• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Dec 18, 2020
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 106 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 87 out of 106
  2. Negative: 11 out of 106
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  1. Dec 18, 2020
    Absolutely brilliant. Loved it. Really impressed by the guys talent still being there at 78. Then again, what could we expect differently from Paul McCartney.


    - Pretty Boys
    - Seize The Day
    - Winter Bird/When Winter Comes
    - Find My Way
  2. Dec 21, 2020
    What an album OMG..

    Every song is good. And I say it again. All OF THEM are good.
    Like the lock down situation: home, love, little madness, family.

    Highlights: LTWB, Find my Way, Pretty Boys, Seize the Day, When Winter Comes

    Best: Kiss of Venus
  3. Dec 20, 2020

    Just shut up and listen to this album.
  4. Dec 20, 2020
    I find it incredible that Paul has worked on this album with so much care and dedication when he is on his way to his 79th. People who negatively criticize the album have only heard it once or incompletely. I find it simply a magnificent record. Thank you so much for this gift, Paul.
  5. Dec 19, 2020
    McCartney III gets better and better in each subsequent listen. Each track on the album showcases the many elements of what has made Macca a staple in popular music for 6 decades. From the slightly experimental Deep Deep Feeling and Deep Down to the the more polished Seize the Day, we see many highlights. When Winter Comes comes away the best track on the LP with a Ram-ishness that is soMcCartney III gets better and better in each subsequent listen. Each track on the album showcases the many elements of what has made Macca a staple in popular music for 6 decades. From the slightly experimental Deep Deep Feeling and Deep Down to the the more polished Seize the Day, we see many highlights. When Winter Comes comes away the best track on the LP with a Ram-ishness that is so very much McCartney. Expand
  6. Dec 18, 2020
    It's McCartney having fun in his quarantine, giving an excellent album with jewels like The Kiss Of Venus or Find My Way, with a very good instrumental at the beginning and coming back to the end it gives a bit of the feeling of a concept album, the best of Paul in many years.
  7. Dec 18, 2020
    Exceptional album. The instrumentation is out of this world, as McCartney continues to prove his prowess as a multi-instrumentalist. The overall tone of the album has a homey feel, much like McCartney I and Ram, and the songs are so diverse and experimental. The drumming stands out in the mix and initiates some sneakily heavy grooves, and the bass playing is.... well, it's McCartney.Exceptional album. The instrumentation is out of this world, as McCartney continues to prove his prowess as a multi-instrumentalist. The overall tone of the album has a homey feel, much like McCartney I and Ram, and the songs are so diverse and experimental. The drumming stands out in the mix and initiates some sneakily heavy grooves, and the bass playing is.... well, it's McCartney.

    This album has something for nearly every fan in the rock milieu. Straight ahead, driving rock on songs like "Lavatory Lil" and "Slidin" is contrasted by the psychedelic approach on songs such as "Long Tailed Winter Bird" and "Deep Deep Feeling". Other gems include "Kiss of Venus" and "Find my Way", the latter of which is likely the most radio-friendly tune, highlighted by soaring, harmonizing guitar lines.

