
  51. Feb 2, 2020
    Loved it!!!! No songs I hate!!! Not gonna lie I had to listen to it few times to enjoy it fully
  52. Feb 2, 2020
    Sublime, realmente un disco necesario de escuchar. Halsey puso su corazón en esto y se nota.
  53. Feb 6, 2020
    Halsey brought a process of great evolution in this album, both in sound/production and composition. The only one of their problem is their repetitive songs, which could pass them without wanting to notice the difference between one and the other. Many interludes, and tiresome songs even though they are with good productions and grand iosie compositions. Certainly, your previous album is better.
  54. Mar 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esse álbum é simplesmente maravilhoso do início ao fim. Halsey mostrou versatilidade e belas letras com esse trabalho. Expand
  55. Feb 17, 2020
    Manic provides an in-depth look into Ashley “Halsey” Frangipane’s state of mind and state of being. The album provides a wide range of genres from alt-pop to country and contains no skips. There is a song to listen to for every mood you may be in. •High Points: killing boys, Ashley, 3am, More, Still Learning •Low Points: SUGA’s Interlude, clementine, Alanis’ Interlude All the songs areManic provides an in-depth look into Ashley “Halsey” Frangipane’s state of mind and state of being. The album provides a wide range of genres from alt-pop to country and contains no skips. There is a song to listen to for every mood you may be in. •High Points: killing boys, Ashley, 3am, More, Still Learning •Low Points: SUGA’s Interlude, clementine, Alanis’ Interlude All the songs are great in their own right, but I truly wish Halsey would’ve switched out some of the low point songs with “I’m Not Mad” & “Wipe Your Tears” (the bonus tracks from the Target edition and Japanese edition, respectively) or even “Experiment on Me” (her song from the Birds of Prey album), as they would’ve fit the narrative of the album better.

