• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Jun 16, 2017
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  1. Feb 19, 2020
    Melodrama is the album of the mf decade. Perfection. From green light to perfect places, you’ll vibe to it, while you slowly die From the inside cause the lyrics are deep and it will probably remind you about your ex lover.
  2. Uva
    Feb 23, 2020
    It is just the best album of the decade. It has many different sounds and each song is just a feeling.
  3. Feb 25, 2020
    The best of the best album in the whole world. Lorde is an complete artist and deserve the world. She’s amazing.
  4. Mar 6, 2020
    Aqui foi o mais perto que algum ser humano conseguiu chegar da perfeição, e como sempre a Lorde fez TUDO
  5. Mar 17, 2020
    This album is just amazing. She put her heart and sole in this album and it shows with liability and green light. I was just shocked when I heard it and these songs are worth listening to. It’s definitely one of the best albums of the 21 century.
  6. Aug 20, 2021
    This is one of my favorite albums ever! It's been by my side at all times and I know this album by heart! Overall, it's consistent, beautiful, poetic, genius... art!!!
  7. Aug 29, 2020
    El mejor álbum que he escuchado por una artista femenina, es simplemente una obra de arte, desde su portada, los sonidos y las letras. Lorde nos dio arte, debemos esperar por eso que queremos (nueva música).
  8. Mar 26, 2020
    amazing album, not a single filler. The production is excellent, the lyrics are touching and relatable. Truly a masterpiece
  9. Mar 26, 2020
    Pure Heroine put the expectations way too hig, but Lorde made the best female album of the decade with Melodrama.
  10. Dec 7, 2020
    At the age of 20, Lorde has proven to be the future of this industry with masterful skills at pop music.

    Favorite tracks: Green Light, Sober, The Louvre, Liability, Hard Feelings / Loveless, Sober II (Melodrama), Writer in the Dark, Supercut, Perfect Places
    Least favorite tracks: Liability (Reprise)
  11. Mar 27, 2020
    This is a one of a kind album with some crisp production and heart aching lyrics. If you want to experience true pop yet something new this is the route!
  12. Mar 27, 2020
    Lorde had shown that she's more than just a one hit wonder on more than just one occasion but this album elevated her to icon status with unparalleled musical intellect.
  13. Aug 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esse álbum simplesmente envelhece como um bom vinho, eu não consigo parar de escutar desde o seu lançamento Expand
  14. Mar 27, 2020
    Este álbum é incrível, eu não tenho palavras pra descrever o que ele me faz sentir, a Lorde colocou seus sentimentos em cada faixa, ele marca minhas playlists até hoje, um obra de arte
  15. Mar 27, 2020
    Melodrama is an album that has been special since the day it got released. It’s been almost three years and you can still appreciate the production and the lyrics as if they were new. Its lyrics are wise, creative, and the fact that it was almost written by just two persons makes it even better, as you feel that it is completely personal to the writer.
    You can feel Lorde in every feeling,
    Melodrama is an album that has been special since the day it got released. It’s been almost three years and you can still appreciate the production and the lyrics as if they were new. Its lyrics are wise, creative, and the fact that it was almost written by just two persons makes it even better, as you feel that it is completely personal to the writer.
    You can feel Lorde in every feeling, falling in love, feeling like a liability, in her best moments and in her worst moments. This album deserves all the praise and is such a pity to see how underestimated Melodrama has been
  16. Jul 22, 2020
    truly the best album of all time methinks. i just can’t explain the feelings each and every second of every track on this album evokes inside of me. i don’t know a more powerful artist and i’m itching for her third work of art to be released
  17. Jul 27, 2020
    Melodrama es uno de esos álbumes que lo escuchas y jamás te cansarías de escucharlo. Es arte este disco y su voz hermosa, letras hermosas.
  18. Nov 6, 2020
    Melodrama is one of the most legendary albums of all time! I can't choose my favorite song, all songs are TERRIFIC. And I don't think that people who is listened whole album can choose their number one song. And THIS ALBUM DESERVED ALBUM OF THE YEAR DON'T TRY TO CHANGE MY MINE!!
  19. Mar 29, 2020
    A story telling that makes me wanna cry and dance at the same time. Only true work and talent can do this.
  20. Apr 5, 2020
  21. Apr 5, 2020
    Los grammys le robaron, definitívamente el álbum del año y de la década entera, grande Lorde¡
  22. Apr 14, 2020
    Perfect , just perfect.