    All in all, this album is a fantastic breath of fresh, winter air right before the holidays. At 78 years old, cherish Sir Paul McCartney and do not take him for granted.
  8. Dec 18, 2020
    a wonderful album, which has a bit of everything and what is not boring, it is an album that pays tribute to its two previous installments
  9. Dec 18, 2020
    Mccartney III nos lleva de principio a fin a ese sonido puro, orgánico y sincero, no pretende un hit o acoplarse a la moda, a pesar de ello, se escucha muy fresco, a la vez que pareciera que tus oídos solo esperaban cada canción del álbum como antiguas musas, amigas o amantes, desde la primera escucha abrazas todo el álbum, es como si el compositor hubiera desnudado su alma y te hubieraMccartney III nos lleva de principio a fin a ese sonido puro, orgánico y sincero, no pretende un hit o acoplarse a la moda, a pesar de ello, se escucha muy fresco, a la vez que pareciera que tus oídos solo esperaban cada canción del álbum como antiguas musas, amigas o amantes, desde la primera escucha abrazas todo el álbum, es como si el compositor hubiera desnudado su alma y te hubiera mostrado su corazón, percibes al músico como un ave que ya tiene una larga trayectoria, experiencia, madurez pero sin traicionarse a si mismo su música se dirige y expresa amor, aunque esta vez con conflicto y calma. Escucharlo es un gran viaje en un ave con larga cola. Expand
  10. Dec 19, 2020
    Absolutely loved it. The songs are so charming and lovely, it's beautiful. The Kiss Of Venus, Deep Down and Slidin' are fantastic songs, it's pure McCartney.
  11. Dec 18, 2020
    I enjoyed this album a lot. Lovely guitar and bass melodies throughout the album; as always with Paul's music. I had hoped for a little more experimental music though, like on McCartney 1 & 2. But it's still a pretty good album.
  12. Dec 18, 2020
    This is really brilliant album!!! In my opinion is the best album Sir Paul made since Memory Almost Full.
    Highlights :
    Long Tailed Winter Bird
    Lavatory Lil
    The Kiss of Venus
    Deep Down
    Winter Bird / When Winter Comes
  13. Dec 18, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. McCartney III is not a perfect album— thought it does come close. Feeling more complete then McCartney (1970) and McCartney II (1980), the album showcases Paul’s continuing songwriting gifts. The album’s bluesy opener “Long Tailed Winter Bird” features one of Sir Paul’s best riffs in years- and while it does drag on slightly too long, it’s infectious. “Find My Way”, the album’a second track, is one that will definitively grow on you- instrumentally it is incredibly impressive, with the 78 year old proving why he is acknowledged as one of the greatest instrumentalists of all time. The song is engrossing and lyrically is most contemporary- Macca acknowledging the anxieties of the Covid Pandemic.

    The next track also is one to grow on you, Pretty Boys, centred around male models- an unusual topic for a McCartney song- contains a classic McCartney melody as his vocals, while weathered, hold up. The track is simplistic and brilliant in such simplicity. It is followed by an also simple and somewhat preachy- though still brilliant- “Women and Wives” where McCartney embraces the melancholy backed by beautiful piano instrumentation. The song’s vocals also prove to be weathered- yet such vocal style is actually better suited to the melody then a younger McCartney would’ve been. “Lavatory Lil” is one of two slightly forgettable tracks on the album- yet it actually is still quite a good song. It focuses on, frankly, a “gold digger” of sorts. In the same thematic vain of “Polythene Pam”, the catchy rocker does indeed grow on you- as McCartney is seen to be clearly enjoying himself. You of course will enjoy yourself too when you question who this might be about- the clear answer is most likely to be Heather Mills, McCartney’s ex-wife.

    The next song is the albums centrepiece in a sense- it runs for 8 minutes, which debatably is too long, and it is one of his most inventive and impressive in years; “Deep Deep Feeling”. The tempo changes, as Paul’s vocals and melodic gifts mesmerise us; it does prove a bit tiresome- specifically lyrically- but it nonetheless is an incredibly enjoyable track.

    “Slidin” shows similarities to “Rock Show” and “Helter Skelter”- and yet it is completely unique. The song is exceptionally entertaining- and Macca proves just how good he is at those rockers. “The Kiss Of Venus” is just beautiful- though completely different to “Slidin”, it is rather similar in that it proves McCartney is really good at what he does; rockers, showstoppers, and pretty acoustic melodies. This is one of the latter, and it is one of his best in recent memory; with a beautiful melody and poetic lyrics. Singing in a higher register, Macca simply impresses.

    “Seize The Day” is the next track- and thoroughly the most Beatle-like. With a guitar riff similar to Bryan May, the song’s optimism and brilliant melody really reflects Macca in many senses; or at least public perception of him.

    “Deep Down” is divisive, it isn’t a track many people are going to love, and it is tiresome to hear after 6 minutes- with no real direction to the song. Nonetheless it is actually quite a melodically impressive song, and instrumentally it is engaging. Despite this, lyrically it’s not great and it could’ve used some editing if included at all- and I have a more positive view of it then most.