    Overall, though, there are really no skips on this album, and it’s one of my favorite albums released in recent years.
  56. Feb 18, 2020
    this whole album is a masterpiece every song tops the one before no ones doing it like her
  57. Feb 25, 2020
    Iconic album. The tracks are fire and her vocals are fine. Her 16-track album is everything that the critic loves
  58. Mar 2, 2020
    Manic is the pure soul and heart from Ashley. It’s like to be in journey with your best friend when you can talk days and nights about literally everything and you don’t need a lot’s of words. Cause it’s a in other level of understanding each other and the others is just foreigners. So, her lyrics is deep and honest, and you listen it again and again and always find something new forManic is the pure soul and heart from Ashley. It’s like to be in journey with your best friend when you can talk days and nights about literally everything and you don’t need a lot’s of words. Cause it’s a in other level of understanding each other and the others is just foreigners. So, her lyrics is deep and honest, and you listen it again and again and always find something new for yourself. And about Halsey. Enjoy the journey. Expand
  59. Mar 6, 2020
    I really like this album! I have to agree that this is her best album to date! My favorite song is Still Learning!
  60. Mar 26, 2020
    Its incredible I Never listen music yo Halsey and I love it its art a excelent work and great album
  61. Mar 27, 2020
    Um álbum incrível é totalmente artístico, que a sonoridade se encaixa se forma sútil dançando em todas as faixas, parabéns a Halsey
  62. Apr 14, 2020
    I thought this was a pretty decent album. There are some really good songs, but there are also some really bad songs. My favorites on the album are "3AM" and "You Should Be Sad." I appreciate the range of musical genres and styles. For the most part, I'd say the album is pretty basic and average and left me wanting a little bit more.
  63. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Chorei, chorei muito. O melhor álbum dela e um dos melhores de 2020. O piano de fundo nas músicas, as interludes perfeitas. A que mais se destacou pra mim foi "More" que me surpreendeu muito, senti a dor dela. Expand
  64. Jun 14, 2020
    Very raw and honest lyrics! The different sounds from this album are amazing! One of the best albums from this year!
  65. Jun 19, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. ITS AMAZING
    Manic is the third studio album by American singer Halsey. It was released on January 17, 2020 through Capitol Records.[1] It was preceded by the release of three singles: “Without Me”, “Graveyard”, and “You Should Be Sad” and features guest appearances by Dominic Fike, Alanis Morissette, and Suga of BTS. The album was commercially successful, debuting at number two on the Billboard 200, becoming her third top-two album on the chart and her biggest album debut to date, selling 239,000 total units in its first week of released and currently holds 2,500,000 sales worldwide.[2]
  66. Jun 25, 2020
    Maravilhoso. O álbum consegue ser íntimo e toca em pontos da personalidade de um jeito cru porém lindo. As melodias são perfeitas.
  67. Jun 26, 2020
    Fantastic, great music and very well composed. Great dynamic range particularly in Without Me.
  68. Sep 13, 2020
    The best part of this album is the lyrical content. And then music is just simply so good. Halsey was a artist I really liked, like Top 15 maybe, and this album put her in Top 5.
  69. Aug 5, 2020
    Incredible album, easily one of my favorite albums of all time, this Album is super rich and just full of emotion which is what I like to hear in my music.
  70. Jul 25, 2020
    Full of beautiful personal songs that are not cocky or full of Halsey's ego, so you can follow and connect with easily. Obviously, you can see some brilliant little hidden gems in it beside some megahits such as Without Me or You Should Be Sad. There's a lot to talk about, but to cut it short, the whole album, lyrically and musically, was such a good start for 2020 and it will last forFull of beautiful personal songs that are not cocky or full of Halsey's ego, so you can follow and connect with easily. Obviously, you can see some brilliant little hidden gems in it beside some megahits such as Without Me or You Should Be Sad. There's a lot to talk about, but to cut it short, the whole album, lyrically and musically, was such a good start for 2020 and it will last for decades, for sure. Expand
  71. Aug 28, 2020
    Amazing album, i like all songs Burgos my favorite is Alanis interlude. Best work from Halsey.
  72. Aug 28, 2020
    Excellent! Just how to make a personal vulnerable and great album. Halsey grow up as an artist and evolve. Manic her best album is a look of ashley lifes and the power of the lyrics proof that she is telling us everything without filters , just a magic album that we will remember for years !
  73. Sep 14, 2020
    i love this album, seriously one of my favorites of all time. it’s so personal and really puts out who’s ashley... the features also completed in a positive way the album, i loved suga’s interlude
  74. Aug 28, 2020
    oh i can't believe i didn't rate this gorgeous album.... it's honest, raw.. soo versatile, i like it veryy much
  75. Aug 28, 2020
    She is a true artist in all senses of the word. This wasn't my favorite album of hers, but even the songs I didn't personally love - I appreciated. I'm sure the interludes added to her artistic vision and story of the album, but I think it could have done without. My favorites are still learning and 3s.. without me will always be such a powerful stunning song, I never get sick of it
  76. Aug 28, 2020
    An incredible organization between 16 songs. The album goes further than just music, it has beautiful styles in each song and you can feel how a story is told. Halsey has done a good job in this album and she has matched the songs perfectly.
  77. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Simplesmente a halsey se transformou em uma super artista que teve reconhecimento popular! Expand
  78. Aug 29, 2020
    Best album of 2020.i lover the personal and more Intimate songs from Halsey
  79. Sep 1, 2020
    Manic es definitivamente el mejor álbum hasta ahora de la cantante, nos dio de todo en este disco, increíbles interpretaciones e increíbles producciones musicales dentro de el
  80. Oct 21, 2020
    i guess this became my favourite halsey album. album's story , lyrics , melodies are so wonderful.
  81. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. i looooooove this album. she gave us insights into her personal battle with bipolar disorder, hard breakups and lost love, finding her piece and sense of herself. her best record to date. standout tracks: 3am, without me, i hate everybody, graveyard, more, still learning, you should be sad Expand
  82. Aug 29, 2020
    manic is a masterpiece, with love and hate, with songs tha cautivate my heart, rock, and pop , i love it
  83. Aug 29, 2020
    O álbum da carreira só por ter you should be sad e 3AM. Finally/beatiful stranger entrou pro top 5 músicas que arrancam suspiros (e talvez lágrimas) de mim. Coeso.

    Diria que não foi 10 por ter um dos 7 filhos da flordelis no meio do álbum... fui rancoroso!
  84. Aug 30, 2020
    It's a really beautiful album, it has good songs but i think is not enough for a perfect score
  85. Nov 22, 2020
    Ashley doesn’t hesitate to bring you through raw emotions. Sadness, dryness, anger, happiness all mixed into a album.
  86. Nov 25, 2020
    i love you .........................................................................................................................halsey
  87. Nov 30, 2020
    HALSEY HALSEY !! Loved the album it’s so emotional
  88. Dec 11, 2020
    it's a really good album. giving chill vibes and enjoyable at the same time! the lyrics are perfect too.
  89. Dec 12, 2020
    Very good singles , Good lyrics , nice vocals , each song is different which is the point and makes it interesting but takes a lot away from it being cohesive .
  90. Dec 13, 2020
    Una obra de arte. Los temas no envejecen y la conexión entre ellos es excelente
  91. Dec 21, 2020
    Manic is an album that stays true to its title: it is manic. Albums cannot be built on emotion alone, and that is why Halsey uses her vocal talent, songwriting talent, and superior production on this project. Easily better than hopeless fountain kingdom.