    Lorde has created a queendom with her music
    Every single beat is right in this álbum, just wow
  23. Jul 27, 2020
    3 years after this album was released I finally listened to it, and I regret not hearing this masterpiece before. This album is just magnificent. The songs were in the order they managed to be so that this album feels like a story or a movie. The production on this album was great, innovative, hard, and not too experimental to me; the lyrics as well, they could emit emotions on me, and3 years after this album was released I finally listened to it, and I regret not hearing this masterpiece before. This album is just magnificent. The songs were in the order they managed to be so that this album feels like a story or a movie. The production on this album was great, innovative, hard, and not too experimental to me; the lyrics as well, they could emit emotions on me, and sometimes they even made me create in my head scenes of what she was singing about. I'll be honest, the first time I heard it I didn't really connect to the album, but after hearing it again I realized that I ignored too many details, it was like I had a beautiful painting in front of me and I just looked at it saying "meh"; but after the second listen I really enjoyed it and as I was listening to the album more and more, it progressively got better.
    So, if you don't like the album it's because you don't want to appreciate it.
    So far, this is my favorite album ever.
  24. Jun 5, 2020
    What can I say about Melodrama? amazing, beautiful, incredible... There are so much words to describe this album. It changes my life and affects my life so much. I can dance to this, cry to this the whole day. Lorde is a very talented songwriter and story teller. I really love how each tracks of this album represents a story that Lorde would want to tell us. Lorde is a very passionate andWhat can I say about Melodrama? amazing, beautiful, incredible... There are so much words to describe this album. It changes my life and affects my life so much. I can dance to this, cry to this the whole day. Lorde is a very talented songwriter and story teller. I really love how each tracks of this album represents a story that Lorde would want to tell us. Lorde is a very passionate and vulnerable artist. I love all tracks of this album. This album is one of my top 10 most favorite albums of all time. We love you Ella !! Expand
  25. Apr 18, 2020
    i can't remember the times I've listened to this album over and over again and decide whether I should worship lorde or lord.
  26. Apr 24, 2020
    genuinely one of the only albums where every track is necessary and equally amazing . absolutely timeless !
  27. May 1, 2020
    Absolutely marvelous luv xx. Its so good and thats just period! No more to say.
  28. May 12, 2020
    Meh, fuera de que sobrevaloran este álbum debería decir que tiene buenos tracks ya sean ¨Perfect Places¨ y ¨Supercut¨ igual su critica la merecía más UV pero aún así es un buen álbum fuera de que recicla sonidos y tiene un remix.
  29. May 9, 2020
    Definitivamente el mejor álbum del 2017 y ha envejecido perfectamente, podría oírlo 1023213 veces sin aburrirme.
  30. May 15, 2020
    Es innegable no decir que "Melodrama" compone los elementos claves para asegurar un pop de calidad. En una era donde la música popular predomina los sonidos plásticos, con un tanto de superficialidad y letras que parecen copiadas y pegadas, Lorde, viene a dar un respiro a la música pop, integrando sonidos profundos y letras pensadas. Nos hace pasar de sonidos tan peculiares como "HardEs innegable no decir que "Melodrama" compone los elementos claves para asegurar un pop de calidad. En una era donde la música popular predomina los sonidos plásticos, con un tanto de superficialidad y letras que parecen copiadas y pegadas, Lorde, viene a dar un respiro a la música pop, integrando sonidos profundos y letras pensadas. Nos hace pasar de sonidos tan peculiares como "Hard Feelings/Loveless", pasando por baladas cuidadas como "Liability" (en la cual destaca su implecable lírica) y llegando a un pop muy concreto como "Green Light" pero en la cual hace notar la alta capacidad de producción y de el paso de ambientes dentro del álbum. Como lo dijo alguna vez David Bowie, Lorde, puede ser la joven promesa para ser el futuro de la música, y nos lo está comprobando con tan solo su segundo álbum. Un regreso perfecto, desde su también aclamado álbum debut "Pure Heroine". Este álbum explica la claridad artística, musical y lírica que tiene Lorde, y que se extraña en el Pop. Como dijo ella en una entrevista, Ella no es una máquina de alguna discográfica que tiene que sacar álbum cada 5 meses, y se puede notar claramente. Melodrama pasará a la historia de los álbumes pop. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 32
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 32
  3. Negative: 0 out of 32
  1. 80
    There are no gimmicks. There’s nothing screaming for acceptance. Melodrama is a raw, real album under its sparkly clean production. One written for the masses but able to resonate with each individual listener.
  2. Q Magazine
    Jul 6, 2017
    Lorde's biggest achievement is retaining her emotional insight into herself and her generation despite her utterly transformed life. [Aug 2017, p.100]
  3. Jul 6, 2017
    Still only 20 years old, Lorde could have been forgiven for floundering under the weight of expectation. Instead she’s reasserted her status as today’s ultimate alt-pop artist with a record that balances the contemporary with the classic in typically immaculate style.