    “Winter Bird/When Winter Comes” is the final track of this album- with the former being a reprise of the albums opener, and the latter a track that was written and preformed during the production of Flaming Pie. Macca’s vocals are fresher and it suits this remarkable song. Lyrically it recalls the tracks of RAM and Wild Life- similar to that of “The Heart Of The Country” and “Tomorrow”. It’s warm, optimistic and homely atmosphere, accompanied by its beautiful melody and vocals, develop a perfect ending to the album; and a truly comforting ending to a problematic year to say the least.

    Like Egypt Station, this is an incredibly diverse album- but unlike Egypt Station, when Macca tries to be inventive, he really does succeed. While not perfect, it’s a hell of an album and one that clearly showcases a master at work. Honestly, once the album ended- I was disappointed, not by the album’s quality, but by its shortness. But really, I should just be grateful.
  14. Dec 18, 2020
    Exactly what we needed in quarantine. I love the creativity and optimism in this album, while most other quarantine albums have been more about isolation and depression. Melodically, McCartney is still the best there is. Probably the best there has ever been, in any genre or era of music, from a melodic sense.
  15. Dec 22, 2020
    I suspect most non-fans will join the ranks after a 60-year career not matter the content. But for those who have been followers, especially those who love the 'do it yourself' records like McCarthey II and The Fireman records, this is terrific stuff! The songs sometimes drag on longer than any producer would allow on a mainstream album. Yes, the voice is 78 years old. But this is someI suspect most non-fans will join the ranks after a 60-year career not matter the content. But for those who have been followers, especially those who love the 'do it yourself' records like McCarthey II and The Fireman records, this is terrific stuff! The songs sometimes drag on longer than any producer would allow on a mainstream album. Yes, the voice is 78 years old. But this is some great work. The pure musicianship and the sound mix is exquisite. Almost impossible to believe this is all one person! Expand
  16. Dec 19, 2020
    Tedious drivel
    I cannot believe the universally positive critic and user reviews on this site for this album. Surely this is only because the artist is Sir Paul McCartney. He could probably package a turd and have the musical world swooning.
    I am a Beatles, Wings and McCartney fan. I had to listen to the entire album, hoping that somewhere on it, there would be an average track. Aside from
    Tedious drivel
    I cannot believe the universally positive critic and user reviews on this site for this album. Surely this is only because the artist is Sir Paul McCartney. He could probably package a turd and have the musical world swooning.
    I am a Beatles, Wings and McCartney fan. I had to listen to the entire album, hoping that somewhere on it, there would be an average track.
    Aside from Lavatory Lil, these tracks aren’t fit to be B sides to his better albums.
    His voice is patchy at best and the lyrics humdrum.
    Paul, please stop.
  17. Dec 21, 2020
    As much as the critics insist, this album is nothing but mediocre, not to say that it is a loose and insubstantial record. Let's be honest; if Paul McCartney wasn't its author, what average score would it get?
  18. Dec 20, 2020
    It's a really bored album! I can't understand how so many people like it. Sir Paul certainly left his prime behind.
  19. Dec 24, 2020
    I am pretty disappointed with this album, and I truly don't understand why it is receiving so much praise. This is a very middle of the road effort from Paul, and I am a huge fan. There may be 1 or 2 fully fleshed out songs on the entire release. The material is repetitive, but it is immaculately produced. I can only guess that people are mistaking a nice sound for great music.

    I am pretty disappointed with this album, and I truly don't understand why it is receiving so much praise. This is a very middle of the road effort from Paul, and I am a huge fan. There may be 1 or 2 fully fleshed out songs on the entire release. The material is repetitive, but it is immaculately produced. I can only guess that people are mistaking a nice sound for great music.

