
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Oct 6, 2020
    An electro/disco-infused pop album that does what good pop does best: celebrate our weaknesses, acknowledge our scars, and dance some of the pain away.
  2. Oct 5, 2020
    Overall, Melanie C is just good ol’ fun that does exactly what it says on the tin, and occasionally unearths moments of greatness like “End of Everything” and “Who I Am” which elevate the album into more memorable pastures.
  3. 80
    Loving the Spice Girls today is an exercise in childhood nostalgia; Melanie C honours those fans – and herself – as adults worthy of hearing themselves in vital pop.
  4. Oct 5, 2020
    Relatable and reinvigorated, the catchy and confessional Melanie C is not only a reboot for the artist's sound, but a rebirth for the icon herself.
  5. 60
    Chisholm lacks both the originality and super-wattage of a solo megastar. But her ability to sing to us with the gutsy warmth of a good mate on a karaoke night continues to make her enjoyable audio company.
  6. Oct 2, 2020
    It’s considerably better than it has any right to be, made up of a surprisingly satisfying mix of bright modern pop, standard club bangers and Billie Eilish-esque miserablism.
  7. There are some misfires here and there. ‘Escape’, which details trying to get away from the never-ending plod of everyday life, is so understated that it fails to make an impression. ‘Here I Am’, meanwhile, has the opposite problem – overcooking itself at points into OTT theatrics. Those missteps aside, ‘Melanie C’ is an invigorating, uplifting record.
  8. Oct 2, 2020
    We’d be looking at an even better record had it allowed the space required for her often unrecognised jaw-on-the-floor vocals, but as a whole Melanie C has drawn from a whirlwind year to make a jubilant album that understands where she is right now.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 27 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 27
  2. Negative: 3 out of 27
  1. Apr 4, 2023
    Its her most consistent work in 2 decades. It came a little later in the vintage-disco-pop trend but its well made. And her voice is strongerIts her most consistent work in 2 decades. It came a little later in the vintage-disco-pop trend but its well made. And her voice is stronger than ever. Full Review »
  2. Dec 14, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. Use of autotune and voice effects make this album simply awful and I’m sorry to say but she should retire from music. Full Review »
  3. Oct 12, 2020
    A great mix of light and dark tracks, with an empowering message and plenty of catchy lines. I've had parts of each song stuck in my head allA great mix of light and dark tracks, with an empowering message and plenty of catchy lines. I've had parts of each song stuck in my head all week. Definitely her best album so far. Full Review »