    Favourite tracks: clementine, Graveyard, You should be sad, I HATE EVERYBODY, 3am, Finally // beautiful stranger, More, 929 Least
    Manic is an album that stays true to its title: it is manic. Albums cannot be built on emotion alone, and that is why Halsey uses her vocal talent, songwriting talent, and superior production on this project. Easily better than hopeless fountain kingdom.

    Favourite tracks: clementine, Graveyard, You should be sad, I HATE EVERYBODY, 3am, Finally // beautiful stranger, More, 929

    Least favourite tracks: Ashley. There are not many terrible tracks here, just some very mediocre ones.
  92. Jan 24, 2021
    amazing album. i love the tone halsey created throughout the piece, itz rlly unique and stood out from the sea of similar pop music these days. i do love some of the tracks because they were so relatable. what i thought was missing in this piece was variety. to be honest most of the tracks sounded pretty much the same. few of them rlly stood out. but overall itz better than most ive heardamazing album. i love the tone halsey created throughout the piece, itz rlly unique and stood out from the sea of similar pop music these days. i do love some of the tracks because they were so relatable. what i thought was missing in this piece was variety. to be honest most of the tracks sounded pretty much the same. few of them rlly stood out. but overall itz better than most ive heard and i would urge u to go on and pay for it. Expand
  93. Mar 23, 2021
    Artist please take notes!!!! This is how to make a masterpiece, Manic is outstanding it surpassed all my expectations and exceeded them. Halsey is an a r t i s t s no doubt.
  94. Mar 21, 2021
    Definitivamente um dos melhores álbuns que eu já ouvi e digo com tranquilidade. Essa mulher é uma artista completa, e ela evidenciou isso mais ainda nessa era. Halsey entenda que você é tudo ❤️
  95. Apr 13, 2021
    when i first heard manic, i couldn't stop crying. this album is very sensual, frank and at times intimate. it feels like halsey is sitting in front of me and telling the story of her hard life. manic is an alternative album with a touch of country and r&b, which is mesmerizing from the very first song. halsey is still a lyrical genius, she speaks the truth on this album. this album is anwhen i first heard manic, i couldn't stop crying. this album is very sensual, frank and at times intimate. it feels like halsey is sitting in front of me and telling the story of her hard life. manic is an alternative album with a touch of country and r&b, which is mesmerizing from the very first song. halsey is still a lyrical genius, she speaks the truth on this album. this album is an underrated masterpiece. Expand
  96. Aug 19, 2021
    So proud of Halsey! This album couldn't be more honest and enjoyable! Lyrics and productions are awesome!
  97. Aug 25, 2021
    Uma das coisas coisas mais incríveis de Manic é a diversidade de estilos musicais no álbum (pop, rock, kpop, country...), além das letras muito pessoais e íntimas, que deixam o álbum MUITO emocional. Dá pra sentir a sinceridade no que ela canta, é sensacional.
  98. Sep 16, 2021
    For me, it's a very strong, sincere, and artistic album. Well, Halsey is like that.
  99. Feb 1, 2023
    Like the predecessor of this album, this album is simply wonderful and for me there is no flaws

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Q Magazine
    Feb 11, 2020
    Freighted by unflinching lyrics, Manic is a magnificent - and magnificently raw - pop confessional. [Apr 2020, p.110]
  2. Feb 4, 2020
    The real problem is that the best ideas are outvoted by frustrating ones, leaving us with little touches like the short, yelping-like sound in the second verse of More or the distorted vocals that end killing boys. There are some good moments here, but even the best of them can’t help Halsey get out of her own way.
  3. Jan 29, 2020
    Manic is a rich and often confounding listen, an expansive album filled to the brim with the imagined worlds Halsey’s built for herself in the real one. It’s also sincerely, indefatigably Halsey: She puts her loves and ambitions on wholly earnest display, even if it doesn’t always make for the most consistent listen.