    John Lennon famously called out so much of Paul's solo material as lazy, and I have to agree with him here. If this album was released under another artist's name (like the Country Hams), no one would even notice. There is so much better in his catalog than this, I cannot fathom why this work impresses critics or fans alike. From the man that wrote some of the most memorable songs of the last 60 years, there is nothing to remember here. While there is nothing close to Maybe I'm Amazed, there isn't even a Coming Up or My Brave Face or Only Mama Knows here. Pass.
  20. Dec 22, 2020
    I purchased this CD because I expected fresh lyrics that blend with acoustic/electric guitar melody.... Sorry for Sir Paul fans like me, this was performed with created melodies afterwords matched up to non-melodic lyrics. I can't recommend buying this CD unless you listen to it first from another user like me
  21. Dec 23, 2020
    I've been a McCartney fan for 50 years. I bought the original McCartney album in 1970. It was MUCH better than this mess. There is nothing on this new album as good as Maybe I'm Amazed, That Would Be Something, Every Night (my favorite), Ooh You, Momma Miss America, or even Junk. These songs are more at the level of Kreen Akrore. The new album features his old, cracking vocals andI've been a McCartney fan for 50 years. I bought the original McCartney album in 1970. It was MUCH better than this mess. There is nothing on this new album as good as Maybe I'm Amazed, That Would Be Something, Every Night (my favorite), Ooh You, Momma Miss America, or even Junk. These songs are more at the level of Kreen Akrore. The new album features his old, cracking vocals and awful, horrible lyrics. His lyrics were never great, but these are a new low. You should listen to the song samples first before you buy or you may feel cheated. It's not even worth the $3.99 sale price on Amazon to this old McCartney fan. But then I thought Egypt Station was a good album. Your mileage may vary. Expand
  22. Dec 29, 2020
    Be honest, now. If you picked up this album without a clue in the world as to who wrote it, what would you think? I believe that most high ratings for this album would plummet if not for the past work of this ex-Beatle. I grew up thinking that the Beatles were the best, and they were, and I lived and breathed them. Paul and John were magical composers, lyrists-a team that still hasn’t andBe honest, now. If you picked up this album without a clue in the world as to who wrote it, what would you think? I believe that most high ratings for this album would plummet if not for the past work of this ex-Beatle. I grew up thinking that the Beatles were the best, and they were, and I lived and breathed them. Paul and John were magical composers, lyrists-a team that still hasn’t and can’t be beat. I love Paul’s voice when he sings Beatles songs, the screaming (has this ruined his voice) and the familiarity of old songs sung with his older voice. He gives a magical concert. Having said that, I thought of Mick Jagger as I listened to this album, every song on this album sounds the same. No tune draws you, though you may get drawn into a repetitive phrase. Mick Jagger? Every song is different. Paul’’s lyrics? They take you 3/4 of the way there? What is He saying? Funny...pretty boys... young celebs, models, created by his designer daughter. Funny world. “You can’t touch, “ does he want to? What his album says about his life? That he is obsessive in love, that he yearno for his wife sometimes,... maybe she isn’t around like Linda who never left his side. I think Paul has some personality failures with narcissism and I think he discloses it in his music. At any rate, not one song drew me. Not one song measured up to the worst Beatles song. I remember buying his first album after the Beatles. I literally made myself like it by playing it over and over and over (admit it, you do that, too) because I was shocked at how bad it was and this was my Paul. It HAS to be good! Where has Paul, the talented Beatle gone to? Paul needs help to make good music. He isn’t very capable on his own. He WAS magical with John. Maybe Pretty Boys tells us how he needs a male partner(?) much Expand
  23. Jun 16, 2021
    I was a bit surprised at how well this turned out to be honest. I've dipped in and out of McCartney's solo career over the last 30 years and it was actually the 3imagined version of the album that caught my attention and nudged me into checking this out properly. It's definitely the most polished of the 3 records titled "McCartney" but this is as likely down to advances in technology overI was a bit surprised at how well this turned out to be honest. I've dipped in and out of McCartney's solo career over the last 30 years and it was actually the 3imagined version of the album that caught my attention and nudged me into checking this out properly. It's definitely the most polished of the 3 records titled "McCartney" but this is as likely down to advances in technology over the last 50 years than any stylistic choice. The songwriting is pretty good and at times is classic McCartney. It has enough quirkiness to know things aren't being taken too seriously and that the main objective here is fun. There isn't much to complain about really and at 78 years old, if this is to be the closing chapter of his career, it's a strong finish from the greatest of pop song alchemists. Expand
  24. Aug 2, 2023
    I don't give tens so this won't get one either but I really liked this album. I don't think it sounds so spontaneous. He worked hard on this. Well thought out, well played. Well produced. Vocals are strong. Guitar work is exceptional. Lovely basslines, of course. His best in years. Since Chaos and Creation.
  25. Jan 22, 2021
    Paul McCartney is already too far away to try to go out of his comfort zone, and considering the size of his legacy, that the man is still active says a lot about him.

    MccCartney III is an album without surprises, but a very pleasant album to listen to. At 78 years old, this living legend shows that he's not lacking in spirit or ideas. Notable Tracks > Long Tailed Winter Bird >
    Paul McCartney is already too far away to try to go out of his comfort zone, and considering the size of his legacy, that the man is still active says a lot about him.

    MccCartney III is an album without surprises, but a very pleasant album to listen to.
    At 78 years old, this living legend shows that he's not lacking in spirit or ideas.

    Notable Tracks

    > Long Tailed Winter Bird
    > Find My Way
    > Deep Deep Feeling
    > Seize the Day
    > Deep Down
    > Winter Bird / When Winter Comes
  26. Dec 26, 2020
    'McCartney III' is a spontaneous gem that once again proves why Sir Paul is the greatest singer-songwriter of modern times. Unlike his last studio album 'Egypt Station' (which I also love), here Paul takes a lot of risks and goes to musical places he's never been before, and that's saying a lot.

    Standout tracks for me would be "Deep Down", "Deep Deep Feeling" (with quite modern vocals
    'McCartney III' is a spontaneous gem that once again proves why Sir Paul is the greatest singer-songwriter of modern times. Unlike his last studio album 'Egypt Station' (which I also love), here Paul takes a lot of risks and goes to musical places he's never been before, and that's saying a lot.

    Standout tracks for me would be "Deep Down", "Deep Deep Feeling" (with quite modern vocals and very interesting, experimental instrumentations) and the gorgeous "Women and Wives".

    There aren't really any weak tracks (although some melodies such as "Seize The Day" may not be as inspired), and people will find in 'McCartney III' a wider range of genres than on 'McCartney' or 'McCartney II', so there is a song for each taste. Those who prefer rockers will enjoy the classic rock 'n' roll "Lavatory Lil" or the more modern sounding "Slidin'". If you're more into ballads, the acoustic-guitar led "Pretty Boys" and "Kiss of Venus" are beautiful little melodies sung with Paul's current weathered but emotional voice.

    The album opener ("Long Tailed Winter Bird") and closer ("Winter Bird" + the 1992 recording of "When Winter Comes") give the album a sense of unity and work really well in reaffirming the general feel of both experimentation and homely atmosphere.

    In conclusion, it's a fantastic McCartney album, but its less comercial approach might need various listenings to fully appreciate its interesting turns and details.
  27. Aug 4, 2023
    McCartney III, unlike it's predecessors (I&II) is a more consistent listen. It may lack the "Big Song" the other 2 have but taken as a whole it plays better. Repeated listens will solidify this observation. In a society that has short attention span syndrome folks may be less interested in the "art of the album" but for those who can dedicate 40 minutes the rewards to a listen such as thisMcCartney III, unlike it's predecessors (I&II) is a more consistent listen. It may lack the "Big Song" the other 2 have but taken as a whole it plays better. Repeated listens will solidify this observation. In a society that has short attention span syndrome folks may be less interested in the "art of the album" but for those who can dedicate 40 minutes the rewards to a listen such as this are immense. Expand
  28. Jan 14, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. McCartney iii
    It's hard to even recommend this die hard McCartney fans. Probably the worst album he has put out since Off The Ground(1993). Playing this on speakers in my house made me almost embarrassed to be a McCartney fan. So unpolished, and lack of decent ideas or lyrica. The lack of serious effort put into tbis record no more evident than the tacking-on of a demo recording from the early 90s. The album cover looks nice though... And I admit I do enjoy parts here and there(chorus Find My Way)(parts of Kiss of Venus,seize the day), but it's no where near the level of quality of 2018's Egypt Station, the sound is just too hodge-podge and even-more lazy-or-lyrics. You won't find a Jenny Wren level song here either. Think of the worst song on Chaos(2005), yea that's better than this whole album or at least half of it… I have hopes for his next album though, because Egypt Station thay preceded it was so good.
  29. Dec 27, 2020
    Since his departure from The Beatles, the beloved songsmith has alternated between skillfully-written pop masterworks to complete pieces of **** Who would deny the excellence of Ram, Band on the Run, and Flaming Pie? On the other hand, who in their right mind can stomach head-scratchers like Wildlife, Press to Play, and the coma-inducing pablum, Give my Regards to Broad Street. Let'sSince his departure from The Beatles, the beloved songsmith has alternated between skillfully-written pop masterworks to complete pieces of **** Who would deny the excellence of Ram, Band on the Run, and Flaming Pie? On the other hand, who in their right mind can stomach head-scratchers like Wildlife, Press to Play, and the coma-inducing pablum, Give my Regards to Broad Street. Let's face it; what you get out of a Sir Paul release is anybody's guess.

    Interspersed among his bipolar discography is a triad of numbered albums that beg the question, what is so special about this triumvirate? What they appear to represent are three experimental shifts in style and direction. "I" was a lo-fi introspective shift away from Beatlemania. Ten years later, after the dissolution of Wings, "II" set an experimental tone for his next era of pop profundity. Fast forward forty years. In the middle of a pandemic, which he dubbs "rock-down," McCartney finds himself at the final transformational point in the triad.

    This current incarnation harks back to the first. Let's face it; Paul was the polished Beatle, the produced and precise Beatle, while John was rougher around the edges. The combination of the two is what made the magic. On "III", John lets himself go. He skips the razor and hairbrush, and as a result, we see more of his authentic self. He creates grooves and then jumps into them to explore space within. There's a little John Lennon in these tracks, and thus, a bit of magic is conjured.

    "Long Tailed Winter Bird" sets the pace with a vibrant blues riff greeted by scuffled rhythm and vocals a third of the way. "Find my Way' shines the light of hope into the dark space of our modern times with pop savvy. "Women and Wives" is a refreshing conjuring of a bare-bones blues ostinato. "Deep, Deep Feeling" evokes the modern soulfulness of James Blake or Mac Miller.

    "Deep Down" contains the lyric 'Yankee toes and Eskimos can turn to frozen ice' which McCartney wrote upon impulse and later determined that "it's best not to question too deeply a lyric" and left it alone. The closing track, "When Winter Comes," revisits the album's opening blues riff, building and accentuating dramatically. Much like 2020, we begin in the winter and end in the winter with a whole lot of struggle in between.

    In the long and winding road that is Paul McCartney's career, "III" is a rest along a scenic vista after a rough stretch of terrain. Fingers are crossed that "III" marks a pivot from the polished and predictable toward a deeper and more introspective McCartney in his remaining days.

    - Guitar & Pen
  30. Dec 18, 2020
    É um ótimo álbum musicalmente, soa como um retrato mais "confortável" da quarentena, algo menos pesado sentimentalmente. Durante muitos momentos do álbum, é até esquecível o momento pandêmico que vivemos. Eu, pessoalmente, esperava um projeto mais experimental como o McCartney I e II, principalmente pelo momento histórico, político e social conturbado. É um bom álbum, excelente, divertidoÉ um ótimo álbum musicalmente, soa como um retrato mais "confortável" da quarentena, algo menos pesado sentimentalmente. Durante muitos momentos do álbum, é até esquecível o momento pandêmico que vivemos. Eu, pessoalmente, esperava um projeto mais experimental como o McCartney I e II, principalmente pelo momento histórico, político e social conturbado. É um bom álbum, excelente, divertido de ouvir e com faixas muito interessantes artisticamente. O problema é que o álbum insiste em deixar um sentimento de que poderia ser mais. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. The Wire
    Apr 6, 2021
    McCartney’s infamous whimsy tempered by his refreshed penchant for odd sonic detail (the spectral guitar tangles that trail through “Find My Way” for instance) and an aged voice whose natural erosion is more feature than fault. [Feb 2021, p.58]
  2. Jan 22, 2021
    McCartney III may not be the jewel in the crown of his recorded work, but it's a decent record, which proves once and for all that you cannot overlook, second guess, or write off Paul McCartney.
  3. Jan 8, 2021
    It’s catchy, well-crafted, and creative, all while remaining honest. It may not be the groundbreaking production that McCartney has, at times, produced with valiance and majesty, but it just works.